Assignment 1: Adding content to your site

Goal: Create two pages to save in a folder on your USB drive or other storage device that mirrors the files saved in your online directory. Also post one of the pages on your site.

For the first page, which you can create in TextEdit:

  1. View source of Chrome by right clicking somewhere on the white of the page and choosing View Page Source. Copy that code into a new Notepad, Notepad++, TextEdit, or Text Wrangler window (depends on lab you’re in – Notepad and Notepad++ for PC machines, and TextEdit or Text Wrangler for Mac machines).
  1. Immediately go to Format →Make Plain Text.
  1. Then go to File→Save As.
  1. Make sure the pull-down menu next to Plain Text Encoding says Unicode (UTF-8).
  1. Name the file first.html. You must type the “.html” on the end.
  1. Click Save. A dialogue box will say “You have used the extension….” Click Use .html.
  1. In your new HTML file, read down to the line that begins <title>Cam’s first…. Change “Cam’s” to your first name.
  1. Skip down to the line that begins <h1>Content coming soon…. Change “” to your domain name.
  1. Save and close the file.

Now repeat the process of creating a new HTML file with another program, Text Wrangler.

  1. Copy the code from the “first” page into a new Text Wrangler window. Under the View menu at the top of Text Wrangler, make sure to select the Soft Wrap Text at Page Guide option under Text Display: View menu – Text Display – Soft Wrap.
  1. Go to File→Save As.
  1. Make sure the pull-down menu next to Encoding: says Unicode (UTF-8).
  1. Name the file index.html
  1. Click Save.
  1. In your new HTML file, read down to the line that begins <title>Cam’s first…. Change “Cam’s” to your first name.
  1. Skip down to the line that begins <h1>Content coming soon…. Change “” to your domain name.
  1. Save and close the file.

And the process of creating a new HTML file with another program, Notepad.

  1. Copy the code from the “first” page into a new Notepad window.
  1. Go to File→Save As.
  1. Make sure the pull-down menu next to Encoding: says UTF-8.
  1. Name the file first.html
  1. Click Save.
  1. In your new HTML file, read down to the line that begins <title>Cam’s first…. Change “Cam’s” to your first name.
  1. Skip down to the line that begins <h1>Content coming soon…. Change “” to your domain name.
  1. Save and close the file.

And the process of creating a new HTML file with another program, Notepad++.

  1. Copy the code from the “first” page into a new Notepad++ window.
  1. Go to File→Save As.
  1. Make sure the pull-down menu next to Save as type: says Hyper Text Markup Language file. Selecting this particular type will append .html to the end of the file name by default - this is called a file extension.
  1. Name the file index.
  1. Click Save.
  1. In your new HTML file, read down to the line that begins <title>Cam’s first…. Change “Cam’s” to your first name.
  1. Skip down to the line that begins <h1>Content coming soon…. Change “” to your domain name.
  1. Save and close the file.

Upload the index.html file to your site (do not upload the first.html file) by dropping the file into your myweb folder.

Email me () the link to your posted page and print out a copy of your code for me by the end of class time today.