Chapter 1: Know these terms:
Federalist; Anti-federalist; unitary system of government; direct democracy; representative democracy; republic; Virginia Plan; New Jersey Plan; Great Compromise; Shays’ Rebellion; Constitutional Convention; theocracy; bicameral; autocracy; monarchy (absolute and constitutional); dictatorship; Divine right; mercantilism; legislature; executive; judicial; Articles of Confederation; 3/5 compromise; Electoral College; 22nd Amendment; Impeachment/removal; Bill of Rights; Common Sense.
Know the three branches of government and their corresponding articles in the Constitution; What were the three main reasons people left England?
What were some reasons that caused the colonists to revolt against the British? What were some problems with the Articles of Confederation?
What did the Framers of the Constitution agree/disagree upon at the Constitutional Convention? What was common to state constitutions during the Revolutionary Era? What issues did the Declaration of Independence not address? What compromises at the Constitutional Convention were made regarding slavery?
Chapter 2: Know these terms:
Judicial review; separation of powers; checks and balances; writ of mandamus; executive privilege; executive order; popular sovereignty; 15th Amendment; 19th Amendment; 26th Amendment; independent regulatory agencies; political parties.
What are some examples of congressional elaboration?
How is the Constitution amended?
Know these court cases:
(1803) Marbury v. Madison
(1810) Fletcher v. Peck
Chapter 3: Know these terms:
Federalism; devolution; express powers; implied powers; inherent powers; concurrent powers; federal mandate; necessary and proper clause; national supremacy; interstate compact; full faith and credit clause; extradition clause; unitary system; confederation; 10th Amendment; reservation clause; interstate privileges and immunities clause; block grant; preemption; categorical grant.
What are some reasons why we have a federal system of government?
What are the four constitutional pillars?
What are the constitutional obligations the federal government has to the states?
What role did the federal courts and the Civil War play in the evolution of our federal system?
Know these court cases:
(1819) McCulloch v. Maryland
(1824) Gibbons v. Ogden