
1.  Please read the instructions carefully before proceeding.

2.  The report consists of two forms:

a.  PSF12 (this form)

b.  PSF16 (to be downloaded from

3.  Please refer to the “Checklist for Validation of Report” (located on the last page) to ensure that the report is properly completed.

4.  The hardcopies (with signatures) of the report should be sent through the Office of Research (or equivalent) to:

Extramural Programmes

Science & Engineering Research Council

Agency for Science, Technology and Research

1 Fusionopolis Way, #18-10 Connexis North

Singapore 138632

5.  The softcopies (Microsoft Word file of PSF12 and Microsoft Excel file of PSF16) of the report should also be emailed to .

6.  Both hardcopies and softcopies of the report should arrive no later than 14 calendar days after the end of the reporting period.

7.  Note that fund disbursement may be delayed/withheld if the report is not received on time.

Section A: To be completed by Principal Investigator

Reporting Period
Project No.
Title of Project
Principal Investigator's Name
Principal Investigator's Contact No. and Electronic Mail
Principal Organisation & Department
Co-Investigators and their Organisations
Collaborators & their Organisations
Project Duration (Start Date – End Date)
1a. Expenditure Level – Utilisation Rate
Vote / Original Grant
[A] / Revised Grant
(if applicable)
[B] / Actual expenditure
to reporting date (exclude commitments)
[C] / Utilisation Rate
[C/(A or B) x 100%] / Commitments made
Comments (to include explanation for major variations/virements; use additional pages if necessary)

1b. Expenditure Level – Projected Expenditure

Vote / Projected expenditure in the next 6 months (S$)
Comments (if any)
2a. Manpower Development - Project Staffing Status
Original Targets / Revised Targets (if any) / Actual
Research Fellows
Research Assistants
Student Assistants
Comments (to include explanation for major deviations from approved targets and problems encountered; use additional pages if necessary)
3. Project Progress (use additional pages if necessary)
A. Distinct descriptions of research milestones since the last review or since project commencement:
- Research milestones could be in the form of significant research findings/results, high-quality publications, patents filed or completed system/sub-system prototypes.
- Provide succinct description of novel and innovative intellectual ideas being pursued and the value they create in comparison with state-of-the-art work.
- Tie these milestones to the related individual global research objective(s) to clearly illustrate where they fit into the overall perspective of the project.
- Illustrate the resources utilised to achieve the research milestones above.
B. Clear indication of the progress of the project:
- Show ticked check-boxes for research tasks completed and research deliverables achieved against the project's original schedule, showing clearly where project is at this moment in time. Deviations and variations from the original list of activities and schedule must be visually depicted.
- Illustrate the current manpower and financial state of the project, comparing it with original projections.
C. Research plans for the next 6 months:
- Research tasks to be pursued, tying them with related individual global research objective(s) of the project and activities listed in the project's schedule
4. Milestones / Deliverables
(a) Quantitative Indicators (please fill and attach PSF16)
(b) Additional milestones/deliverables not captured in 4(a) above (use additional pages if necessary)

Principal Investigator:

Signature: / Date:


1) Name:
Signature: / Date:
2) Name:
Signature: / Date:
3) Name:
Signature: / Date:

Section B: Endorsement

1. Endorsement from Head of Department (or his nominee).

Comments (if any):

The progress of the project is satisfactory / unsatisfactory*

Signature: / Date:

2. Endorsement from Director of Research (or equivalent authority in PI’s employing organisation) (or his nominee)

Checklist for Validation of Report

All the sections of the report are duly filled.
For PSF16, the details in the "Human Capital", "Publications" and “IP & Industry” worksheets tally with the figures in the "Capability Indicators" worksheet.
The report is duly signed by the PI and Co-Investigators.
The report is duly submitted on time.
The project is assessed (satisfactory / unsatisfactory) and the report is endorsed by the Head of Department.
Comments (if any):
Signature: / Date:

* Please delete accordingly.

Aug 08 1 of 6