POB-Middle School
Life Science 7
Ms. Llinas
Welcome back to school!
I want to take this opportunity to wish you an exciting and successful academic year. My greatest hope is that this year you will find life science to be enjoyable and intellectually stimulating. Please review the information in this packet with your parents and sign in the appropriate space. I look forward with keen interest to seeing you all succeed.
I would like to outline some things about the course. Life science provides students with an understanding of the living environment. This is a full year course with a specific curriculum. We will cover the following major topics:
- Structure, Function, and Information Processing
- Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms.
- Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems
- Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
- Natural Selection and Adaptations
Materials for the Course
During the course I will be distributing handouts and other materials, which are to be kept in a loose-leaf binder. The following are needed:
- 3-ring loose-leaf binder (this can be shared with other subjects)
- Loose-leaf paper and folder
- Section dividers
- Pens, pencils, colored pencils and highlighters
POB-Middle School rules apply under all circumstances.
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Be seated and ready to work when the bell rings.
- Bring ALL necessary materials to class.
- Work quietly. Do not disturb others who are working.
- Students are not to call out. (Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged).
- Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions
Students Assessment
Your quarterly grades will be determined by your performance in the following areas:
- Full period or major exams 55%
- Homework 10%
- Labs/Quizzes 35%
Exams will always be announced. A review sheet for each will usually be available. There will be an exam at the end of each unit. If you are absent the day a test is given you must take the test upon your return to school.
There will be a mid-term exam based on materials covered in quarters 1 and 2.
Final Exam: Based on the full year of life science.
Quizzes may be unannounced. The questions are usually fill-in, short answer, matching, essay, etc… Quizzes can cover homework assignments, review work, class discussions, videos, lab work etc…
Homework will be assigned as often as possible. Late homework will Not be accepted unless you have a note from home indicating a legal absence from school on the date the assignment was collected. Only legible assignments will be graded. You will sometimes copy the assignment from the board or a handout will be given or may be posted on google classroom.
School Expectations for All Student Work:
1. Heading: To be written on ALL work.
Student’s full name Date
Science7 Period ___ Assignment (HW, Lab, etc.)
2. All responses must be written in complete sentences. Your answer sentence must include the question.
Labs: Labs give students the opportunity to test the concepts covered in class. They will be hands-on, inquiry based activities. All questions must be answered in complete sentences. If absent, you must make up the lab within 2 weeks. After this time you cannot make up the lab and a zero will be assigned.
Participation in the classroom is essential. Listen to the teacher and to the other students in class. Be prepared so that you can get involved in class discussions and projects.
Sincerely yours,
Ms. Llinas
POB Middle School
Life Science (PRINT CLEARLY)
Ms. Llinas
Student’s Name ______Date______
Guidance Counselor’s name ______
Home address: ______Home Phone(____)______
Mother’s or guardian’s name______Work\Cell # ______
Father’s or guardian’s name______Work\Cell # ______
Email: ______
Email: ______
I understand the requirements and grading procedures of this science class.
Student’s signature Parent’s or guardian’s signature
Parent’s or guardian’s signature
Ms. Llinas
Parental contacts and Assistant Principal and Guidance contacts.______
______POB-Middle School
Science Department
Welcome back to school!
I want to take this opportunity to wish you an exciting and successful academic year. My greatest hope is that this year you will find life science to be enjoyable and intellectually stimulating. Please read the information written on the attached sheet and sign in the appropriate space. Share this information with your parents and have them sign it as well.
I look forward with keen interest to seeingee you all succeed.
Dear Parents,
My name is Ms. Llinas and I will be your child’s life science teacher this year. Because I will be spending about five hours a week with your child, I would like to outline some things about the course. Life science provides students with an understanding of the living environment. This is a full year course with a specific curriculum designed to reinforce scientific concepts.
Materials for the Course
During the course I will be distributing handouts and other materials, which are to be kept in a loose-leaf binder. The following are needed:
3-ring loose-leaf binder
Lloose-leaf paper and folder
Section dividers
Pens, pencils, colored pencils and highlighters
(Ooptional): Please donate a box of tissues for the allergy and cold season.
POB-Middle School rules apply under all circumstances.
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Be seated and ready to work when the bell rings.
Bring ALL necessary materials to class.
While I am talking, students are to give 100% attention.
Students are not to call out. (Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged).
It is absolutely important that each student treat him/herself as well as his/her classmates with respect and courtesy.
Students Assessment
Your quarterly grades will be determined by your performance in the following areas:
Full period or major exams 65%
Quizzes/Homework 15%
Laboratory exercises 15%
Class notes/Participation 5%
Exams: Exams will always be announced. A review sheet for each will usually be available. There will be an exam at the end of each unit.
Quizzes. They may be unannounced. The questions are usually fill-in, short answer, matching, essay, etc… Quizzes can cover homework assignments, review work, class discussions, videos, lab work etc…
Homework will be assigned as often as possible. Late homework will Not be accepted unless you have a note from home indicating a legal absence from school on the date the assignment was collected. Only legible assignment will be graded. You will sometimes copy the assignment from the board or a handout will be given.
Lab Work w will be performed and recorded. Students will be required to write up a report after most experiments. These reports will be graded. If absent, you must make up the lab within 2 weeks. After this time you can not make up the lab and a zero will be assigned.
Class notess wwill be graded at the end of each quarter. The goal of this grade is to help students be organized. I require 4 divisions in their binfolders:
1. Nnotes and handouts
, 2. Hhomeworks
3. Rreview packets
, and 4. Lab reports
. Chronological order is important therefore, every handout, homework, lab and notes must have dates on them. Research has shown that when students are neat and organized they are forced to raise their level of concentration and are less careless. In fact most students can improve their grades by 20% simply by being neat.
Participation in the classroom is essential. This will be graded in conjunction with class notes. Listen to the teacher and to the other students in class. Be prepared so that you can get involved in class discussions and projects.
Sincerely yours,
Ms. Llinas
Questions or concerns: ______
POB Middle-JFK High School
Life Science Department (PRINT CLEARLY)
Regents Biology
Ms. Llinas
Student’s Name ______Date______
Grade______Previous or current science classes 1. ______
Textbook numbers______2. ______
Guidence Counselor’s name ______
Assistant Principal’s name ______
Do you have exams in a testing center or resource room______(if yes)
Resource teacher’s name______
What period do you have resource room? ______
Home address: :______Home Phone(____)______
Mother’s or guardian’s name______Work phone______
Father’s or guardian’s name______Work phone______
Other parent or guardian’s name______Work phone______
I must occasionally miss this class in order to attend other functions or to take care of other business. These include (for example, chorale, band, Dr. appointments)
I understand the requirements and grading procedures of this science class.
Student’s signature Parent’s or guardian’s signature
Parent’s or guardian’s signature
Ms. Llinas
Fill in your class schedule bellow:
Period days subject teacher room number
(odd, even, all)
Parental contacts and Assistant Principal and Guidance contacts.______