/ Stow-on-the-Wold Town Council
Stow Youth Centre
Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold, GL54 1DW
01451 832 585

Minutes ofParks& Square Committee Meeting

Thursday 19 November 2015 at7.15p.m. in the Youth Centre

Public participation


Cllr. Simon Clarke
Cllr. Mike Curtis
Cllr. Ben Eddolls
Cllr. Sue Green / (SC)
(SG) Chairman / Kim Bedford / Clerk (KB)
Cllr Val Davies
Cllr Alana Powell / (VD)

ApologiesReceived from Cllr. Tom Edwards

Declaration of interest. None

Minutes of Last Meeting

Resolved: The minutes of the Parks and Square Committee Meeting held on 8 October 2015 were approved as a correct record. Proposed – BE. Seconded – AP, All in favour

Formal announcements from the Chair. None

Clerks Report

a)Financial statement for firework event attached.Duly noted.

b)VIC website meeting 17th November at 7pm.Discussed. Confirmed more progress being made, work to do in local business engagement and use of the website

c)Flood Alleviation Bovis Field: Bruton Knowles have decided not to use KGF for site compound. Noted

d)Ward Councillors £1570 fund. Work has been ordered, schedule attached. Noted

e)Fountain Cap – repair ordered £105.00. Noted

f)The application to delist the Stocks has been submitted to Historic England. Noted

To do:

g)Tree Survey: Still waiting from response from Highways to identify who owns which trees. May need to be included in the budget for 2016-2017

h)CGS asked for a quote to pollard Sheep Street & Park Street trees. KB to seek additional quotes for comparison

i)Bell Inn: awaiting proposals. KB to chase in the Spring 2016

Postponed – not in next year’s budget

j)Planters: Ask CGS for a design and costing.

k)Verge Cutting: Oddington Road & Tewkesbury Road - awaiting quote.

Matters Arising

l)Land Registration: MC to updated the committee, expressing concern as to the lack of clear evidence of ownership of the boundaries around the cricket field. KB to establish the facts for next meeting in order to progress the erection of fencing as appropriate.

Also to be reported at the next meeting, progress on the registration of common land and subsoil.


  1. VIC
  2. Progress report on VIC. The notes of this meeting (attached) were discussed. SG invited all to a meeting arranged with CDC and the Library on the 25.11.15 at 5.00pm.
  3. The committee discussed the proposed information board (copy attached). KB to circulate the colour version for clarity to all committee members for approval. Also to ask the Council’ logo to have a white square background for clearer definition. Subject to there being no further comments, approval to be forwarded to the contractor.

Also BE was to deal with the ‘tangled flag’

1.3Committeeapproved the quarterly payment to the VIC £2500. Proposed SG. Seconded by VD. (payment approved by Council 30/4/15)

  1. Budget Committee noted the budget for 2016/17 as circulated, recognising there were possible amendments still to be made.
  1. Christmas:
  2. Christmas Lights: To accept quote of £1750 plus VAT plus materials from S Turner. Approved
  3. Christmas lights: Committee agreed to obtain quotes for an electrical survey to establish legal and practical requirements before Xmas lights for 2016. Also, to obtain comparisons from other councils in providing Xmas lights and compliance for February 2016 meeting.(KB)
  4. Road Closure around Stocks Green on 3 Dec. to be noted cost £115. Approved
  5. Other matters were – to establish an accurate calculation of the costs of the bulbs in order to establish how many replacement LED bulbs could be purchased within budget. The aim being to reduce long term costs, by making all bulbs LED in the future. Also to obtain a ball park figure from the current contractor of possible compliance work in the future, for budget purposes.
  6. KB to gain information to co-ordinate where needed. December 2nd is the start of the Christmas Tree Festival. We are supplying the tree for the church to decorate (KB to check if they require lights)in order to collate activities from the school at 5.30pm opening at 6.00pm

3.6On December 3rdThe Mayor would turn on the lights of the ‘purple’ tree with the help of the school children (6.00 pm) carols would follow, and a visit from Santa. KB to ensure our media coverage was arranged and liaises with the provider for a clear schedule of activities. BE would co-ordinate the clearing up after Xmas of the lights

  1. Fireworks 2016:

Committee approved the repeat of the Fireworks event to take place on 04.11.2016. Owing to its success and agreed to recommend employing G-Force Fireworks to council (meeting 26.11.15) Cost £3,000 to be underwritten. Projected net cost £2,500)

  1. Pollarding Lime Trees: The Committee decided to obtain further quotes for this work before a recommendation was put to council.
  2. Chaplin’s Circus: Committee approved the use of KGF in June 2016 for this event
  1. ByelawsTE To report, now due in the February 2016 meeting
  1. Litter Committee decided to consider options on how to overcome litter problems in KGF in the February 2016 meeting having outlined a few ideas.
  1. New defibulator It was agreed to explore a possible siting, due to pedestrian flow, on Park St.The new defibulator to be donated by the school. VD would approach the business community on Council behalf to seek agreement on its location. KB to liaise with school.
  1. Visitor MapIn discussion it was recognised that there were already maps available. MC and SC to bring possible copies for adoption to the February 2016 meeting.
  1. Events Committee It was agreedto form an events committee/working group in the next meeting, inviting local business and organisations on a selected date to establish a cohesive approach in enhancing community life for the town.

Any other business for future meeting. As detailed in the minutes above.

Meeting closed at 8.40pm.

Date of next meeting 12 January 2016 (upstairs meeting room) 7.15pm

Kim Bedford. 20.11.15