

1Review of Policies and Procedures

  • 1.1Flexible working policy
  • 1.2Work experience policy
  • 1.3Changes to Child Protection and DBS Policies
  • 1.4Parental Leave Policy

2Embedding Equality in the organisation

  • 2.1RNCM 2020
  • 2.2 Revision by the Executive Team of the Equality and Diversity Committee (EDC)
  • 2.3Equality Objectives
  • 2.4Equality Analysis


  • 3.1Disability Symbol – Two Ticks
  • 3.2Maternity/Paternity leavers
  • 3.3Personal Details and Equality Monitoring Form
  • 3.4Access to Work Scheme (ATW)
  • 3.5Equality and Diversity Training
  • 3.6Accessibility
  • 3.7Health and Wellbeing


  • 4.1Support for International Students
  • 4.2Support for Students with Disabilities and Specific Learning Needs
  • 4.3Student Shadowing Project- Demonstrating Fairness and Equality
  • 4.4Special Virtuosi
  • 4.5Students’ Union

5Monitoring and Evaluation

6Priority areas for the Year Ahead 2014/15

Appendix 1Staff data analysis

Student Statistics

Appendix 2National Context

A Caste Discrimination

B Extension of Parental Leave

C Antenatal Appointments

DAdoption Leave and Pay

Executive Summary


The Equality and Diversity Annual Report 2014, covering the period October 2013 – September 2014, provides a review of the RNCM’s diversity profile and of the impact of its equality activities. It maps the range of initiatives, projects and events that are helping to develop the College’s agenda.The Human Resources team would like to thank all contributors to this report.

2)Student and Staff Profile

In relation to the identification of a wider range of data for reporting and monitoring, data on student sexual identity and religion and belief has been analysed this year as this forms part of the HESA student record return. It will therefore be possible to use this data as part of the future monitoring process.

The Report provides demographic data of the RNCM’s820 students and 440staff along with benchmarking data where available.

► a graphic summary can be found on pages 14 to 26.

3)Progress on Public Sector Equality Duty Objectives

In June 2014, the RNCM’s Equality and Diversity Committee agreed seven equality objectives to be prioritised for action in the period 2014-15 (p.5). These wereapproved by the Executive Team. The objectives relate to the Public Sector Equality Duties (PSED) set out under the Equality Act 2010, which are to:

a)Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation

b)Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not

c)Foster good relations between people from different groups.

4)Forthcoming actions for staff equality training in 2014/15 will include:

New staff development initiatives will be devised including e-learning, face to face training, briefings and introductory diversity sessions.

► a summary of this year’s staff equality and diversity training events can be found on pages7and 8.

5) Improving Support for Disabled Students (p.9/10)

The Student Learning and Welfare Support team will continue to develop its provision of support for disabled students. Opportunities for disability equality training particularly in relation to mental health conditions will be explored throughout the year.

6)Equality Progress

Agrant from the Higher Education Academy in 2012 allowed the International Student Team to set up the ‘Shared Reading Project’. This case study has been included in a publication ‘Promoting Integration on Campus: Principles, Practice and Issues for Further Exploration’ produced by the University of Warwick on behalf of UK Council for International Student Affairs

thus demonstrating a high quality experience at the RNCM for International students.

1 Review of Policies and Procedures

1.1Flexible working policy

The policy was revised following a change in legislation effective in June 2014 which opened up requests for flexible working to all employees (previously only parents and carers with children under 18 could apply). Risk assessment documents have been added to the policy for completion by staff when working from home. The College continues to receive and support requests from staff for flexible working. Three members of support staff have successfully made requestsduring 2013/4this year.

1.2Work experience policy

A policy document has been drafted to formalise the process of employing children under the age of 18,including the implications for safeguarding. There will be a requirement forplacements to be co-ordinated centrally by HR so that the health and safety implications and risk assessments will be considered. The intention is that departments will be able to arrange placements directly with students but that the placement must be approved before any acceptance is communicated to the student. A final draft of the policy will be reviewed by the Human Resources Committee prior to approval by the Executive team during 2014/15.

1.3Changes to Child Protection and DBS Policies

The Child Protection Policy has been updated to include new government guidance that any staff member can contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) if they feel a child is in immediate serious harm. If there is no immediate risk of serious harm, referrals are made through the College Designated Senior Persons.

The Disclosure and Barring Policy has been revised to designate the Vice-Principal (Operations), Head of Human Resources, Head of the Junior RNCM, Deputy Head of the Junior RNCM and Senior Tutor, Young Strings as the responsible persons in College for child protection issues and cases. Training is being arranged during 2014/15 for Child Protection Local Officers.

1.4Parental Leave Policy

The College is reviewing its Parental Leave policy which is intended to allow parents some flexibility to take time away from work to spend time with their child during their early years.

A member of staff will be entitled to leave if they have at least one year’s continuous service at the date they plan to take the leave and if they are the mother or father (whether natural or adoptive) of the child or have parental responsibility under the law for the child. The College also proposes extending parental leave to employees whose responsibility is not necessarily legally recognised, for example step parents and same sex partners. A policy will be approvedready for April 2015 when the right to Parental Leave will be extended so that the leave can be taken at any time until the child’s 18th birthday. The government proposes to introduce Shared Parental Leave in 2015 and the College will need to consider the implications for staff and adjust its policy accordingly.

2. Embedding Equality in the organisation

2.1RNCM 2020

The College’s new strategic plan, launched in September 2014, includes diversity as one of its enabling goals. It states that ‘RNCM 2020 will be “an inclusive environment that embraces diversity and promotes equality of opportunity across all of its activities. It will be a working, learning, teaching, performing and research environment ensuring dignity and respect and free from discrimination and unfair treatment”.

2.2 Revision by the Executive Team of the Equality and Diversity Committee (EDC)

The Equality and Diversity Committee (EDC) was the key institutional committee dedicated to equality and diversity work. A review of the Committee’s title, membership and remit was recently completed in order to ensure that it could operate most effectively. As indicated in its title, the Equality and Diversity Forum (EDF) is a strategic forum and its membership comprises representatives from senior managerial staff.The College’s Deputy Principal is the new chair of the EDF.

2.3Equality Objectives

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) reviewed the College’s Equality Objectives which were published originally in April 2012. Following their feedback and recommendations, a working group was established by the Equality and Diversity Committee (EDC) to re-write the Equality Objectives.The EHRC suggested that the RNCM could have fewer objectives which are very clear and measurable.

A draft revision of the Equality Objectives was approved by the EDCthis year in which the three overarching objectives have been retained but the actions have been amalgamated into one list with clearer and smarter targets as follows:

Three overarching Equality Objectives June 2014- June 2015

Equality Objective: Disclose

Equality Objective: Engage

Equality Objective: Monitor

The RNCM’s Equality Objectives 2014-2015 were developed with consideration of the current equality and diversity issues in the College to demonstrate how the RNCM plans to meet the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) across all of the protected characteristics. The College believes that the three overarching objectives and associated actions will positively affect a required change in its culture and practices which willhelp to eliminate discrimination, advance equality and foster good relations between people from different groups.

The requirement under the PSED is to set new equality outcomes every four yearsand review progress annually. The College will therefore monitor and reviewprogress towards its Equality Objectives 2014-2015and report to the newly established Equality and Diversity


Specific actions to support the three overarching objectives:

1. Increase the return of Personal Details forms from academic staff from 56% (2013) to 65%

by June 2015.

2. Increase the return of Personal Details forms from support staff from 85% (2013) to 90% by

June 2015.

3. By December 2014 have analysed Box Office data relating to participation by protected

groups and report to EDC.

4. Working with Registry, identify additional available student data regarding protected groups

which can be analysed and the results included in the 2014/15 Annual Equality report and

annually thereafter.

5. Include details of College projects aimed at addressing equality of opportunity in the annual

Equality and Diversity report.

6. Commence analysis of monitoring data relating to the recruitment and appointment of staff

from protected groups and report to EDC annually at the summer term meeting.

7. By December 2014, Students' Union and Student Support and Welfare Administrator to

review the publicity relating to support provided for those in protected groups and report to


8. Design and introduce an annual programme of equality events and training to ensure that

all staff and students are engaged with the College's commitment to equality and diversity,

with a funding bids to be submitted by mid-October 2014.

9. Complete the equality analyses on 30% of College policies by June 2015.

2.4Equality Analysis

During the course of the year,a list of all College policies has been identified and the Executive Team prioritiseda set of policies to be reviewed over the next three years with the inclusion of an equality analysis for each one.

Additionally the Executive Team agreed that every new policy and procedure will require an equality analysis before approval is granted.Equality analysis helps to address any potential inequality or discriminatory practice prior to implementation of a policy or practice.


3.1Disability Symbol – Two Ticks

The Human Resources team provides training to recruitment and selection panels to ensure that managers apply fair and transparent practice in selecting and appointing new staff. The College operates a Guaranteed Interview Scheme for people with disabilities meeting the essential criteria for the job.

3.2 Maternity/Paternity Leavers

During October 2012 to September 2013, 14 members of staff took MaternityLeave and 7 members of staff took Paternity Leave. 3 members of staff returned from maternity leave within that period.

3.3Personal Details and Equality Monitoring Form

In 2014 440 forms were sent to staff in the aim of increasing the rate of disclosure of protected characteristics by staff.Overall 221 forms were returned which is a 48% return rate. The return rate amongst academic staff was lower at 34% compared to a return rate of 80% from support staff. The College is aiming to Increase the return of Personal Details forms from academic staff to 65% and to 90% from support staff by June 2015. The EDC has proposed that the provision of online submission of personal data and also greater visibility of the College’s equality and diversity initiatives could contribute to a higher return and disclosure rate,particularly amongst academic staff.

3.4Access to Work Scheme (ATW)

In this period a contribution of £39,975 was received from ATW and was used to implement adjustments; most of this expenditure was for staff time in providing administrative support for students and staff. In 2014/15 the College will continue to publicise to disabled staff the availability of workplace adjustments and resources through the Access to Work scheme and also promote advisory and counselling services for all staff through the Care First Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) This EAP approach enables pro-active HR involvement in addressing employment issues and is core to engaging staff and managers in providing support for staff in the workplace. This EAP also aids risk management through the provision of counselling for staff which can support Occupational Health referrals. Confidentiality remains a core counselling principle.

3.5Equality and Diversity Training

a)Dignity at Work training was provided to 20 members of support staff and managersto help them to recognise bullying and harassment behaviours and eliminate discriminatory practice as required in the Specific Duties. The training was identified by the EDC and delivered by a member of the Equality and Diversity team at the University of Manchester. Further training will be proposed on this topic for 2014/15.

b)Special Learning Difficulties. A presentation on the support available in College for students with Special Learning Difficulties was made available to academic staff on Moodle in 2013. In addition,a copy of a presentation delivered by Sally Daunt from The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts and Paula Bishop-Liebler from the Royal Academy of Music and Dyslexia Teaching Centre, London at the Association of Dyslexia Specialists in HE conference has been uploaded. For tutoring staff who do not attend Teaching and Learning Forums, theselearning materials have been advertised through the staff newsletter.

c)Personal Learning Plans

The EDC received an oral presentation regarding the use and implementation of Personal Learning Plans (PLP) for students. All students who disclose a disability or condition that may affect their study are offered the opportunity to set up a Personal Learning Plan at the start of the academic year This is arranged through the College’s Learning Support Tutor who discusses their condition and creates a detailed plan along with any support provisions they may need (e.g. extra time in exams) which is distributed to the relevant staff.

A PLP can be updated at any time should the student’s condition change.If a student is eligible for Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) this will also be discussed at the time of setting up a PLP.Each week all students with a PLP are offered 1 hour’s study support with the Learning Support Tutor. A PLP is reviewed each year in the summer term and students are invited to a meeting with the Learning Support Tutor should they wish to update it. Otherwise if the PLP is to continue it will be rolled over to the next academic year and distributed accordingly.Students must provide the necessary supporting evidence to have a PLP put in place. This can be in the form of medical notes, therapist or specialist notes or psychological assessments.

Approximately 10% of RNCM students currently have a PLP which iscomparable to other UK conservatoires that have a PLP system. Information about PLPs will be included in new staff inductions from September 2014.

d)Recruitment and Selection further training was rolled out to those involved in the selection process. The Recruitment and Selection Policy has been revised to provide

guidance to managers on determining starting salariesto ensure consistency and equity across groups of employees employed in similar jobs.

e)Mental Health Awareness. The EDC has noted the increase in mental health conditions among students in the different categories of disability recognised by HEFCE. Anecdotal evidence from some Schools of Study and provided at EDC meetings from academic representatives suggest that more training is required for tutoring staff in supporting students with diagnosable conditions. Given the challenges of achieving availability amongst part-time teaching staff for classroom training, consideration of online training resources has been recommended as one of the key actions for 2014/5.


Estates management continue to implement improvements with regard to the accessibility of the College building and facilities whenever projects are undertaken.

In January 2014 work commenced on the Concert Hall Redevelopment Project. Completed in October this is arguably the largest scheme undertaken in the Main Building since its opening in 1973. Within the Concert Hall new accessible seating / wheelchair positions have been provided throughout the front row, as well as retaining the existing provision in the Upper Hall level (GG row). The old ‘piano’ fire exit doors have been altered to provide a new ground floor level entrance to the hall from the front of house area, enabling easy access and egress for disabled staff, students and members of the public. After receiving so many positive comments regarding the new Opera Theatre hand-rails, the opportunity has been taken to install new handrails throughout the Concert Hall seating area.

Backstage, a new fully accessible dressing room has been created, including an en-suite wet-room on the ground floor which is available to performers using either the Concert Hall or Opera Theatre.

3.7Health and Wellbeing

Building on the success of the College’s Health and Wellbeing week in 2013, another event was planned for 2014. The week revolvedaround one day where there were stands and events on the Concourse areas of the College and began with a staff coffee and cakes morning. The week included dance sessions, health MOTs, physiotherapists and beauticians and a raffle with health themed prizes.

The preferred charity for Health and Wellbeing week is MIND. The College undertook sponsored events in swimming, running and cycling and a pedometer challenge to raise monies for MIND. The Students’ Union President has been liaising with YASP (MIND young adult service) and YASP delivered a free session to RNCM students.

The College will be carrying out a stress risk assessment exercise in 2014/15 to lookfor pressures which could cause high and long-lasting levels of stress amongst staff;deciding who might be harmed by these; anddeciding whether the College is doing enough to prevent that harm.