5 paragraph essay
Hook (1 – 3 Sentences)
There are two hundred million children worldwide who wake up every day and go to work instead of going to school. Of those two hundred million children, seventy percent of them work in agriculture. In the short story, “The Circuit,” by Francisco Jimenez, we are introduced to Panchito, a young migrant farmer who travels state to state with his family following the harvest.
Background Information (2 – 3 Sentences)
Thesis (1 Sentence)
3 Body Paragraphs
TS – Topic Sentence
CD – Concrete Detail (Quote…Framed)
CM – Commentary (Analysis)
CM – Commentary (Analysis)
CS – Concluding Sentence
-Re-State Thesis (in different words)
-Explain how you proved the thesis
-Expand on the topic….leave your reader thinking.
I think, I feel, I believe……
- Chocolate ice cream is the best ice cream there is.
THESIS (big idea)
1 Sentence
Last sentence of first paragraph
1) Introduce your argument
2) Giving your opinion on that argument
3) Three ways that you are going to support that argument
Having a school dress code is beneficial because it is cost effective,
reduces bullying, and focuses attention on learning.
“The Circuit”
Hook - Worldwide, 200 million children wake up every day and go to work instead of going to school. Of those 200 million children, 70% work in agriculture.
Background - In the short story “The Circuit,” by Francisco Jimenez, Panchito is a young boy travelling state to state with his family following the harvest. Due to his migrant life style, obtaining an education can be very difficult.
Thesis - Francisco Jimenez utilizes figurative language in his short story in order to describe the setting of the house where he lives, the field that he toils in, and the school that he attends.
TS - Francisco Jimenez utilizes figurative language to describe the setting of the house where he lives.
CD – This can be seen on page 185 when he says, “The garage was worn out by the years. It had no windows. The walls, eaten by termites, strained to support the roof, full of holes. The dirt floor populated by earthworms, looked like a gray road map” (Pg. 185).
CM – By using a simile and saying that the floor looks like a gray road map of worms, the author is not only exemplifying how dirty his living conditions are, but also giving insight into his life.
CM – The young character, Panchito, is making this comparison to emphasize the migrant lifestyle that his family has.
CS - This is one example of how Jimenez uses figurative language to describe his surroundings.
Francisco Jimenez utilizes figurative language in his short story in order to describe the setting of the house where he lives, the field that he toils in, and the school that he attends. By doing so, Jimenez paints a powerful portrait for the reader that illustrates the real life struggles of migrant farm workers. As previously mentioned, 70% of child labor takes place in the fields that Jimenez describes in his story, so there is only one question left to ask: do you know where your food came from?