4-Weeks Summer School

“Enhancing Academic Qualifications

in Teaching and Research in Public Health”

Heidelberg University, August 1 – 28, 2018


for agrant proposal

on a public health relevant teaching or research project

If you choose to develop a grant proposal as your main project for the summer school, please submit the draft outline of your proposal as part of the application package that will be used as one of the grading criteria in the selection process. Should you be selected to participate in the summer school, you will have an opportunity to revise and finalize your grant proposal during the respective module.

1. Personal Information

TitleFirst Name Family Name (as stated in passport)

Position (PhD / Master student) E-mail

2. General Information ON YOUR PROJECT

Title of the proposed project for which you want to apply for a grant

Targeted donor(s): Who would you send your grant application to?

Reference to the specific all for proposals (if known); please either indicate the web link to the respective call or add the call for applications to this outline

Funding period; what is the overall period of your project (no of months)?

Overall budget of your project: what is the overall funding you apply for?

2. Background

Rational/justification for your planned project

Clear Objectives of your project

Expected results of your project


Briefly describe your proposed methodology (full sentences, no bullet points):

Give a short justification of the choice of your methods and tools (full sentences, no bullet points):

Expected results of your research/study/project (full sentences, no bullet points):

3. Workplan and resources

Give an overview of your main activities

Give an overview of your project team and indicate their specific tasks

Give an overview of your budget breakdown according to different budget lines (such as: human resources, travel and accommodation, equipment and materials, and others)

Please note that the quality of this grant proposal outline is one important selection critieria for the summer school.

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