Dowsing has many hats. It has been called doodle bugging, water witching, divining, radiesthesia and many other names. Dowsing is used in many ways. Some of these are location of water veins under ground, locating oil deposits, or natural gas. Buried objects such as water or sewer lines, telephone lines, gas lines, treasures, property lines markers, artifacts, (all types), Ore such as gold, silver. Lost objects: Lost planes, lost people (if they want to be found), boats, and many personal lost or misplaced items.
Personal health dowsing: which vitamins to take and how many of each, balancing your chakras, self healing as well as others, both mental and physical. Communication with your spirit guides, guardian angels. Locating all types of detrimental energy around the home or work place.
Map dowsing is done on a map to locate Oil, Gas, Water Veins, even locating game, fishing spots, lost people or planes. Police work, do only if ask by police. Storm tracking, or earthquake zones.
Use dowsing in your investing of the stock market, Oil ad Gas ventures, real estate, etc. Dowsing is used to plan trips, especially in the wintertime. Weather forecasting is another use for dowsing. We are farmers and use dowsing to plan our farming year, what and where to plant.
Dowsing tools can be as simple as a nut on a string, or a coathanger, a Y branch off a tree. People use a needle to determine the sex of an unborn child. The history books take dowsing back to caveman times. Cave paintings show then use of pendulums and forked sticks. The Egyptians used dowsing also. The Chinese used dowsing to check building sites for detrimental energy and other things. This is all in the history books starting at 13,000 bc.. Even Albert Einstein was a dowser. 90 % of all humans can dowse if they had training.
Dowsing, What Is That
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