Research Student’s Application Form For Course Exemption
This form is to be completed by research studentswho apply for course exemption. Please fill in every field. Please use ‘Nil’ or ‘NA’ where applicable. An incomplete form will not be considered.
The completed form and supporting documents are to be submitted directly to the deposit box at MAE Graduate Office
Name of Research Student: Matric No:
Type of Programme: * Full Time / Part Time * PhD / MEng
Date Joined :
Supervisor :
Project Title:
Number of Courses approved for exemption previously by School:
Number of Credit Transfers granted:
Number of “Pass/Fail” courses taken :
CGPA to-date (please attach academic results printed from GSLink) :
Number of Academic Units obtained to-date:
Number of Courses requested for exemption:
(must not exceed3 for PhD and 1 for MEng, refer to #)
# Themaximum number of courses allowed for exemption, credit transfer and ‘Pass/Fail’ isthreefor PhD and one for MEng. For example, if a PhD student has been granted one credit transfer, then he/she can only be exempted from two more courses.
6000 series courses cannot be used for exemption from 7000 series courses
Section I
Requirements / Please write ‘yes’ if you have fulfilled the requirement. If your reply is ‘no’, please do not proceed to Section II, as you do not meet the first round of evaluation criteria for exemption.Must have done at least one semester of coursework in NTU
Must have attained at least TGPA and CGPA of 3.5 for last semester
Must have attained at least grade point 2.5 (C+) in every course taken for all courses
Section II
Please complete Section II for each course exemption.1 Name of the NTU course you are requesting for exemption / Course title :
Course code:
Academic Unit1:
2 Details of the course you had done in your Master Degree programmewhich you are using to request for exemption / Course title:
Course marks or grade obtained:
Academic Unit2 :
Academic Unit1 must not be greater than Academic Unit2. If it is greater, please do not proceed further. You do not meet the criteria for consideration.
2.1 Course is conducted in English / *Yes / No
2.2 Proof that course is conducted in English is attached (not applicable to NTU/NUS courses) / * Yes / No
2.3 The course syllabusis attached / * Yes / No
3 Please highlight the significant similarities between theNTU course (Point 1 above) and the course used for exemption (Point 2 above).
4 The course used for exemption must be relevant to your research. / * Yes / No
5 If my request for exemption is successful, I am aware that I will still need to fulfill the School’s MA7 course requirement. I fulfill the requirement for combined total number of courses allowed for exemption, credit transfer and ‘Pass/Fail’. / * Yes / No
I have read and completed the application form in full, and like to seek the School’s approval for exemption.
Signature of Student and Date
Section for Supervisor
1 Justification for the above exemption:-
2 The course(s) used for exemption is relevant to my student’s current research Yes No
3 I recommend to exempt the student from * 1 / 2 / 3 courses and indicate below thecorrespondingNTU
course(s) to be exempted:
Course code Course title
Signature of Supervisor and Date
1 I * approve / do not approve the application.
2 I approve the exemption of the student from * 1 / 2 / 3 courses.
Signature of Asst Chair (Graduate Studies) and Date
*Please delete accordingly1Sep14
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