BEHAVIOR Support Staff Meeting

One School/One Team

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Topic / Notes/Outcome/Decision
Eagles Nest Updates
(R. Kelly) / New students are not being added to the database.
Eg: Daphne LaFortune (came in May), Briana Rodden (started summer), Emily Pineda, Vincent Agostino, Ontario Anderson…. There are more. The clinical team is emailing Rona with the rest of the names. Stearn will direct Dunlap to keep the Nest updated.
Per Stearn, if staff sees that students are missing on the database, email Dunlap and cc: Stearn.
Once registration packet is complete, information should be entered within 24 hours.
Flavia is working on tracking sheets. Once up on the Nest, there will be a refresher for teachers.
Elsa to remind secretaries to log on calls onto the Eagles Nest.
Pinnacle / Alicia and others are still unable to get in to Pinnacle as of today. Flavia is calling Technical Support. It may be a browser issue. Alicia to email Stearn and Judd new URL.
Alicia will email teachers with direction.
Escorts / Escort list is not being followed. Clean up the list; take one-on-ones off the list since this is a given.
Revisit why some kids are on escort; can there be adjustments. This would free up staff to supervise those students that really need it.
Higgins to review with Safety if there are kids maintaining, take them off escort. Stearn will speak with Tameka about high school students.
Cafeteria Supervision in the morning / Peg will post Table Assignment chart in the Cafeteria and create a list of escorts that need to get their students in the morning.
Disciplinary action will be taken by administration if paras are not adequately supervising in the morning.
Elementary breakfast is going well.
Dress code Violations
(L Green) / If a therapist or any staff member sees a dress code violation in the morning, it should be addressed by that staff member. Any staff member can direct a child to correct their attire. Ms. Kelly inform Clinical Team. If it becomes a discipline issue, Behavior Specialists will address.
Higgins will watch for those students as they come off the bus and call therapist if needed.
Open House
Sept. 3 @ 6:30 p.m. / Stearn posted information to CAB Conference. This date has been on the Events Calendar since August 10th.
Alicia to make tent signs for parents to get schedules by level when they come
Sally will take care of the bells. One teacher will not be in attendance. Someone will need to step in for that person.
Peg will get some movies for siblings that come.
Staff Development
September 17 - Early Release
(M. Trevisol) / Would like time with HS teachers to discuss IEP Goal Writing. Sally will schedule an hour for Maryna into the afternoon.
Questions/Concerns / Peg –
Porch dismissal is suspended for now. These students are the last to get on their bus and it’s causing some issues. At 3:55, paras can bring whatever kids they have to Peg on the porch.
Tyler Cameron – plan developed is working for him. He’s settling in.
Patrol belts went out this morning.
Lots of schedule changes, mostly electives.
Alicia is emailing so that all are immediately notified. She is highlighting the changes in the email. Give teachers 24 hours notice so that they can make sure grades are up to date and forward any information to the new teacher.
She is cross checking Pinnacle and DWH.
Stearn stated that lists should be updated (eg, bus list). Withdrawals should be on the Student Information conference so everyone knows. Cynthia should be emailed when a staff member has a conversation that someone is withdrawing. Stearn wants staff to try to get parent in to sign the Withdrawal form so we can have it in writing.
FSA retake is October 12th (11 and 12 graders who didn’t pass). They will be tested on the computer. Depending on the number of kids, Alicia will pull the students instead of disrupting all the students. If need be, she will enlist another teacher.
We are not required to offer EOC retakes. Stearn wants Alicia to touch base with academic teacher to see if that child should do the retake.
PSAT – 10th gr. October 17 (?). Look at these students on a case by case basis. Alicia to print 10th grade list of students. Alicia and Stearn will review.
Help new staff to understand students better. Rona wants her team to go into the level meetings to provide background info.
Staff Development day (early release) – give new teachers especially with no EBD background some PD.
Bus list. Rona will speak with Vicki, make sure the list is up to date.
Ordering. Process is not clear.
SmartBoard & Promethean Board technology and teachers need training. Elsa will get a list from Flavia of who has what. Train teachers to use Smart software on SmartBoard and Promethean.
In-house training and then pull in outside help.
The Smith Project Grant
Pre 16 group – getting those kids ready for the 16 and up group. More seats available for this group. Overflow of 16+ can be placed in this first group.
16 and up group - afterschool training program for job skills, placed in a job next summer.
Adult Group – for those kids from age 22-24.
Rashon will come and meet with Clinical Team. Stearn will take suggestions, however, she will make the final selection on what students (12) gets a seat. There are many resources available through this program.
Practicum/Teacher Students
We have several. Solomon and Shaffer are allowed to take student teachers and will take required ClinEd class online when available. We have reading and ESE practicum students. Angela is the teacher of record for reading practicum. Lisa is working with Angela and Robin from BC.
Movie Approval Form
Elsa will type new form for Cross Creek.
Referrals (get with Peg)
Keys for Cart; need new keys; Judd has keys
ICE kids – they will go early to lunch all at one time. Mr. James will escort.
Safe Team – drill upcoming.
Safety team – When student runs off campus during dismissal, Safety Team will stay on channel 1 and Higgins will direct all other radio holders to go to channel 3. Stearn to draft procedures.
Any students that need one on one that don’t have it at this time? Tyler? Dashawn Cole? Who else?
Hood, Higgins, Peg, Stearn, Judd to talk about Dashawn
New ICE procedures reviewed.
Suggestions made/added. Sally will put new procedure out through morning meetings/team meetings next week.

Upcoming Meetings:

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 @ 10:30 a.m.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 @ 1:30 p.m.