2006-8 Energy Efficiency Portfolio

Quarterly Report Narrative

Program Name: / California Department of Corrections & and Rehabilitation
Program Number: / SCG3519SCE2527
Quarter: / SecondThirdFirst Quarter 2006

1.  Program description

Southern California EdisonGas Company, The California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (CDCR) and the other three Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) are collaborating on a new Energy Efficiency Partnership program to share energy efficiency best practices and to implement energy efficiency projects for immediate and long-term energy savings and peak demand reduction.

The Department of Corrections is a public institution and has recently merged with the California Youth Authority. In 2005, and will continue into 2006, the California Department of Corrections and the California Youth Authority will consolidate into one organization. The new organization will be comprised of 34 adult facilities and 16 parole offices. These facilities will have approximately 37,715,415 square feet of occupied space. There will be an addition of 8 youth facilities with approximately 10 million square feet and 4 camp locations, Through this transition, Southern California EdisonGas Company and the other IOUs, will collaborate with CDCR to develop an implementation plan and schedule that will minimize the impact of the CDC and Youth Authority consolidation. SCESoCalGas and the IOUs had numerous meetings to determine the strategies and implementation elements of the program. In early 2006, the IOUs will work with CDCR facility staff to identify opportunities for Energy Efficiency projects by conducting audits at each of the locations and compiling the data to create a pool of projects for implementation. The partnership will perform preliminary investigations on all the facilities and will start implementation of projects in the latter part of 2006 and will continue to ramp up the program in 2007 and 2008.

The 2006-2008 CDCR Partnership Program was developed based on lesson learned from previous partnership cycle. The management structure was modeled from UC/CSU partnership. However, the structure was simplified to facilitate decision making process. The management team structure was established and the Management team has met several times to prepare for the implementation of the 06-08 program. However, there have been recent developments with the Department of General Services (DGS) that may impede the progress of fully developing a partnership with CDCR. The proposed program in the PIP was based on CDCR providing a matching fund for the effort 50%/50% funding. However, the request from CDCR was not approved. As such, the partnership is considering different strategies to still implement some portion of the project. To add to the complexity of this arrangement, DGS has been mobilizing it’s Green Building Task Force to comply with the Governor’s executive order.

2.  Administrative activities (describe)

·  The management team structure was established and the Management team has met several times to prepare for the implementation of the 06-08 program.

The IOU IOU teams has worked directly with CDCR representatives to identify project opportunities.

·  The IOUs will assist CDCR with some facility audits to identify potential projects and will provide technical support when needed..

The projects will be vetted through a similar process the one being used for Community Colleges. We will use the forms but modify the requirement and incentive levels.The project process will include project submission, IOU Due-diligence review by IOU engineers, and approval by management team.

A previous version of the draft master agreement was provided for CDCR for review with the indemnity sections noted. CDCR was to review the language to determine if there are any specific provisions in the language that may pose any major issues.

There has been recent development with the Department of General Services (DGS) that may be an obstacle to fully developing a partnership plan with CDCR. The proposed program in the PIP was based on CDCR providing a matching fund for the effort 50%/50% funding. However, the budget request from CDCR was not approved. As such, the partnership is considering different strategies to still implement some portion of the project. To add to the complexity of this arrangement, DGS has mobilized it’s Green Building Task Force to comply with the Governor’s executive order. The Green Building Initiatives will require CDCR to perform retro-commissioning activities at several pre-selected CDCR facilities statewide. This additional work will be conducted within CDCR existing budget.

Master Agreement has been issued to all parties for signature. EIt is expected to be fully xpect fully executed by all parties agreement in late November 2006. Each IOU is working with their law department to complete the package.

CDCR partners are collaborating with the State of California effort, coordinated through Department of General Service (DGS) partnership, to avoid any overlap in program activities and process. CDCR management is working through internal issues on procurement of contractors and financing of projects to ensure compliance with state statutes.

3.  Marketing activities (describe)

·  No outreach effort will be required for this partnership. However, it is anticipated that some form of energy efficiency training will be provided for Prison staff to encourage behavioral changes in conservation and to increase energy efficiency knowledge

·  CDCR Facility Management Division has statewide oversight of all facilities. This included facilities in all four IOU service territories. Periodic communications related to partnership implementation activities, especially training opportunities will be disseminated through a pre-established communication infra-structure. Types of communication to include energy efficiency training information for Prison staff to encourage behavioral changes in conservation and to increase energy efficiency knowledge.

4.  Direct implementation activities (describe)

·  SCESoCalGas collaborating with CDCR representatives to identify facilities that would require preliminary facility assessments. The assessments will provide CDCR with existing measure information such as types, estimated quantity, energy savings and costs to implement. CDCR will be able to use the analysis in their contracting discussions with the vendors.

CDCR has identified 6 state facilities in SCESoCalGas service territory for to bepotential retrofit and retro-commissioning activities Retro-Commissioned. The savings potential for these facilities which consist of various types of projects were estimated to be 59,544 Therms10.03 MkWh and 969 kW. SCESoCalGas will work with CDCR to further develop the projects for implementation.

CSP Los Angeles County
California Rehabilitation Center
California Correctional Institution
North Kern State Prison
Ironwood State Prison
California Institution for Women

DGS had identified 27 state facilities to Retro-commissioned. Six out of the 27 were identified as CDCR facilities. DGS also requested that CDCR provide funding, out of its existing budget, for this effort at $0.50/sq.ft. This requirement also impacts our existing partnership efforts with CDCR since it will use existing budget which could have otherwise been used for partnership retrofit projects.


5.  Program performance/program status (describe)

þ X Program is on target

 Program is exceeding expectations

 Program is falling short of expectations

Program effort over the reporting period consisted largely of start-up and mobilization activities as would be expected in the first quarter of a 3-year program. However, the initial high level identification of potential energy projects within each CDCR facility did assist with CDCR vendor solicitation process.

As mentioned earlier, SCE and other IOUs have already met with CDCR representatives to discuss program implementation along with master agreement requirements. A previous version of the draft master agreement was provided for CDCR for review with the indemnity sections noted. CDCR was to review the language to determine if there are any specific provisions in the language that may pose any major issues.

6.  Program achievements (non-resource programs only):

·  Not Applicable

7.  Changes in program emphasis, if any, from previous quarter (new program elements, less or more emphasis on a particular delivery strategy, program elements discontinued, measure discontinued, budget changes, etc.).

·  Change in IOU strategies for CDCR. Potential shift of funds from CDCR to DGS. As of June 31, 2006, this issue has been resolved. No funds will be shifted to DGS effort.


·  Master agreement on hold until decision made to continue with CDCR or change direction. This issue has been resolved. Partnership will proceed as planned.Partnership proceeded as planned.

·  Changes need to be effectively communicated immediately.

8.  Discussion of near-term plans for program over the coming months (e.g., marketing and outreach efforts that are expected to significantly increase program participation, etc.)


·  Due to recent development with DGS, this master agreement process may be put on hold until all the partners can discuss the direction of the partnership with CDCR and DGS.

·  As of June 31, 2006, CDCR/IOU partnership will proceed as planned.

9.  Changes to staffing and staff responsibilities, if any

·  None

·  None

10.  Changes to contracts, if any

·  None

11.  Changes to contractors and contractor responsibilities, if any

·  NonePartners are in discussion on a potential solicitation for a program administration and management contractor/consultant. This contractor/consultant will help the management team in the overall administration of the partnership program. The tasks will typically include meeting and workshop planning, administrative duties, and coordination of special activities including reporting of results to all the partners. PG&E will be the lead IOU to initiate this effort.

12.  Number of customer complaints received

·  None

13.  Revisions to program theory and logic model, if any

·  None

Southern California EdisonGas Company 1 First Third Quarter 2006