John R. Baumgardner/West Hanover PTA Scholarship
The John R. Baumgardner/West Hanover PTA Scholarshipis to be awarded annually to a graduating senior from a high school within the CentralDauphinSchool District or a school in which the CentralDauphinSchool District provides transportation. The scholarship will be awarded to a student who is entering his/her freshman year in post-secondary education. The award will be a two one-year $1,000 scholarships, which shall be paid directly to the institution specified by the recipient.
- Conditions of Eligibility
- Each applicant must be a candidate for graduation from a senior high school within the CentralDauphinSchool District or a high school in which the CentralDauphinSchool District provides transportation.
- Each applicant must have completed (3) or more grades at WestHanoverElementary School.
- Eligibility or preference of selection shall in no way be affected by race, religion or national origin.
- Criteria for Selection-Considerations for selection of scholarship recipient will be:
- Academic standing with the high school as confirmed by official transcripts.
- School and community service.
- Financial need will not be a consideration for selection.
- Information gained from the applicant's written essay containing his/her educational plans and goals.
- Selection Procedure
- Notice of the scholarship will be publicized throughout the senior high schools within CentralDauphinSchool District and those high schools to which CentralDauphinSchool District provides transportation. The student may secure an application from their high school guidance counselor. Applications will be provided to students outside the specified schools upon request. Once the student has completed the student portion of the application, it will be returned to the counselor for completion and forwarded to the selection committee. The deadline for making applications is April 8th of their senior year.
- The John R. Baumgardner/West Hanover PTA Scholarship Selection Committee will choose the recipient of the scholarship. The Selection Committee shall consist of five (5) persons including:
At least one (1)individual not affiliated with West Hanover Elementary School
West Hanover Elementary School PTA members or volunteers
At least (1) teacher from West Hanover Elementary School
- The scholarship will be presented during the Senior Awards Ceremony at the recipient's high school.
- The high school guidance counselor must submit all the items on the checklist below to:
WestHanoverElementary School
7740 Manor Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Attention: Scholarship Committee
Completed Scholarship Application Form
250 word essay
Recommendation Form (high school faculty member)
Recommendation Form (by non-family member: coach, Sunday school teacher, minister, etc.
Secondary school Record-Transcript
Current Semester Transcript
John R. Baumgardner/West Hanover PTA Scholarship
I, ____________, hereby make application for the John R. Baumgardner/West Hanover PTA Scholarship sponsored by the West Hanover Parent Teacher Association. I understand the conditions and qualifications under which the scholarship is awarded. I authorize the review committee, as established by the West Hanover Elementary PTA to make the necessary inquiries.
Signature of Applicant Date
Address of Applicant (Please Print)
Signature of Parent or Guardian
Address (it different from the Applicant)
Name of the Educational Institution you plan to attend
Name of the Bursar/Bursar's office
Address of the Bursar
Grades completed and years attended at WestHanoverElementary School.
High School from which you will graduate.
______Year: ______
List your extracurricular activities while a student in elementary through high school (examples: athletics, student government, dramatics, honors, awards, distinctions.)
Indicate any leadership positions you may have held. Include any special contributions you have made to these groups/activities. Attach an additional sheet if necessary. ______
List any community/volunteer activities while a student in elementary through high school. These would be any activities outside of school (example: church, scouts, service/interest groups.) List any leadership positions or special contributions made to any of these organizations. ______
Scholarship Essay:
Attach a one-page typed narrative of not more than 250 words stating your educational goals and objectives.
John R. Baumgardner/West Hanover PTA Scholarship
High School Faculty Recommendation Form
Name of Applicant
The student whose name appears above has applied for a West Hanover Elementary School PTA Scholarship to help finance his/her post-secondary education. The selection committee would like your appraisal of the applicant (his/her personal and academic characteristics which would attest to his/her ability to profit from study at a post-secondary institution. Please give your impressions of the applicant's attitude, motivation, chance of success in achieving goals and citizenship. Please include contributions to the school and participation in extracurricular activities. Feel free to include other pertinent information. Please return this form to the student's guidance counselor.
Signature of Reference Date Affiliation to Applicant
Name of Reference (Print) Phone number
City, State Zip
John R. Baumgardner/West Hanover PTA Scholarship
Non-School Recommendation Form
Name of Applicant
The student whose name appears above has applied for a West Hanover Elementary School PTA Scholarship to help finance his/her post-secondary education. The selection committee would like your appraisal of the applicant (his/her personal and academic characteristics which would attest to his/her ability to profit from study at a post-secondary institution. Please give your impressions of the applicant's attitude, motivation, chance of success in achieving goals and citizenship. Please include the student's activities outside of school. Feel free to include other pertinent information. Please return this form to the student's guidance counselor.
Signature of Reference Date Affiliation to Applicant
Name of Reference (Print) Phone number
City, State Zip