General Program Business/Industry Certification
Career and Technical Curriculum Section
School System:School Name:
Program Name:
SDE Facilitator:
List course titles of lesson plan books for the program being reviewed. (Must correlate with titles from the course of study and Daily Schedules)
If Option One is selected by an LEA for Section 3 must be completed for each program being reviewed during the 2011-2012 instructional year by the Local Career and Technical Education Administrator or Assistant CTE Administrator, or Building Principal and all pages returned to the State Department of Education-Business/Industry Certification facilitator a minimum of two weeks prior to the scheduled BIC team on-site program review.
If Option Two is selected only this page with the signature of the CTE administrator must be returned to the State Department of Education-Business/Industry Certification facilitator a minimum of two weeks prior to the scheduled BIC team on-site program review.
NOTE: For the program being reviewed each course must have a syllabus and lesson plans. LEAs must select one of the options below to validate the review of the documents required.
Option One: A Syllabus and Lesson Plans for courses from the current Career and Technical Education Course of Study for the program being reviewed were reviewed.
_____Syllabus and Lesson Plans were in compliance. _____ Syllabus and/or Lesson Plans were not in compliance. List items of noncompliance below.
Signature of CTE Administrator/CTE Assistant Administrator/Building Principal Date Position
Option Two: Lesson Plan and syllabus reviewed by Education Team on the day of the on-site review: If lesson plans and syllabus are being reviewed by a team member or members, complete the following pages:
Option 2 ONLY
The Education Team consists of one or more teachers with knowledge of the career and technical education program being reviewed.
Name:E-Mail Address:
School Name: / School Phone:
E-Mail Address:
School Name: / School Phone:
ü I am not related to any of the persons (administrator, counselor, teacher, etc.) involved with the program being reviewed.
ü I am able to crosswalk the content standards to the lesson plans based on the knowledge I have of the Alabama Career and Technical Education: Course of Study related to the program being reviewed.
ü I have a minimum of three years teaching experience within the past six years in the program area being reviewed.
ü I am not performing a reciprocal review.
ü I am not a current employee of the system being reviewed and have not worked for the system being reviewed within the past five years.
I agree that the above statements are true and that I will conduct this review in a fair and impartial manner. I will uphold the integrity of the review process and hold all program information confidential.
Team Member’s Signature
Team Member’s Signature
Section 3 /Equity Requirement/
Legal Cites / Indicators of Compliance / Documentation / Status /
Yes / No / NA /
A course syllabus is provided to students by each teacher for each course listed on his/her Daily Schedule.
Legal Cites:
Perkins 2006
Section 124(b)(4)(A)
Section 124(b)(4)(B)
Section 124 (b)(5)
Section 134(b)(3)
Section 134 (8)(A)
Section 134 (8)(B)
Section 134(8)(C)
Section 16-B-2(d)
Section 16-B-2(3)(i)Acts 1995 No. 95-313, p620, Section 2, Act 200-312, 1st Special Session, Section1)
290-6-1-.04(3)(a-d) / Indicator is:
· A course syllabus for each course listed on each teacher’s Daily Schedule(s) / Does the syllabus show evidence of the following information for each course on each teacher’s Daily Schedule(s)? / Compliance
b) Program name
c) Essential question(s)
d) Course title
e) Prerequisite or indicates that no prerequisite is required
f) Course goals
g) Course description
h) Course outline
i) Assessment procedures
j) Culminating product(s)
k) Grading scale
l) Available student industry credential(s)
Equity Requirements/
Legal Cites / Indicators of Compliance / Documentation / Status
Yes / No / NA
QUALITY FACTOR: LP6.2-11 Curriculum
Each teacher provides lesson plans for each course listed on his/her Daily Schedule.
Legal Cites:
Perkins 2006
Section 124(b)(4)(A)
Section 124(b)(4)(B)
Section 124 (b)(5)
Section 134(b)(3)
Section 134 (8)(A)
Section 134 (8)(B)
Section 134(8)(C)
CA :
Section 16-B-2(d)
Section 16-B-2(3)(i)Acts 1995 No. 95-313, p620, Section 2, Act 200-312, 1st Special Session, Section1
290-6-1-.05(4)(a-b) / Indicators are:
· Each teacher’s Daily Schedule
· Lesson plans covering all Course of Study content standards in each course listed on each teacher’s Daily Schedule(s) for the full instructional year unless this is a new course offering. New course offerings require lesson plans to current date plus an additional two weeks. / Do lesson plans show evidence of the following? / Compliance
If NO is marked for any indicator, list the related course name and beside it write the letter of the non-compliant indicator from the checklist.
a) Course title
b) Overview/annotation
c) Background/preparation
d) Materials/equipment/technology resources
e) Procedures/activities/learning experiences
f) Varied assessment strategies
g) Provisions for individual differences allowing all students to reach their level of excellence (e.g., accommodations, modifications, enhancements, remediation)
h) Estimated duration in minutes or hours and fractions thereof for the lesson
Do lesson plans show evidence that the following areas are addressed as part of the course instruction?
i) Safety instruction as an integral part of the program
j) Teamwork activities
k) Varied learning activities (e.g., project-based activities, presentations, class discussions, role playing, simulations, etc.)
l) Integrated academics
m) Employability skills
n) Problem solving & management skills
o) Available student industry credential(s)
p) Essential question(s)
q) Primary learning objective(s)
r) Integrated CTSO experiences
s) If live work is utilized, evidence is included of how live work supplements instructions of content standards
t) Course/program culminating project
u) All content standards for the course
v) Evaluation/notations made by teacher indicating need for lesson enhancement