
  1. Applications must be supported by the Incumbent and Warden(s) and endorsed by your Archdeacon.
  2. Works should be in accordance with faculty rules and, where appropriate, any other permissions that may be required eg., planning permission.
  3. PCC’s should also seek funding from other sources as far as possible, eg. CADW and HLF where appropriate and/or the Local Authority as trustees of the Welsh Church Acts Fund. (Please contact the Diocesan Office for further assistance)
  4. Priority will be given to ‘seed corn’ or ‘tail-end’ funding based on production of a robust mission/business case in support of the project, accompanied by supporting evidence.
  5. Applications for works to a church that is listed, should be accompanied by a report from an architect/chartered building surveyor/structural engineer as appropriate.

Eligible Costs (Please refer to point 4 above)

  1. Repair to any part of the fabric of the Church Building (not including Organ repairs)
  2. Essential fees related to the fabric repair work (including non-reclaimable VAT)
  3. Costs associated with Mission-focussed re-ordering of Church Buildings
  4. Exceptional and/or Emergency applications will be considered in the first instance by the respective Archdeacon, with a view to emergency sanction and/or full Panel consideration

Grant Information

  1. Up to 75% of eligible costs with a maximum of £5000 for any one grant.
  2. The maximum grand is set at the discretion of the Archdeacon/Panel on project merit.
  3. Any grant offer made will automatically lapse if not taken up within 2 years.
  4. Only one grant will be available in any 2 year cycle for any church building except where the Archdeacon/Panel considers that there are exceptional circumstances.


Parish: / Incumbent:
  1. Nature of the work (Please include photographs of the church building where possible)

2. / (a)
(i) / Specific Church Information
Is the Church listed? If so, please give grading
Is the Church in a conservation area?
Date of the last Quinquennial Inspection of the Church?
How often is the Church open for public worship?
Is there a need for:-
  1. Planning permission and/or Building Regulation approval?
  2. Listed Building/Conservation Area Consent?
  3. Faculty permission? (nearly always the case)
Average Church income over the last 3 years – please evidence
Is there a Church maintenance fund – if not, why is that?
How much is currently in the fund – please evidence
How much (if any) of the fund is ‘Restricted’ (ie., subject to the strict terms and conditions of a third party, outside the PCC)?
3. / Re-ordering Projects
Has the need for a project been established within the Church Community? - please supply supporting evidence.
Has the need for the project been established in consultation with the surrounding community? – please supply supporting evidence.
Have you enlisted the help/support of other agencies or consultants in preparation for the project? - if so please give details separately.
Is the project integrated with your Parish/Ministry Area Development process? – please supply supporting evidence.
4. / Summary of Work Please provide a copy of the advisor’s report where applicable.
(Please list in of order of priority)
5. / Estimated cost of repair (inc. fees and VAT)
Sum already in hand
Sum promised
Current shortfall / £
6. / Breakdown of Funding / In Hand / Promised
7. / Other Applications
Please give details of other applications for funding ie., those that have been refused or where an outcome is awaited
8. / When will the work be carried out?
9. / Any other notes or information (a supplementary sheet may be used if necessary)
10. / Professional Advisor (Architect etc. – where applicable)
Contact details:-
11. / Applicant (Incumbent, Warden or Project Manager)
Contact details: Date:
Archdeacon Endorsement: Date:
12. / Finance Section

Approved by MA Development Team: Date………………………………………
Signed by: ……………………………………………. Total grant amount£………………………………………..

Grant Downloaded on …………………………….. via
Signed ………………………………………………………. (Finance Team)

For further information please contact Isabel Thompson on 01633 216098 or email
