Minutes for October Board Meeting

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Attendees: Rico Chiarillo, John Calcavecchia, Byron Frank, Ken Brickner, Mike Dunst, Russ Arnold, Ton Engle, Tony Sardilli, Paul Nanos, Bill Collins, Kevin Quigley, Kirt Rasmussen, Dave Conrad, Matt Guglielmo

1)  Meeting called to order at 7:38 pm

2)  Motion made to accept September meeting minutes. Motion seconded and accepted.

3)  Rico announced the positions of the new Executive Board for the 2011-2012 season.

President: Rico Chiarillo

Vice President of Baseball: Michael Mihalek

Vice President of Softball: Tony Sardilli

Treasurer: Matt Guglielmo

Secretary: Byron Frank

Player Agent: Dan Stepeck / Larry Green (asst.)

Information Officer: Mike Dunst / Ken Brickner (asst.)

Safety Officer: John Calcavecchia / Kevin Quigley (asst.)

Coaching Coordinator: Tom Engle / Dave Conrad (asst.)

Umpire in Chief: Mike Gulino

4)  Matt Guglielmo (Treasurer) presented his monthly report with the following highlights

·  $950 outstanding fees for Fall Ball Registration

·  $100 contribution from Exchange Club of Farmington

·  Player fee of $1,270 paid to Town of Farmington ($10 per player)

·  Dumpster fee of $224

·  Cost of Uniforms was $3,877 ($3,342 for baseball, $535 for softball)

Matt also presented the financial statement for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2011. Some of the key variances included

·  Fundraising / Sponsorship: $15,173

·  Umpires $1,361 - some fees will fall into the next fiscal year

·  Concession: $1,219 - less expenses than budget, no revenue in budget

·  Special Events: $1,152

·  Fields: $938

·  Registration: ($5,746)

·  Uniforms: ($674)

$3,500 fee is an outstanding item concerning expenses from Town of Farmington for scoreboard installation. Rico will review bill with Russ Arnold and/or Town of Farmington.

5)  Kirt Rasmussen gave an update on Fall Ball. Basically, there are no major issues. The weather has been a challenge over the last few weeks, but most games have been played. The last weekend of games will be Oct. 22-23 (Oct. 15-16 at the Farmington fields). With the rainy weather, maintenance of fields has been challenging with the limited drying material. Some game times have been moved in order to have umpires available. Umpires are mostly teenagers who are also playing during the fall season.

6)  Rico led a discussion on reviewing the list of Advisory Board members and removing members who are no longer active in the league.

7)  Committees for 2011-12

A list of committees was passed out at the meeting in order for members to sign up. The list will probably need to go around again at next meeting. Also, chairpersons will be selected. The Audit committee is a new committee for this year.

The list of committees, are the following:

Audit, Clinics and Coaching, Concession Stand, Fields and Facilities, Finance and Fundraising, FYBL Appreciation Day, Registration and tryouts, Scheduling (2 people only), Softball, Special Events, Summer Tournaments, Umpires and rules

8)  Equipment Return & Inventory:

All equipment will need to be returned on October 29 (Fall Clean Up Day). Also suggested was taking an inventory in order to see what will be needed for next year.

9)  Fields and Facilities Final Report /Budget

The final report was not available, but will be sent out along with the minutes to this meeting. Some of the highlights from Rico and the group included

·  No activity on the capital budget

·  Pitching mounds need some work

·  Maintenance of fields after rain has been issued. Water/dirt being pushed into the outfield causing big dips. The town will need to repair. Ongoing discussion on the proper maintenance of the field. As part of the coaching clinic before next year, we need to set aside 15-30 minutes to discuss the proper maintenance of the field.

·  Still having some issues with tractor

·  Need to get an inventory of keys to the buildings at the complex

10)  The Fall Clean-up Day will be on Saturday, October 29, with a rain date of November 5.

11)  Concession Stand

We discussed the Concession Stand for the past season. It seems like Esther lost money over the year (do not know how much). The power outage in June was a major contributing factor to her losses.

For the upcoming season, the sentiment was we need to move away from the vendor structure and have it run by volunteers. We will need a committee to set the menu, schedule and open and close the Concession Stand each day. The scheduling of team coverage should not be an issue once the game schedule is established in early April. For the lower leagues, we probably need 3-4 hours per team. For the upper leagues, 6-8 hours per team

12)  Next FYBL Meeting: Sun., November 6 @ 7 pm (needs to be rescheduled)

13)  Meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm