Great Salkeld Parish Council
Clerk: Rachel Lytollis (01228) 670451
Ordinary Meeting of Great Salkeld Parish Council held in Great Salkeld Village Hall at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 7th April, 2015.
PRESENT: Cllr Carrick, Cllr Thompson, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Mounsey, Cllr Robson, Cllr Pink & County Cllr Carrick
OPEN MEETING- For discussion of matters of general Parish concern
· A parishioner spoke to the meeting- He noted that the seats on Pillar Hill are damaged and asked if they are to be replaced. Cllr Thompson reported that one won’t be replaced and a parishioner has volunteered to replece the other.
· Clearance work has been carried out by a volunteer down Pillar Hill- the gutter was full and needed to be cleared to prevent flooding.
· Green Lane seat (wood)- all of the verges on Green Lane (including where the bench is sited) are being reviewed. Cutting and spraying has already been carried out and further work will take place in the summer.
· Noticeboards- Cllr Carrick outlined the schedule of works relating to the maintenance of noticeboards.
· It was asked that the Clerk ensure that the minutes are up-to-date on the website.
· Footway lights- The council discussed which lights are to be removed (9 in total). The Clerk is awaiting a final list from Chris Slater, Eden District Council. It was agreed that the Clerk would advise parishioners of the final outcome once this has been received.
· Precept- The parishioner asked if the Clerk could ensure that the full details of the discussions relating to the setting of the precept be documented in future.
· Motocross- the sale of the field is pending and no list of events has been drawn up.
· Neighbourhood Plan- Cllr Robson clarified the situation to the parishioner.
1. Declarations of interests- None
2. To receive apologies- Cllr Martin & District Cllr Nicolson
3. It was resolved to accept the minutes of last meeting, Monday 2nd March, 2015, as a true record (proposed by Cllr Mounsey, seconded by Cllr Robson, unanimous vote).
4. To receive a report from County Councillor Carrick
· Cumbria County Council budget was agreed on the 19th February. Eden Local Committee has agreed its allocation of spending and decided that the highways capital budget will have an increased focus on preventative maintenance, with non-priority roads being surface dressed every ten years. An an area plan for the whole of Eden is being drawn up which will identify Eden-wide priorities and detail how services, projects and programmes will be delivered.
5. To receive a report from Lazonby District Councillor Nicolson- Unable to attend.
6. To discuss matters arising from the previous minutes/ action points noted- Councillors checked that all action points had been carried out.
7. To receive a report on any crimes in the Parish- Fence at Otteriggs was damaged by a vehicle.
8. To discuss any Highways matters arising
· Speed camera training- Cllr Carrick to take forward ACTION: MC
9. To receive planning applications made & receive any update on recent applications- None
10. To notify the Council of planning decisions received- Nothing
11. To discuss matters relating to ‘Environment’
· Update on village maintenance programme
- Cllr Thompson reported that Matthew is to spray at the top of Green Lane when the brambles have regrown. It will be done again during the autumn.
· The Dub- John Lowrey reported that he has been speaking to Eden Graphics about producing an interpretation board. Cllr Carrick said that he had looked at the comparable sign at Will Pool, Lazonby. Councillors noted that the board will have an anti-graffiti surface.
Comparative quotes were obtained from AST Signs and Eden Graphics. Eden Graphics were chosen because they are able to provide cost certainty, installation and a larger board. It was agreed that Eden Graphics provide a draft copy of the board to be checked. John Lowrey agreed to arrange an open evening and invite the Cumberland & Westmorland Herald to attend. Councillors expressed their thanks for all his hard work.
· Noticeboards- Clerk to chase Nick Western again.
· It was agreed that councillors walk around the village to establish what maintenance is needed.
· Fishing sign- Cllr Carrick reported that he had gone to look at the post but the whole fence needed replacing. It was agreed that he would obtain a quote to establish a likely cost.
· Otterigg fence- car went through the fence. Linda Jervis had reported the crime.
· Update from the Oil Buying group- Nothing received- to be removed from the agenda.
12. To discuss matters relating to ‘Communication’- It was agreed to ensure that all budget discussions be documented fully. Cllr Thompson explained that Fiona Exon puts them on the website now. It was agreed to send a letter of thanks to Linda Jervis for all her hard work for the parish council. Cllr Pink mentioned that Lazonby Parish Council have a newsletter which is very good. It was agreed that the Clerk contact Becky Wyatt (Clerk of Lazonby Parish Council) to get a copy of it. It was noted that at present full copies of the Parish Council minutes are available in the Jubilee Shelter and on the parish website. Parishioners are also welcome to ask for a copy of the minutes (once they have been approved) from the Clerk (Mrs Rachel Lytollis- 01228 670451).
13. To receive a report by Village Hall Committee- Cllr Thompson reported that the committee had looked into the costs and likely use of broadband and unfortunately it looks as though the cost will be prohibitive.
14. To receive a report by Parish Field Trustee
· Feedback from Liza Dangerfield- Cllr Pink reported that Liza had carried out more research and had requested some costings for various pieces of equipment. Cllr Thompson suggested that Liza contact Playdales Ltd. to look at safety concerns. It was suggested that some painted surface games could be added (ask District Cllr Gordon Nicolson for contractors’ details) and a post and net.
15. To receive a report on Finance
The Clerk ensured that all councillors had a copy of the monthly cash flow spread sheet.
16. To consider correspondence received: The Chair read out the correspondence received.
17. To consider payments due:
It was resolved to make the following payments (proposed by Cllr Thompson, seconded by Cllr Robinson, unanimous vote):
Great Salkeld Reading Room £ 30.00 (Chq No: 100244)
Clerk’s Salary & Expenses £262.60 (Chq No: 100245)
Stephen Mounsey Plant Services (Maintenance) £280.00 (Chq No: 100246)
18. Items to be raised at the next meeting
· AGM points
· Usual agenda points
19. Date of the next meeting: A.G.M. followed by ordinary monthly meeting at 7.30pm on Monday 11th May, 2015 in Great Salkeld Reading Room
The meeting closed at 8.59pm
Signed: R.E. Lytollis
Clerk to Great Salkeld Parish Council Dated: 07.04.15