CLIU #21 Joint Council Minutes March 21, 2013


e-collaborate, Naina Boveja, Executive Director

e-collaborate empowers education communities around the world to solve contemporary global problems through a virtual experience.


Ø  What are districts are doing with Keystones supplemental instruction (remediation) and retesting?

-  Districts are revamping their schedule to offer remediation and using tier programs. There is a fear of losing electives if teachers are being used for remediation. Study halls are being used for remediation along with study island. Before and after school sessions were not well attended. Parkland is using Aleks.

Ø  Is anyone doing on-line Keystone or PSSA/Keystone on-line training video/test?

-  No one is using on-line Keystone

-  PSSA/Keystone on-line training video – if teacher watches module they can be certified, teachers can collaborate

Ø  What are districts doing with PD related to Common Core?

Ø  Other Discussion Items

Informational Items

School Performance Profile Update

The PA School Performance Profile (SPP) was tentatively scheduled for release in spring 2013. The release has been delayed based upon the following:

·  In the recent data verification window for 2011-12, it was apparent that some LEAs submitted data to PIMS and EdNA that was not accurate; therefore, SPP demographic data and academic performance scores may have been affected. Since the accuracy of this data is directly related to the SPP academic performance score, the need to report accurate data is imperative.

·  At the LEA level, PIMS administrators need to verify the 2012-13 Course Data quality provided to PIMS. Specific Cognos reports have been provided to perform the data quality checks. The data quality concerns are most often related to attributing the following: (1) students to courses; (2) students to teachers; and (3) courses to teachers. If data accuracy problems are detected, the corrected data needs to be provided to PIMS on or before March 14, 2013.

·  The SPP is included as one component of Pennsylvania’s ESEA Flexibility Waiver application and the SPP will be made available once federal approval is obtained.

Consequently, there will not be an additional data verification window for 2011-12. The SPP will be available in fall 2013 and will be based upon 2012-13 data. NOTE: The 2012-13 PSSA and Keystone data will be the baseline for calculating closing the achievement gap in the SPP. Subsequently, LEAs will have an opportunity to verify their 2012-13 data and will then be provided with their SPP academic performance scores for their schools prior to release.

Federal Programs Meeting

On Tuesday, May 21, 2013, Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21 will host a Federal Programs Spring Regional Meeting from 9:00 AM until 11:00 AM. Maria Garcia our Regional Coordinator will be the presenter. The purpose of this meeting will be to share the content from PAFPC, for those who will not be able to attend in April 2013. This meeting is only for those that are not able to attend PAFPC in April 2013.

Additional, Maria Garcia will be available Tuesday, May 21 thru Thursday May 23, 2013 for Individual Meetings. One hour individual district meetings can be scheduled to discuss the application process and ask district specific questions. These meetings are not mandatory. To schedule an individual session please access the following Doodle Form:

Project Based Assessment Pilot Update(Allentown & Palmerton/ East Penn)

Find time for training to provide an overview of Project Based Assessment process and the responsibilities of the Site Administration, Proctor, and Tutor in the 2013 Field Test.

Winter Keystone Reports

o  School and Summary reports to be released today (sample for training purposes) was distributed.

§  These will not be public reports – so they will include all students regardless of group size.

o  Handout highlights are as follows:

§  Reports available by ALL students, All subgroups and then students first tested and subgroups and students retested and subgroups.

§  Report on Assessment Anchors

·  Will list the

§  Reports show only students who take the test this year – not students who take tests in previous years – you can track back students in e-metric

§  Each report will be test administration specific…

o  Reports of all students who took the test – regardless of whether they took the course this year or previous year. – you can sort that in e-metric, if interested.

o  Individual student report will be available Tuesday, March 26th or 28th

·  Modules and Assessment Anchor document.

PDE Website/ESEA Flexibility /Data Reports

·  On PDE’s website:

o  Go to

Scroll to the bottom left of the screen – click on the link to the Flexibility Waiver

§  You’ll find updates on the waiver there periodically

o  To find spreadsheets – go to PDE’s homepage – click on Data and Statistics and then click on PSSA and Keystone link for spreadsheets.

·  On – Click on Flexibility Waiver and you’ll find a map of the US – click on the state and you’ll find the waiver submitted – likely to find it here, not at PDE’s site first.

Chapter 4 Vote-Verbiage

Last week the State Board of Education approved extensive changes to its draft revisions of the Chapter 4 regulations for academic standards and assessment that received the board’s initial approval last May. This latest version of Chapter 4 changes will now be move the second stage of the formal approval process and be transmitted to the Independent Regulatory Review Commission and the Senate and House Education Committees for consideration.

Among the highlights, the revised regulations will:

·  Require proficiency in Algebra I, Biology and Literature Keystone Exams as a graduation requirement beginning with the class of 2017.

·  Subject to state funding, add two additional Keystone Exam graduation requirements: a Composition exam as a requirement for the class of 2019, and a civics and government exam for the class of 2020.

·  Change the use of the Keystone Exams to a stand-alone requirement for graduation; the scores will not be one-third of a final course grade.

·  Require school boards to adopt the new graduation requirements within six months of the effective date of the new Chapter 4 and provide a copy to parents and students, and make them available in each school building or on its website.

·  Remove the state-prescribed strategic planning requirement; however there is a 28-day public inspection and comment period prior to school board adoption for the remaining six required plans (teacher induction, student services, gifted education, professional development, special education, and pre-kindergarten if the school offers it).

·  Change the provision for parental opt-out for religious reasons to require parents to explain their objection and also to require those students who are not taking Keystones to take the project-based assessment.

·  Allow a student who did not score proficient on a Keystone Exam to retake the test without limit. A student who scores proficient or advanced is not permitted to retake the test. A student who does not score proficient must receive instructional remediation.

·  Allow students who have two failed attempts to demonstrate proficiency on a Keystone Exam to participate in a project-based assessment. A change removes the two-year requirement to receive remediation before a student is allowed to participate in a project. Another change allows seniors to participate in a project after just one unsuccessful attempt to pass a Keystone Exam.

·  Require the current highest performance level by Keystone subject area to be listed on a student’s transcript, and designate whether the level was achieved by the Keystone Exam or by the project-based assessment.

·  Allow two alternate pathways for students enrolled in a career and technical education program. First, such students may demonstrate proficiency on the Keystone Exams or a Pennsylvania Skills Assessment to meet the requirement for testing in composition, and civics and government. Second, such students who did not demonstrate proficiency on the Biology Keystone Exam may participate in a project-based assessment without having to take the Keystone twice. These pathways relate to graduation requirements; students would still be required to take Keystone Exams for state accountability purposes.

PVASS Pilot Update/ Sneak Peek

·  Purpose of PVAAS Teacher Reporting:

× Provide a teacher specific growth measure to be used as part of Pennsylvania’s Educator Effectiveness System

× Provide feedback to teachers regarding their influence on the academic growth of students

× Provide data for teachers and administrators to guide discussions about the academic progress of groups of students

•  Discussions between teachers

•  Discussions between teachers and administrators

This is one piece of data to inform who a district/school may consider for the following:

× Mentor beginning teachers

× Serve as Instructional Coaches

× Become lead teachers

× Serve as members of a school-wide planning committee

× Participate in curricular planning

× Serve on professional development committees

× Promote differentiated instruction

× Tutor students in need of extra support

For teachers needing extra support in improving student progress :

•  Provide mentors for these teachers

•  Provide support from Instructional Coaches and lead teachers

•  Provide support for planning and preparation

•  Align professional development needs to data

•  Model differentiated instruction

•  Offer opportunities for observing teachers yielding high growth with students

PDE Guidance:

PDE is developingstatewide policy and guidance for PVAAS teacher reporting that fairly represents the unique schedules, instructional programs, and PA certified educator contributions to student growth in the tested subjects/courses where PVAAS reporting is applicable.

PDE will provide flexibility and guidance for LEAs to locally address, within the state policy and guidelines, teacher attribution to student growth based on PVAAS Teacher Reporting.

PVAAS uses the EVAAS methodology from SAS EVAAS for K-12

SAS EVAAS has been providing teacher level reporting since 1996

EVAAS methodology has been published, research-based, and peer-reviewed

SAS EVAAS has 3 statewide implementations of Teacher Reporting (OH, TN, NC + PA) + 24 regional & district implementations across the US

PA has been learning from other states and districts in the US

These are 2 documents- one a shorter version- to share with various audiences- regarding the research and policy implications on value-added analyses and teacher effectiveness - as it relates to student academic progress.


District and Building Administrators

Curriculum Directors

Special Ed Directors

HR Staff

Content Leaders/Specialists


School Board

PVASS Teacher Specific Reporting

This currently includes PA certified teachers providing content-specific instruction in assessed eligible content in subjects/courses/grades assessed by the PSSA and Keystone exams (with and without accommodations).

This includes the grades/subjects/courses of PSSA reading and mathematics in grades four through eight; PSSA science in grades four through eight; PSSA writing in grades five through eight; and Keystone-related courses.

Note: Pennsylvania’s Alternate System of Assessment (PASA) is not included in PVAAS analyses as there are a very low number of students tested statewide. A significant number of students are needed for each tested grade and subject to yield value-added analyses/reporting.

Ed Tech Counsel Pool Update

Online Learning Symposium

·  On March 26, 2013 at 1oam-1pm, Administrators & legislators meeting together to discuss online learning

Schools to Watch (document on webpage)

·  Deadline to register is August 25, 2013

·  Must complete a self study

Overdrive Update

·  12 districts make up the consortium

·  Cost $2000.00

·  Next consortium meetings- April 3 & 15, 2013, district representative must be present

eLearn21 Update(link on webpage)

·  Diversified options for districts with more course offerings and models of delivery.

Mark Your Calendars (PowerPoint on webpage)

Next Meeting – April 18, 2013 @ 9:30am

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