GUN SHOW: So far, only 12 of the envelopes that were mailed out last month, have been returned due to bad addresses. There was a discussion regarding advertising. This was not just for the show, but for the purpose of recruiting new members

There was a discussion regarding a disgruntled customer, at our last show. It was reported that a vendor failed to ship merchandise, when it was paid for in full on a special order, at the show. Bud will look into this and report back.

We are already receiving vendor registrations for the March show.


Steve explained the status of the missing gift package that was mailed to Raiel Wilson, last December. She never received it. A check with the postal service revealed that it was indeed lost.

Andy reported that he has sent an authorization to our attorney, to make contact with the IRS on our behalf. We now have a tax identification number.


Jerry reported that a grant writing class was available. Cost is $450.00. Membership chose not to send anyone at this time, but asked to be kept on the mailing list for possible future class announcements.

Discussed recent requests for "mountain man" appearances, that we have received lately. Whereas we may always consider specific requests, it is very important that those requests be received in sufficient time, to adequately consider them during our meetings. Educational events or events with potential of furthering our club goals and improving membership, are always considered. It is also important to have a volunteer network, for those who voice an interest in participating in these activities.

Slate of club officer candidates must be introduced at the November meeting. They are as follows:

President - Vacant however Greg Field indicated that he may be drafted to serve one more term.

Vice President - Jerry Jazbec

Secretary - Steve Baima however a proclamation is being prepared by the trustees, to allow for an extension of his term.

Treasurer - Andy Williamson

Trustees: Lee Johnson, Chuck Lacher, Joe Schroeder, John Abbott, and Margret Evanson. Greg Field would become a trustee by default, if he is not re-elected as club president.

Good of the Order

John initiated a discussion regarding improving our membership

Steve passed around photos of his recent visit to the David Pedersoli factory in Italy.

Laurie is (still) always searching for information for the newsletter for the Issaquah Sportsmen's club. She said that she could use articles related to black powder shooting.

Questions or comments regarding information in this newsletter may be directed to the secretary. Phone or E-mail please (425) 865-8965 or .

It is noted in this news letter that one requirement of membership to Cascade Mountain Men is outlined in Article V of our Bylaws, which states: Membership in good standing, in any one of the National Rifle Association, the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association, or the Washington State Muzzle Loading Association shall be a prerequisite for membership in CMM.

Please provide the secretary with your membership information in any of the above organizations. Thank you.

Upcoming Club Events:

December 15th, 2009 Monthly meeting, 8:00 P.M. at Issaquah Sportsmen's Club

December 20th, 2009 Monthly club shoot at Issaquah Sportsmen's club range 12:00 noon (sharp)

Monthly shooting matches are held at Noon on the 3rd Sunday of each month. The monthly meeting is held at 8:00 P.M. on the preceding Tuesday evening.

The annual Members’ Banquet has been scheduled for Saturday, January 16, 2010, 5:00pm at the Golden Steer in Kent.

Glenda Graves reports: Here is our flier for the Yuma Territorial Longrifles Rendezvous Jan 14, 15, 16, 17, 2010. Please post the dates in the next newsletter for Cascade Mt. Men. Maybe someone would like to get out of the cold rain up there in Jan.

PUGET SOUND FREE TRAPPERS “RAIN-DE-VOO” Little Rock, Wa. Feb. 12-14, 2010

Info: B.O. Brown (360) 482-2469

HORSE RIDGE RENDEZVOUS Bend, Oregon Feb.25-28, 2010

Info: Ted or Lorrie Hartman (541) 815-7310


January: Round Ball Rifle July: 22 Cal Rim Fire (iron sights only)

February: Black Powder Cartridge August: Pistol

March: 22 Cal rim fire (iron sighs only) September: round ball rifle

April: Pistol October: Black Powder Cartridge

May: Round Ball Rifle November: 22 Cal Rim Fire (Iron Sights Only)

June: Black Powder Cartridge December: Pistol


Puget Sound Free Trappers Rain-de-Voo (for 2010) Feb 12 - 14, 2010

Capitol City Rifle and Pistol Club, Littlerock, WA, Contact Bo Brown (360) 482-2469 or Ralph Birmingham (360) 754-6886

IF YOU HAVE A RENDEZVOUS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE ADDED TO THIS LIST, PLEASE CONTACT THE SECRETARY VIA E-MAIL. A new schedule of rendezvous will be published following the March show.


Match 1 50 Yard Score Match 2 50 Yard Score

Bear Gopher

1) Bud Maune 41 X 1) Darrell Kapaun 44

2) Ian Dunleavy 41 2) Bob Pinnell 41

3) Darrell Kapaun 39 3) Dennis Dunleavy 31 X

Match 3 50 Yard Match 4 100 Yard

Fer Du Lac Buffalo

1) Darrell Kapaun 45 1) Darrell Kapaun 35

2) Bud Maune 42 2) Bob Austin 33

3) Steve Baima 42 3) Bud Maune 31

Tie Breaker (5th Match) Black Powder Cartridge

1) Darrell Kapaun 1) Darrell Kapaun 90 X

2) Ian Dunleavy 2) Steve Baima 89

3) Vern Steward 3) Andy Williamson i 85

Overall Aggregate Standings for Matches 1 to 4

1) Darrell Kapaun 163 X 9) Vern Steward 102

2) Bud Maune 145 X 10) Dennis Dunleavy 90 X

3) Ian Dunleavy 131 11) Chuck Lacher 63

4) Steve Baima 126 12) Harry Charowsky 40

5) Bob Austin 125 13) Bubba Hines 36

6) Bob Pinnell 123 14) Bruce Morris 22

7) Doug Summerfiekld 106 15) Kathy Kellay 16

8) Andy Williamson 104 X 16) Mark Risdon 0

Note: We had several guest shooters this weekend: Mark Risdon and Bruce Morris.

Welcome aboard our newest member - Robin Poe.


Name ______email ______

Street ______National and State Organizations

City ______NRA# ______exp____

State ______NMLRA# ______exp____

Phone ______-______-______WSML# ______exp____




TARGET ______PERC RIFLE ______PO Box 1296

ISSAQUAH, WA 98027-1296

HUNTING ______PISTOL ______


PO Box 1296

Issaquah, WA 98027-1296