Four Generations

there is a group in our society that is going to come against Christianity

Christianity is going to be seen as a radical

is going to be seen as over the edge

it's going to become a hate crime to identify sin

soon it's going to be seen as intolerance to say that Jesus Christ is the only way

we are not playing social groups

We're not just coming together as a as a big family

If you need someplace to go or you need some friends and if that's what you're here for then you need to go to the family reunion or go find some kind of supper club or something

the church is here to learn the truth and to bring the truth to the world

We were dealing with eternity

We are dealing with a God who's got a plan for you not just in this age but in the age to come

the way you respond to Jesus Christ the word of God is going to determine your eternal destiny and your you're the one eternal destiny works out for you there is a group at all how you draw the line is more about 50-50 right now of our culture is about 50% is make a general statement that I got a fax this is my my perception about 50% of our society is thinking you know Christianity goes over the edge when they stick with the Bible is about 50% is a gap at the Bible is kind of where were at and I think we're in this bounce right here and we are at a point in our culture where the church needs to stand up and not force Christianity on people bathmat that's what the Muslims do there is no way to force it there is no fight for your kids and you force your kids to be Christian now either bring my kids to church entities by gives the Christian faith but when they get to start a debate it is natural and easy if you don't believe that they're going to ask their freedom what do you think of Jesus cries and had to wake up and that is the only way Christianity can spread because it is by faith that works it if you do anything else you're not applying your cutting off saw John as Christians is to bring the truth and no one got an old and truth we got a live the truth and we got present the truth to the world so many to choose history shows that when given the chance to choose either the darkness of the world or the truth of Christianity the majority or a good percentage comes over to Christianity when it is presented correctly when it is presented as truth or not is your little pet church document history shows that when you start shoving your doctrines down people's throats are a little ideas and twists that they don't will wait a minute and they backed off we are at a point now we got to make a decision as as a body of Christ Universal if we're going to live in the truth were to teach the truth I think there is hope for our society but our hope our society is not going away that there are going in the way of a just trying to be tolerant and just accept everything and is not the way the church's been going to the last hundred and 20 years which is downhill Battle liberals local a distracted along with everybody we need to teach the truth when you understand the true now in accident I had he turned Exodus chapter 20 I'm going to turn their him and I've got his presentation of going to give you today I got these things worked up here some I've got a got a graphic portion I hear and I've got the little academic book right here we just been written only one time it has been proved so can make your own perverse symptom incorrectly thought to be in without a second of the 10 Commandments nine or not living in the Old Testament but the 10 Commandments are are part of God guideline not for the church at 10 Commandments guys establishing a nation in Exodus is not establishing a church is not the Christian faith he is establishing a national identity called Israel and expelling them this is how you operate a nation these are the 10 standards you've got a half to be successful as a Coulter and adding nation that is going to be powerful and successful and we're the second one you shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below you shall not bow down to them or worship them for I the Lord your God in a jealous God punishing the children for the set of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me but Schilling loves a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments are right he says no idle for runaway people and I did it for years and eight is the fallen travel well at the Old Testament would get many have any idols in their house by the legal status of the pride enamel candlelight services morning we left there is an incense and vowed on your little idle until this is an outdated verse not sell an idol it says right here on on on on your first page you know to see the pictures there are three things he warns you're not to make an idol out of things that are from the heavens above the earth below or from the sea night in a while you forgotten over the old time the ancient world and will they believe the stars were God realities of ideas we as a culture can do the same thing our scientific where we're not going to believe a little statue in a little star in what I do believe that has to but we are scientific we are in a place of great education we got answers for the world's most and what is an idol to turn the page and I hope you do these things right here I don't worship when the agent called him was the Canaanites of the Philistines of the Amorites of the Babylonians the Greeks may went to their idols they went to their god just like you do just like we should Christianity wake of art died to determine and find out our origin where did we come from you what the Bible says we came from we came from the hand of God God created us then we goes on it identifies our purpose why are we here whiner God created while the Scriptures give us our purpose this is what you hear fool in the inserts inscrutably are got and he'll tell to explain is why worry a wet purpose is to develop or affix what's right and what's wrong how we lived together how we operate it establishes our morals and our athletes are gone will anybody notice that Christianity and it determines our future okay now that we been put here in Ottawa got a purpose now we know how we live where we know and you go to your God to find that they would go to their idols to find and I got right here two days I number one origin where does our origin come from evolution easier and their marriage or I write out one of the idols of our culture is evolution we go to the sky we go to blame to go to the sea to find out why did we come from we came from evolution opened at theirs and I the next thing what is our purpose our purpose is basically materialism and pleasure is one of unhappy and have a good time and got your that's what it's all about so are our culture materials and pleasure becomes an eye number three at the wire-to-wire ethics come from the RFPs what is right and wrong in our culture comes from a legal system now you don't believe that you never thought I will think about it if they pass a law on abortion that means it's okay if they pass a law on gay marriage that means it's okay if they pass a law on on on anything it becomes now legal and that is now our national standard of ethics that is now acceptable if they back off and change it the other way now becomes illegal so our athletes are determined by our legal system but wants his our legal system is determined by a democracy which is returned by the majority rule which is basically popular opinion which is adrenaline today by the way he got soy a little bit of Michael Moore Michael Moore is telling truth these convincing your minds and not an integer you're going and when you go backwards down the else's because that's represented as they make the law there to access them thank you very much each of the house can become when I there is nothing wrong with the legal system and other while democracy is another a majority rule is nothing wrong with popular opinion there's nothing wrong with having a media but when the media is establishing your athletes and not the word of God and I'm sorry for the word of God you have got an idol that is replaced God or Jesus cries to hold in your life will forced to give you your future on the media things were headed towards world peace but I is not going to happen but that is what our idols hotels were heading toward toward one of the believer heading towards even though you don't say I like evolution evolution teaches us that everything is getting better that man is getting smarter that there's new species always coming about and somewhere on this client we start off in the mud and were continuing evolving ever getting higher better and smarter now that's the philosophy but those same people that teach this right here that were getting better are the same people who were screaming your story I because it's all falling apart were losing animals species are becoming extinct the world was having problems in California of cloth into the ocean is going the opposite way and it's getting worse easy the Bible teaches that we began in the Garden of Eden Koran out of hand of God in paradise and then man now and then the decline began in and we are still in the decline even only got computer we are still equally we have more diseases the data we get a hundred years ago there is more problems in our world today there was a hundred years ago while in all sold we got is evolution teaching less a watch this evolution teaches this increase in the world at the old evolution of the land in is doing that the light at Apple I be that dumb not line up with the real world if they would just look at why Romans as any to become wise they became fools at least my philosophy which is the Christian faith based on the Scriptures teach as we began in perfection and Apollo man is declining in and out in the book of Revelation with you after the our while he is my reality lineup of my philosophy and that's a good point right there because if you have got anything you've got a philosophy at least it makes sense in the real world they are trying to teach our idols from origins to purpose of athletes in the future are trying to teaches that we are heading for world peace if we reduce the right and I say what I'll say it again they're eventually going to come the conclusion that the Christians are standing in the way of that utopia because we keep saying bad things we can talk about the sin nature which he talked about his imaginary Jesus coming back we can try to base our our modern culture on 2000-year-old Scripture is if I do you see the problem here is that the radical impulse that Christian faith that we needed away with and that lines up with where the book of Revelation goes now go back Exodus chapter 20 points do not created in heaven above on the earth beneath or the waters will you shall not bow down and cried Lord your God and the jealous God watches to see the children for the sin of the fathers of the third and fourth generation toward punishing in the MIB King James is visiting these and I'm going to visit that site in into the far end of fourth generation now that does not mean we don't have an easy going to explain this easy ~have a philosophy of the false teaching that easy to one of the false teachings easy kill Bill with the saying that the people said the fathers eat sour grapes but the children's teeth are set on it being the fathers do something but the act comes on the children selected grandpas stubs his toe and his grandparents they have a greater say in grandpas stubs his toe and curses than three or four generations gone to finally get around to bringing judgment downpour that and you might get nailed for a when you know your grandpa is like that that is not a some people teach that in the but instead that's not even just got that is not what he's talking about the word now the meaning of the word to Robert means the visit with friends or households into the meeting is off punishing is to oversee to care for her to look after to inspect or examine not as bad media delivered impression for the Senate of the fathers when they are going to idol worship God is going to examine any suspect that sin in the fourth generation many when they make a choice in that first generation is going to have an impact on how they raise their children and those killed are going to lose some Christian heritage and start filling in the blanks of other things and then they'll have a generation they'll raise children which are now in the fire generation doesn't now we might have a problem is that I'll start observing Rawlings and until the third and fourth generation in the form generations out how they got to make my decision and if you notice there is no fifth-generation meaning if it is not dealt with by the war. Women come back or worse old motherboard generation the thing is off Trachsel for if the decline of the society you were talking about he says he will punish or visit that got to does third and fourth generation and go to Proverbs chapter 30 of you would please note away with it before even from 730 to Genesis Chapter 15 the show is this quickly but are many several elite biblical examples of this is global for generation cycle away Coulter goes off-track in a particular generation in cause and effect the second generation which affects the third generation effect of fourth generation by that time the fourth generation gets there but Coulter is completely corrupt and unfavorable for this writer chapter 15 got us out in favor him then the Lord said to him as he given the prophecy about his future know for certain that your descendents of the strangers in a country not their own and they'll be in Slate and is treated for 400 years #the cause mankind was living longer and wise mankind living longer because they were closer to the perfection of the Guardian is to