Boone/DeKalb/Ogle Extension Unit

Extension Advisory Council Meeting

November 9, 2017—6 pm

Monroe Center Village Hall, Monroe Center


Present: Ellen Genrich (B), Pam Stock (B), Jane Zien (B), Sally DeFauw (D), Emily Plapp (D), John Prendergast (D), Toney Xidis (D), Dan Dietrich (O), Lisa Hinrichs (O), Michelle LaPage (O), Stephanie Wascher (O). Not Present:Bill Hall (B), Kris Aves (D). Also present: Vicky Broos, County Director; Marilyn Csernus, Nutrition Educator; Johnna Jennings, 4-H Youth Development Educator.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Stephanie Wascher,chair. Those present introduced themselves and shared how they have been or are currently connected with Extension.

Minutes of 9-20-17 Meeting

Minutes of the September 20, 2017 meeting were reviewed and approved on a motion by Sally DeFauw, second by Michelle LaPage.

Program Plan of Work for Educators/Unit 2017-2018

Vicky provided some introductory comments about how the issue areas were identified at the campus level with input from the field, and then how the educators and unit go about developing their annual plan of work. There is a new system for reporting programs and impact that will provide improved data for reporting and accountability.

Johnna Jennings, 4-H Youth Development educator shared highlights of her individual plan of work which fall into several issue areas. Plans include:

  • Connecting kids with adults to increase their participation in community leadership;
  • Working with camp counselors as a leadership opportunity leading to increased volunteerism over time;
  • Working with SNAP on Illinois Junior Chef using teen teachers and conducting Health Jam—both of these initiatives focus on chronic disease prevention and management;
  • Workforce prep initiatives include Juntos for Latino families in Belvidere;
  • Chick embryology is a major focus and falls into the food production issue area.

Johnna also shared the 4-H Strategic Plan put together by herself and the three county program coordinators for meeting the indicators of success for 4-H. The focus here is on increasing enrollment and retention.

Marilyn Csernus, Nutrition educator shared that her plan of work will focus on:

  • Workforce preparedness by conducting Food Service Sanitation Manager Certification classes and offering continuing education for early childhood educators. The ABCs of School Nutrition and ISBE grant also focus on training school staff.
  • Chronic disease prevention and management will be addressed through a variety of diabetes programs, meals for a healthy heart, healthy food selection programs and worksite wellness programming. Preventing or delaying Type 2 Diabetes is a goal.
  • Food safety issues will be addressed through the Food Service Sanitation Managers course, food handler training, Cottage Foods programming and other food preservation programs.

Vicky shared that Peggy Doty was not able to join us tonight but can share her plan at a future meeting. Other staff in the unit do not develop individual plans but rather provide support to the educators or they may engage in some universal program goals.

Fiscal Matters

  1. Current Budget/Financial Statement: Vicky shared the financial statement current through September 30. The statement shows the FY 18 budget along with 3 months expenses. Vicky answered any questions.
  2. Signatories for the checking account must be approved each year. Motion by Lisa Hinrichs, second by Toney Xidis, to approve Vicky Broos, Johnna Jennings, Marilyn Csernus, and Jodi Baumgartner as signatories. Motion carried.


There being no further business to come before the Council, motion by John Prendergast, second by Emily Plapp, to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.