Fundraiser: Movie Night

Steps to Holding a Successful Movie Night

1.  Identify an optimal date and time for the event: check the CHS School Year Calendar, the sports calendar, the master calendar (w/Mrs. Birch), and any other personal schedules that might conflict (work, practices/rehearsals, music lessons, youth group, etc.). Select a second date and time, in case the first conflicts with something or has to change for some reason.

2.  Complete an Activity Request Form

3.  Ask teachers to chaperone the event. Make sure you have at least TWO chaperones; at least ONE MUST be from the school.

4.  Select movie(s) that will appeal to a wide audience and that you will have easy access to rent, borrow, or buy. (Past movies shown have included: UP, The Blind Side, Transformers ). Make sure the films you select are G or PG. If a title is questionable, have it approved by the principal.

5.  Decide upon a “suggested donation.” Technically, we are not permitted to charge admission, so be sure to promote the CAUSE. Decide what will be included with the suggested donation (one or two movie viewings? Popcorn? Drinks? Candy?) Past groups have had drinks, popcorn, and candy donated and included all of it in the donation fee.

6.  Advertise! Start advertising AT LEAST TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE EVENT. Put up fliers & posters (at both CHS AND CMS), advertise on the morning announcements (at both schools), consider handing out personal invitations, etc.

7.  Reserve the movie screen, DVD player, sound equipment, etc. in the library and make sure you know how to operate it. Do this AT LEAST ONE WEEK BEFORE THE EVENT, if not sooner. It is possible that equipment might already be checked out by someone else if you wait until the last minute.

8.  On the day before or day of: (1.) Make sure you have a cash box for collecting and keeping donations; (2.) Get change to keep in cash box; record amount of change you started with so you can reimburse; (3.) If popcorn is already made, put in baggies (using a cup or serving utensil) for individual servings to be handed out.

9.  Arrive at least 45 minutes before you expect guests to arrive: Arrange chairs and tables in the library for the audience, as well as a place for food and drinks to be distributed and for money to be collected.

10.  Remember to leave yourself enough time AFTER the movie for cleaning up, putting chairs and tables back, etc. (NOTE: Custodians are done at 10:30; after 10:30, we have to pay them overtime for any additional hours, so be sure to advertise end time as 9:00 or so in order to allow time for “intermission” as well as clean-up time.)

11.  AT LEAST TWO PEOPLE should count total donations made THAT NIGHT. Have teacher or administrator lock cash box away until money can be deposited in the Seminar account.