News from The Rotary Club of Everett

Special Meeting: Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The meeting was held at Jimmys Steer House at 6:30pm in Saugus. This special INSTALLATION MEETING of 2004 – 2005 Board of Directors and Officers proved to be another eventful gathering for members.

After being led by Carmin in America the Beautiful, Rev. Coots gave the blessing. For many, it seemed like a “revival meeting.”

Present: Rather than list all those attending, it is important to note that the Club had 71% attendance. This is an accomplishment.

Guests: Julie’s husband, Mark; Diane’s husband “Saint” Jim; “Saint” Gail O’Meara; Rita Fichera; Helen McLaughlin, “Saint” Barbara Mercadante; Doc Fortunato, “Saint” John Lonergan; Diane Coots, Serina Coots, Marianne Hughes, Sheila Assetta, and “Saint” John Gaff.

Fines: Bunny paid a fine for being especially busy in work and missing a few meetings. She also paid a “Happy Dollar” on behalf of her family, because she has lost her voice and they are happy for that!

Happy Anniversary to Lester and Helen MacLaughlin, who celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations to a remarkable couple.

Lester also celebrated a birthday and received a special present from Carmin.

Steve Quigley paid a happy dollar, because his wife has kept him around for seven years. They will be celebrating seven years of marriage. Steve also had something else to celebrate…he completed his MBA at BostonUniversity. Congratulations Steve!

Other fines were given out for lack of Rotary pin, talking (Lou), etc…

Oh…I forgot…the entire Club paid a Happy Dollar, because Diane will be concluding her year as President. On this note…Diane paid a Happy Dollar, because her year has finally ended. Throughout the evening, Diane emphasized to her husband Jim that now he finally has some idea of what she has gone through this past year. We weren’t certain what she could have meant by that…of course, nobody was really listening to her!

Judy read (or attempted to read) a thank you letter from a Scholarship recipient. Judy’s excuse was that the letter was hand written.


President Diane reviewed the Club’s accomplishments this past year. A highlight was increasing membership from 29 members to 34. The Club is honored to have many fine members who are already contributing a great deal. Diane mentioned all the work Judy and the Club has done for St. Pauls, not only in volunteering, but also in financial support. This year, more than $4,000 was spent to bring holiday cheer to needy elderly and families throughout Everett. Graduates of EverettHigh School and Pope John also received $8,000 in scholarships. The Club also contributed more than $1,000 to the Polio Plus Campaign and other deserving causes. Our Web Page was finally completed (and looks great….

Diane thanked the Board members, Officers, and Club members for an eventful year. Not only did we accomplish a lot, but we remained a Club focused on service and, above all, fellowship.

Special thanks was given to Dick O’Meara for all his work on membership and other projects throughout the year, and Tim LaRovere for being “The Web Master” and developing our Web site. Bunny was also thanked for her work as editor of The Gears for many years.


The Club honored four individuals for outstanding service with Paul Harris awards. Receiving this recognition were Judy Lonergan, George Leydon, and Deb Gaff. Thank you to each of you for all your efforts on behalf of the Club. A fourth Paul Harris award will be presented at a later date.


Joe Sachetta recognized the years of service “Doc” Fortunato gave to the Rotary Club of Everett. Dr. Mario Fortunato joined Everett Rotary on September 1, 1955. He served as President from 1966 – 1967 and served on many Rotary Boards and Committees. The Club has been fortunate to have such a dedicated member and one who made each meeting something to talk about!


Julie Vitek said that she was honored to accept the gavel from Diane as she becomes the Club’s new President on July 1st. She is already preparing new reasons to fine members. Since Julie has another month on maternity leave, Diane and Steve Fichera will be conducting the meetings. The 2004 – 2005 Board of Directors and Officers for the Rotary Club of Everett are:


President Julie Vitek

President-elect Steve Fichera

Vice-President Janet Schweitzer

Treasurer Marge White

Secretary Rich Adams

Past-President Diane Faraher-Smith

Board of Directors

Lou Assetta

Tim LaRovere

Dick O’Meara

Carmin Mercadante

Judy Lonergan

Special Thank You to Diane

The Club recognized President Diane for her efforts this past year. On a personal note, having known Diane for more than thirty years, I am well aware that Diane gives 110% to everything. In her role as President, she always found ways to make the Club shine. She had many goals when she took office, and she fulfilled each of them. Under her direction, the Club has grown in membership. Once again, the Club reached in their pockets and gave generously to Polio Plus and other special projects. Diane and her family also volunteered numerous times at St. Pauls. The work she did this past year is commendable. Although she never had full control of our meetings, she worked hard at trying to keep us in order. The Club has been honored to have her as President. Hats off to you, Diane, for an exceptional year.

And with that…I also want to thank Bunny for doing The Gears for many years. I always looked forward to Saturdays when it came in the mail. I hope that you turn on your computers and continue to enjoy The Gears. I might not be the best typist, but I think I do okay considering I use two fingers to type.

As I will be vacationing on the Vineyard for two weeks, I will be calling some members to write the newsletter during my absence.

Remember…CrimsonCafé-EverettHigh School on Thursdays at 12:15pm.