Letter to Parents
Dear Parents:
On ______, from ____ to ____ pm, ______Elementary School will be hosting the Elementary Science Olympiad Family Fun Night. I would like to encourage you to attend this fun night of learning and exploring science with your son or daughter. And, the whole family is invited!
Science Olympiad is a competition for students with the goal to improve the quality of science education. Students will compete in several events with a classmate to earn 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place ribbons! The events are designed to maximize fun and learning. Some of the events are done completely on competition night, while others require the students to prepare a resource guide, bring a reference book, or build a device. The events that students can select are:
§ BARGE BUILDING – Students will construct a barge using aluminum foil that can support the greatest cargo
§ DON'T BUG ME – Students will identify insects and the various stages of insect development.
§ EGG DROP – Students will construct a package to protect an egg from breaking that will be dropped free fall.
§ ENERGY LAB - Students will build a device that most efficiently uses the energy supplied to a light bulb.
§ ESTIMANIA - Students will be asked to estimate the number of objects between ten and one million.
§ PLANETARY PARTNERS – Teams will draw an alien capable of living on a planet in the Solar System and will explain the alien’s survival adaptations.
§ ROCK HOUND - Students will prepare charts, identify various rocks and minerals and describe their characteristics.
§ SAVE OUR EARTH - Contestants will build a water filtration device that can remove impurities from water and return the pH of the water to 7.
§ SCIENCE DETECTIVES - Students will locate items fitting a specified list of properties.
§ STRAW TOWER – Students will build the strongest tower using straws, paper clips, tape and pipe cleaners.
§ WILL IT FLOAT – Students will predict if common objects are more or less dense than water and the objects will be placed into water after predictions are made.
I hope that you will help your child as they prepare for this fun night, and more importantly, I hope that you are able to attend!