classroom English

1- Commencer la leçon

Take off your coats / anoraks.

Good morning ! Good afternoon ! Hello ! Hi !

Anybody absent today ?

What's the date ? What day is it today ?

How is the weather ? What's the weather like ?

Tell us about your week end…

Open / shut the door / the window.

2- Lancer une activité

Come here !

Get into a line ! Form a circle.

Get in pairs ! Get into groups !

Ask your partner a question.

Take your copybook / ringbinder ! Get your book out !

Open your copybook ! Close your copybook !

Write this down !

Tick the right answer.

Colour the right answer in blue.

Come / go to the board ! Can you come ? Come to the front.

Now, it's your turn, you're the teacher !

Go back to your seat.

Raise your hand / put your hand up !

Sit down ! Stand up !

Look at the card / the poster / the display !

Point to… ! Show me the…

Open / close your eyes

3- Vérifier la compréhension

Is that right or wrong ?

Put your hand up if you understand / don't understand.

I don't understand.

Tell it in French.

What's the English for… ? What's … in English ?

How do you say …?

Can you repeat (this word) ?

Say it slowly.

4- Fonctionnement de la classe

Hurry up, please !

Be quiet ! / Silence, please.

(I want to see) Nothing on the tables. Clear your table.

Don't speak French.

Don't speak all together.

Stop talking / writing / playing…

Turn round. Sit properly.

Look at me.

Be careful. Get on with your work.

Speak louder.

Sorry but I did not hear.

5- Evaluer

Good / excellent / super / well done / great / splendid

Come on, you can do it !

That's better.

That's nearly / almost right.

That's quite good.

Not so bad…

les notes : de A (très bien) à F (bof…)