City of Albuquerque

Department of Family & Community Services

Division of Health and Human Services

Fiscal Year 2014

Request for Proposals from Non-Profit or Governmental Agencies for

Behavioral Health Services

RFP Number: RFP-DFCS-CHSCP-13-07



1.0 Background

2.0 Purpose

3.0 Administrative Requirements

4.0 Priority Activities/Scope of Service

5.0  Eligible Responders

6.0  Eligible Beneficiaries

7.0 Technical Assistance

8.0 Instructions for Completing Application

9.0 Compliance with Social Services Agreements, Procurement Rules and Regulations

10.0  Submission Process/Deadlines

1.0  Background

The City of Albuquerque, Department of Family and Community Services has established a series of priorities for funding. The City of Albuquerque, through the Coordinated Human Services Contract Program (CHSCP), has adopted a uniform process for soliciting and reviewing project proposals. Priority Activities described in Section 4.0 may be eligible for two additional one-year funding renewals after the original one year contract term as indicated under each Scope of Service Description. Funds for this program are subject to final approval of the City Council, availability of City General Funds and where applicable, receipt of Community Development Block Grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

2.0 Purpose

The purpose of this request for Proposals is to solicit innovative and effective proposals from qualified non-profit organizations interested in providing services for populations in need of specific social services.

The City’s Department of Family and Community Services has recently completed a series of City-wide Community Needs Assessments in the areas of “affordable housing”, “social services/supportive housing”, “fair housing” and “economic development.” Based on the results of these assessments, the Department with the help of the Albuquerque Community has identified nine (9) priority populations and nine (9) priority geographic areas that will be one of the focuses of the Department’s programming activities over the 2013-2017 Program Period. The nine (9) priority populations are: Youth Transitioning from Foster care and/or the Juvenile Justice System, Female Veterans and Two Parent Veteran Families, Seniors Raising Grandchildren and Seniors over the age of 75, Adults with Behavioral Health/Mental Health issues, Persons with Physical Disabilities including Persons with HIV/AIDs, Persons with a History of Incarceration, Single Parent Families, Victims of Domestic Violence, Minority populations especially Native American, African American and Hispanic populations. The nine (9) priority neighborhoods are: Alta Monte, Barelas, Santa Barbara Martineztown, Trumbull, Crest Planning Area, West Mesa, Sawmill, Downtown Core, and San Jose.

Although these are not the only populations and/or neighborhoods that are eligible for and the focus of City funding, they are Department priorities. Therefore, when applicable to the specific project, please address in the proposal narratives how proposed projects will support the Department in meeting its 2013-2017 identified priorities.

There are additional populations and priorities set forth by the Department that are also contained within this RFP, that are to be addressed with equal diligence.

Proposals will be accepted until 4:00 pm on Monday, March 31, 2014, and must be submitted to the Office of the City Clerk.

3.0 Administrative Requirements

Potential responders to this Request for Proposals are strongly advised to become familiar with the content of the most current version of the publication entitled "Administrative Requirements for Contracts Awarded under the City of Albuquerque, Department of Family and Community Services Social Services Program" (hereinafter referred to as the “Administrative Requirements”). The publication contains uniform administrative rules for contracts awarded pursuant to the Department’s Social Services Program. Contractors are expected to understand and comply with all applicable rules contained within the publication. Among the topics covered in the publication are: Allowable Activities; Beneficiary Populations; Definitions; Application for Funding through City of Albuquerque Community Development Program; Eligible Entities; Required Assurances; Budgetary Guidelines for Community Development Contracts; Award Procedures and Contract Expenditures; Accounting for Community Development Contract Funds; Work Plans; Amendments; Program Performance Reports; Suspension and Termination Procedures; and Standard Forms for City Contracts.

The Administrative Requirements are available online on the Department’s website at (.) A printed copy can also be obtained, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., at the City of Albuquerque, Department of Family and Community Services, 5th floor, Room 504, Old City Hall, One Civic Plaza, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102.

The following priority activity detailed below is also required to comply with applicable sections of the most recent version of the Albuquerque Minimum Standards for Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Minimum Standards”): 4.1. Contractors are expected to understand and comply with all applicable rules contained within the publication. The Minimum Standards are available online on the Department’s website at (.) A printed copy can also be obtained, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., at the City of Albuquerque, Department of Family and Community Services, 5th floor, Room 504, Old City Hall, One Civic Plaza, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102.

In addition, it is advisable that interested responders are familiar with the City’s Consolidated plan found at this link (.). Hard copies are available upon request Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., at the City of Albuquerque, Department of Family and Community Services, 5th floor, Room 504, Old City Hall, One Civic Plaza, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102.

4.0  Priority Activities/Scope of Services

4.1 Provide Direct Services to the Urban Native American Indian Population

The Department will allocate $180,500 for services to low- and moderate-income as defined in Section 6 of this RFP, urban Native American Indians. “Urban Native American Indians” are defined as Native American Indians who are living in Albuquerque. Behavioral Health Services provided should include, but not be limited to: (1) administering an evidenced based substance abuse assessment, (2)culturally relevant group and individual counseling; (3) family education and counseling; (4) case management; and (5) referral to supportive services. The successful respondent providing Behavioral Health Services will adhere to the Department’s Minimum Standards. Additional services in this program should include, but not be limited to: (1) provide assistance designed to assist Native American Indians in securing needed social services to improve the quality of their life in Albuquerque; and (2) receiving referrals from community partners for assistance including housing, vocational, financial, food, clothing, or transportation services; and (3) conducting referrals to community partners for housing, vocational, or other types of assistance. Successful applicants will conduct outreach specifically to urban Native Americans.

Services funded by this program are to commence July 1, 2014, and continue through June 30, 2015. This contract is eligible for renewal for two additional one- year periods based upon performance and availability of funds.

5.0  Eligible Responders

5.1 General Eligibility

An agency which is a unit of state or local government and/or an agency currently incorporated as a nonprofit corporation, duly registered and in good standing with the State of New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, which has not-for-profit status under 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Code and which has demonstrated capability in providing the services for which it is applying is an eligible responder for award of a contract pursuant to this RFP. Ineligible entities as defined in Section 6.3 of the Social Services Contracts Procurement Rules and Regulations of the Department are restricted from submitting a proposal. A printed copy may be obtained, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., at the City of Albuquerque, Department of Family and Community Services, 5th floor, Room 504, Old City Hall, One Civic Plaza, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102.

5.2  Limitations on Assistance to Primarily Religious Organizations

Federal regulations and other restrictions prohibit the use of City funds to renovate, rehabilitate, or convert buildings owned by primarily religious organizations. Independent, not-for-profit entities established by primarily religious organizations, however, may be assisted. This provision does not prohibit a primarily religious organization from carrying out the eligible activities as long as such activities are carried out in a manner free from religious influences pursuant to conditions prescribed in the Representations and Certifications form (APP #8) attached to this RFP and required as an attachment to the responder’s proposal.

5.3 Additional Requirements

a. Personnel Policies:

Organizations applying for a contract under this solicitation must have a written set of personnel policies and procedures that have been formally adopted by its governing board. This document must specify policies governing terms and conditions for employment; compensation and fringe benefits; holidays, vacation and sick leave; conflict of interest; travel reimbursement; and employee grievance procedures.

b.  Conflict of Interest Policies:

Organizations submitting proposals under this solicitation must have in force a written conflict of interest policy that at a minimum:

(1) Applies to the procurement and disposition of all real property, equipment, supplies, and services by the agency and to the agency's provision of assistance to individuals, businesses, and other private entities.

(2) Provides that no employee, board member, or other person who exercises any decision making function with respect to agency activities may obtain a personal or financial benefit from such activities for themselves or those with whom they have family or business ties during their tenure with the agency or for one year thereafter.

c.  Accounting Policies:

Responder organizations must have in place a set of accounting policies that meet minimum standards established by the City in the Administrative Requirements, Accounting for DFCS Social Services Contract Funds.

d.  Active Board:

Nonprofit responders must be able to document that its governing board is constituted in compliance with approved bylaws and that it actively fulfills its responsibilities for policy direction, including regularly scheduled meetings for which minutes are kept.

6.0  Eligible Beneficiaries

Programs supported, in whole or in part, with funding awarded as a result of this RFP must be targeted to residents of Albuquerque. In accordance with the Administrative Requirements, programs must target residents of

Albuquerque whose annual family incomes are at or below 80% of the median family income for the

Albuquerque Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) as established by the U.S. Department of Housing and

Urban Development, unless otherwise specified. At the discretion of the Department, income tests lower than 80% of the median income may be established for specific programs supported through DFCS social services contracts.

Income eligibility levels by family size will be published annually by the Department.

7.0  Technical Assistance

Technical assistance will be provided at the request of responder agencies by the City of Albuquerque Department of Family & Community Services, Ellen Braden, Community Outreach Coordinator (505.768.2788) during regular working hours.

7.1 Pre-Proposal Meeting

Staff of the Department of Family and Community Services will conduct one mandatory pre-proposal conference for entities interested in submitting proposals in response to this solicitation:

Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Time: 3:30 pm

Location: Department of Family and Community Services

Old City Hall Building

Room 504/5th floor

Large Conference Room

One Civic Plaza

Albuquerque, NM 87102

8.0 Instructions for Completing Applications

8.1 Proposal Format

The proposal should be completed and assembled as indicated below. Appendices or non-required attachments including letters of endorsement, agency brochures, or news clips may be included if copied onto 8 1/2" x 11" paper. To expedite handling, please do not use covers, binders, or tabs. Please paginate and collate.

8.2 Cover Sheet

Responders must use the attached Proposal Summary and Certification Form (APP #1) as a cover sheet for their proposals. An authorized official of the governmental agency or of the policy board of a non-profit agency to whom agency staff are responsible must sign the form.

8.3 Project Narrative

The project narrative, not including attachments, shall not exceed 13 typed, double-spaced, single-sided 8 1/2" x 11" pages. The narrative should be prepared according to the format outlined below.

a. Need for Project

The responder should clearly describe their understanding of the community conditions, as well as the specific population, to be addressed by the project and their understanding of best practices to address the target population and the community needs.

b. Inputs

What are the resources invested in this project? (money, staff, organizational skills, volunteers, time, in-kind contributions, materials, facilities, equipment) Are there any constraints on resources that may effect success of the project? Identify linkages to other agencies and resources: who are your referral sources? Who are your partners? Do you have specific MOU’s in place and with whom? Identify specific source, type and amount of leveraged funding for the project. Identify if the leveraged funds are committed or anticipated, pending approval.

c. Project Methods

The responder should describe specific plans for conducting the project, including (1) the characteristics of the project, (2) the major subtasks, subdivisions or subactivities to be performed in order to complete the project; (3) the specific and measurable objectives for each task; (4) the time frame within which these objectives are to be accomplished.; and (5) the personnel (by position) who will complete the tasks, including the specific responsibilities and levels of experience and training required. Resumes of existing personnel filling these positions, or job descriptions for unfilled positions, should be included as an attachment.

d. Plan for Monitoring and Evaluation

The responder should describe a specific plan by which the agency will monitor staff performance in attaining the above-mentioned goals, implementing the project methods and tracking performance. In addition, the responder should propose a process to monitor customer and stakeholder satisfaction with specific projects.

e. Organizational Capability

The responder should describe the organization of the proposing nonprofit agency and the types and quantities of goods and/or services it provides, including descriptions of its experience in providing services required in Section 4.0 Priority Activities.

8.4 Work Program Summary

On the attached Applicant Work Program Summary form (APP# 7), the responder should summarize the major activities to be performed through the project, detailed in the methods section, the specific objective for each activity (in quantifiable terms where possible), and the dates that these objectives will be completed.

8.5 Project Budget