Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com


Grey Cells©

HRD, Training & Placement Consultants

104-105, Orbit Estate, Chincholi Bunder, Off. Link Road, Malad (West),

Mumbai – 400064

40033117 – 19


Enhancing Excellence in Performance
1995 – 2009
65,000 Training Days
1100 Clients




Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com


Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com



Mr. Mehul Kuwadia is Chief Executive of Grey Cells©. He is 48 years old and has rich experience of 23 years in the field of Human Resources. He has worked at General Management levels for Interlink, QSS-Lazor, Lupin, Ion Exchange and for Jetking.

It will be of interest to know that, Mr. Kuwadia started his career as a Management Trainee with Jetking, way back in 1985, and today he is a Director i.e. Member of the Board in the same company.

Mr. Kuwadia is very well known for conducting Skill Building and Behavioral Programs. He regularly conducts In-House training programs, on various topics of Managerial Effectiveness & Executive Development, for many of the Top 500 companies. He has personally trained 15,000 Managers and Executives through 750 programs.

Mr. Kuwadia, has to his credit being the first and only one in India to have conceived and conducted Topic Based Train-The-Trainer Workshops/Skillshops. Till date he has trained 1500 trainers to conduct programs on 11 topics. He has also trained 2500 Trainers through the Basic TTT workshops. He is considered as India’s No. 1 Trainer’s Trainer. He was interviewed by CNBC.

Mr. Kuwadia is actively associated with Bombay Management Association, Ahmedabad Management Association and Indian Society for Training & Development. He is also a visiting faculty at many of the Premium Management Institutes in Mumbai.

Academically, Mr. Kuwadia is very well qualified. He has to his credit a BA in Psychology, Masters in Labor Studies (where he topped the University), Diploma in Personnel Management and Diploma in Training & Development. He has also studied for MA in Industrial Psychology.

Mr. Kuwadia regularly writes on various management topics, which are published in journals & newspapers. His four articles have been published in the ASCENT section of Times of India. He is presently writing a book.

Mr. Kuwadia is a multifarious personality. He is keenly interested in the fields of Astrology & Palmistry. He has formally studied it from Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan.


Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com




& Services

About Us

Our Vision, Mission, Objectives, Approach & Goals



-  HRD & Training Consultancy

-  KNOW – Employee Satisfaction Survey

-  CAT-M – Competency Assessment for Managers

-  Psychometric Assessment

In-house Programs

-  MDP & EDP Programs

-  EXCEL – Competency Building Program

-  SMART – Personality Development Program

Open Programs for Trainers/HR Professionals

-  Basic Train-The-Trainer Programs

-  Topic based Train-The-Trainer Programs

-  Certified Psychometric Assessor’s Program

Trainer’s Training Kits

16 Psychometric Assessment Tools

Placement Services

-  Executive Search

-  RSS – Resume Shortlisting Services

Management Films/CDs

IIPPD – Indian Institute for Personal & Professional Development

GCTF – Grey Cells Trainers’ Forum

Sister Concerns

-  Career Affaire – Candidate Services

-  Resource Base – Marketing Services


Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com


Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com



Envisioned by Mehul Kuwadia, Chief Executive, on 1st June 1995, Grey Cells© has serviced 1100 clients, out of which 150 are from Economic Times/Business Today’s India’s Top 500 Companies.

We are growing @ 1.57 new clients per week.


·  To provide Contemporary & Innovative HRD Services.

·  To create a HRD Departmental Store.

·  To be a group of Vibrant & Purposeful HRD Practitioners.


·  To provide World Class Services.

·  To become a Center for Enhancing Excellence in Personal & Professional Development.


·  To achieve Optimum Client Satisfaction by Surpassing the Expectations.

·  To attain a WIN-WIN-WIN Situation between our Clients & us.

(WIN-WIN-WIN is a model developed by Mehul Kuwadia)


·  Utmost Confidentiality & Transparency.

·  To Empower Clients to become Independent.


·  To be amongst Top 10 HRD Consultancies.

·  To have 1250 Dynamic & Proactive Organizations as our Clients.

Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com


Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com




·  1st to offer Topic Based Trainer's Training Workshops, in India

·  1st to offer Indianised Trainer's Training Kits with Video Recording, PPT, etc.

·  1st to offer Bio-data Restructuring Services through Career Affaire in 1996

1st to give Field Support in Mumbai to:

·  Reliance Infocom

·  Satyam Infoway

·  Godrej Smart Care

·  Dial 4 Health

·  DNA – Daily News & Analysis (Trained 2000 Field Sales Employees for 11 continuous days across 30 locations through 30 trainers at Mumbai & Bangalore.)

Our Major Achievements have been:

·  Delivered 65,000 Mandays of Training across India

·  Trained 1500 trainers through Topic based Train-The-Trainer Programs

·  Provided 1750 Training Kits & Tools

·  Executed 15 Consultancy Assignments

·  Trained 15,000 Managers/Executives, through 500 programs

·  Placed 250 candidates for Senior Positions

·  Conducted Psychometric Assessments for 1500 persons

Mehul Kuwadia interviewed by:

·  CNBC – for 10 minutes in the program "The Road Beyond" for being India's No. 1 Trainer's Trainer (Jun 2000)

·  Financial Express – for Topic Based Train The Trainer Programs (May 2000)

·  Indian Express – for Resume & HR Services; a Half page article (Nov 1998).


·  Economic Times – for giving Field Support to Reliance Infocom; Front Page News (Jun 2001)

·  Economic Times – for giving Database support to Tata Motors (Jun 2001)

·  18 Newspapers – for the unique Biodata Re-Structuring Services (Nov 1996)

·  Four ½-Page Articles of Mehul Kuwadia published in Ascent section of Times of India.

Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com



HRD Consultancy

Human Resource being most valuable needs to be organized effectively and utilized optimally. To help you attain this, we offer:

·  Organization Diagnostics & Development

·  Employee Morale/Satisfaction Survey

·  Preparation of Job & Role Descriptions

·  Competency Assessment

Training Consultancy

Effective training improves organization’s overall health as well as serves as a cost saving device. We offer Training Consultancy for:

·  Training Needs Survey

·  Designing Training Systems & Policies

·  Management of Training function on Out-sourced basis

Psychometric Assessments

Psychometric Assessments always helps in making better decision about people. We conduct Psychometric Assessments for Pre-employment Assessments & Competency Assessments. The Tools used are;

·  Managerial Effectiveness, Managerial Style, Leadership Style, 16 Personality Types, Inter-personal Orientation, GATB, Conflict Mode, Sales Aptitude, Team Effectiveness, Burnout Level, Stress Measurement, Supervisory Aptitude, Life Position, Ego States.

Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com





The survey gives an opportunity to employees to express their views and give their feedback on various issues relating to them and the company. The objective of this survey is to identify employees’ perceptions about the organization and to communicate them to the management for appropriate actions. This will help the organization to focus its resources and actions on the important issues facing employees in their jobs and also in achieving its objectives. Overall the Survey focuses on 4 aspects of employees:

K - Knowledge about Organization

N - Needs

O - Sense of Ownership

W - Willingness to Contribute


·  To ‘KNOW’ from Employee’s Perspective the OD/HRD Initiatives required to create a better Sense of Belongingness to the Organization; To ‘KNOW’ (measure) the Brand Equity as Employer.


‘KNOW’ measures employees’ responses on 3 factors comprising of 33 attributes:

1. Perception & Opinion Factors: 6 Attributes (Open ended questions)

·  Strengths & Weaknesses; Help & Hindrance; Problems & Solutions

2. Satisfaction Factors:18 Attributes (Rating on a 4-point scale)

·  On Confidence, Competence & Control: Self, Development, Career & Future

·  On Job content, Rewards, Performance & Role: Challenge, Rewards, Recognition, Role, Results & Workload

·  On Company & Culture: People, management, Culture, Company, Energy, Interest, Socialization, Autonomy

3. Team Effectiveness & Leadership Factors: 9 Attributes (108 Close ended statements)

·  Clear Objectives; Openness; Support/Trust; Cooperation; Procedures; Leadership; Review; Development; Relation


'KNOW' provides the following Indexes (Findings) on all 3 factors i.e. Perception & Opinion Factors, Emotional & Satisfaction Factors and Team Effectiveness & Leadership Factors:

·  Overall All India Indexes; SBU/Leader-wise; Location/Unit Head-wise; Function/Department/Function Head-wise; Grade-wise – Staff, Executives, Managers, Top Management; Experience-wise - New v/s Old Employee; Age-wise - Young v/s Aged Employees; Sex-wise - Male v/s Female

Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com


Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com




This internationally valid tool measures Managerial Competencies. It has been effectively used in Organizations like: Aditya Birla Group, Godrej, Arvind Mills, Coats Viyella, Levi Strauss, Blow Plast, Thermax, etc. Internationally it has been used in 500 organizations in 19 countries.

The tool assesses 12 Competencies, 2 Values & 8 Styles. It is a video-driven and computer-scored assessment. The Assessment & Development Plan is conducted in 2 days.

·  Day 1: Comprises of video-driven assessment; participants respond to 200 multiple option situations based on episodes from a week in the life of an administrative department. Participant responses are scored overnight and profiles are computer generated

·  Day 2: Comprises of detailed discussion on conceptual framework of competencies and present responses styles, communication styles and discussion on Theory X & Y. Individual Development Plan is made based on the profiles generated

The 12 Competencies measured are:

·  ADMINISTRATIVE COMPETENCIES (Managing Job): Time Management & Prioritizing; Setting Goals & Standards; Planning & Scheduling

·  COMMUNICATION COMPETENCIES (Relating to Others): Listening & Organizing; Giving Clear Information; Getting Unbiased Information

·  SUPERVISORY COMPETENCIES (Building the Team): Training, Coaching & Delegating; Appraising People & Performance; Disciplining & Counseling

·  COGNITIVE COMPETENCIES (Thinking Clearly): Identifying & Solving Problems; Making Decisions & Weighing Risk; Thinking Clearly & Analytically

The 2 Values measured are:

1.  Theory X: Parent to Child Ego State & Task handling competency

2.  Theory Y: Adult to Adult Ego State & People handling competency

The 4 Styles of Karl Jung measured are: Intuitor; Thinker; Feeler; Sensor

The 4 Styles of Communication measured are: Empathic; Critical; Searching; Advising

Structure & Objective:

A 5-Step cycle for Competency based Management Development: Assessment; Interpretation; Planning; Training & Reassessment.

Grey Cells© (HRD, Training & Placement Consultants) Ph: 022-40033117/8/9 E-mail: Website: www.greycellsindia.com




We are regularly invited to conduct programs on

Managerial Effectiveness Executive Development

Staff Development Supervisory Skills

7 Skills for Personal Effectiveness Leadership & Team Building

Written Communication Skills Appraising, Coaching & Counseling

Communication Skills Transactional Analysis

Time Management & Goal Setting Inter-Personal Relations & Conflict Management

Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making Interviewing & Selecting

Presentation Skills Working in Teams

Trainer’s Training Negotiation Skills

Computer Simulated Territory Management Game

(For Pharma & Healthcare Companies)


Depending upon whether the program is a ‘Workshop’ or an ‘Appreciation Program’ and also depending upon the depth of course coverage, each of the above Titles can be conducted as a 1/2 day or 1 day or 2 or more day program.


The methodology used is highly interactive. The method of presentation is participative and skill-oriented. In addition to short lectures, films and discussions, case studies, there are group exercises, video-replays, etc. Use of different psychometric tools provides insights, to each participant, in their approaches and styles.


·  Our core faculty is Mr. Mehul Kuwadia. He has personally trained 15,000 Managers and Executives through 750+ programs.

·  We also have 60 Associate Faculty all over India to deliver programs on these topics.


Competency Building Program for Managers & Executives

For organizations to remain healthy, competitive and growing, the current scenario demands that the Managers & Team Leaders are competent enough not only to manage people & work but are also competent and empowered to motivate their team-members to excel in performance. Because of working in the same routine manner day-in & day-out, over a period of years, many Team Managers/Leaders require refreshing their skills. The COMPETENCY BUILDING PROGRAM aims at resolving these two issues.

For Whom?

The program is ideally suitable for:

·  Existing Managers or Leaders (Supervisors, Executives, etc) who are potent but needs to refresh their skills.

·  Newly promoted Managers/Leaders who need to reorient their thinking from the management’s perspective.

·  People who have been identified to become Managers/Leaders in near future.

Program Design

·  It is a well-known fact that if learning is not put into practice then it is very quickly forgotten. Therefore the program focuses much on putting “Learning into Practice”, thereby building competency of the participants.

·  By the end of each module participants are asked to make an Action-plan for implementation in next one month’s time and before the start of the next module each participant is required to make a 15 minute presentation on the implementation of the Action-plan..

·  The steps followed are:

1.  Learning of the specific skill – module 1.

2.  Making of Action-plan for implementation in next 1 month.

3.  Implementation – Putting Learning into Practice.

4.  Presentation on implementation of the Action-plan and learning from each-other’s experiences.

5.  Learning of the next skill – module 2.

Topic Coverage & Schedule

·  Becoming a Contributing Person

·  Living a better life through Transactional Analysis

·  Leadership & Team-building Skills

·  Time Management

·  Communication Skills (Verbal, Written & Presentation Skills)