Christian Shaunlyn CHAN

Curriculum Vitae


Mailing: Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston

100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA, USA 02125

Phone: (857) 488-2740



2012 Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA

(expected) Advisor: Jean E. Rhodes, Ph.D.

2008 M.A. Clinical Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA

Advisor: Jean E. Rhodes, Ph.D.

Thesis: Religiousness and psychological distress of women after Hurricane Katrina

2003 B.A. Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Minors: Behavioral Science, East Asian Studies

Advisor: Donald M. Taylor, Ph.D.

Thesis: The ethnic identity of Hong Kong-born and Canadian-born Chinese youth


9/2008-present Practicum Trainee, Cambridge Health Alliance/Harvard Medical School - Asian Mental Health Clinic, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

7/2008 Disaster-Relief Clinician, Sichuan, China

9/2007-5/2008 Practicum Trainee, University Counseling Center, University of Massachusetts Boston, Massachusetts, USA

5/2003-3/2004 Diagnostician, Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


2009 Convocation Book Award (for best Master’s thesis), Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston

2008 Research Grant, National Poverty Center, University of Michigan

2007 Professional Development Grant, Graduate Student Assembly, University of Massachusetts Boston

2006 British Chevening Scholarship, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, British Government (declined in favor of University of Massachusetts Boston)

2004-2006 Post-Graduate Research Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho), Japanese Government


Lowe, S. R., Chan, C. S., & Rhodes, J. E. (submitted). You have to put them first:The impact of child-related stressors on the psychological functioning of low-income mothers after Hurricane Katrina. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Schwartz, S. E. O., Rhodes, J. E., Chan, C. S., & Herrera, C. (submitted). The impact of school-based mentoring on youth with different relational profiles. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Chan, C. S., Rhodes, J. E., & Perez, J. E. (submitted). A prospective study of religiousness and psychological distress among female survivors of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Rhodes, J. E., Chan, C. S., Paxson, C., Rouse, C. E., Waters, M., & Fussell, E. (in press). The impact of Hurricane Katrina on the mental and physical health of low-income parents in New Orleans. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

Lowe, S. R., Chan, C. S., & Rhodes, J. E. (in press). Pre-disaster social support protects against psychological distress: A longitudinal analysis of Hurricane Katrina survivors. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.

Lowe, S. R., Rhodes, J. E., Zwiebach, L., & Chan, C. S. (2009). The impact of pet loss on perceived social support and psychological distress among Hurricane Katrina survivors. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22, 244-247.

Rhodes, J. E., & Chan, C. S. (2008). Spiritual development and the mentoring relationship. New Directions for Youth Development, 118, 85-89.


Schwartz, S. E. O., Chan, C. S., & Rhodes, J. E. (August, 2010). Previous relationship experience as a moderator of mentoring impacts. Poster accepted for presentation at the 118th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA, USA.

Mian, N. D., Chan, C. S., Briggs-Gowan, M. J., & Carter, A. (November, 2009). A risk model for early childhood anxiety: A longitudinal study. Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY, USA.

Treanor, M., Hayes, S. A., Mian, N. D., Chan, C. S., & Roemer, L. (November, 2009). The relationship between perceptions of control and anxiety: Preliminary investigation of a multidimensional measure of control-related beliefs. Poster presented at the 43rd Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies conference, New York, NY, USA

Chan, C. S., Lowe, S. R., Schwartz, S., Dillon, C. O., & Rhodes, J. E. (October, 2009). Community engagement in emerging adulthood: Demographic variations, correlates, and processes. Poster presented at 4th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Goldschmidt, E. P., Chan, C. S., & Walsh, M. E. (August, 2009). Understanding the relationship among classroom behaviors, social skills, and school engagement. Poster presented at the 117th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Chan, C. S., Lowe, S. R., Zwiebach, L., Schwartz, S., & Rhodes, J. E. (June, 2009). Gender differences in mentoring relationships: A school-based longitudinal study. Poster presented at the 12th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Montclair, NJ, USA.

Lowe, S. R., Schwartz, S., Chan, C. S., Zwiebach, L., & Rhodes, J. E. (June, 2009). Predicting adverse health outcomes of vulnerable adults after Hurricane Katrina. Poster presented at the 12th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Montclair, NJ, USA.

Chan, C. S., & Rhodes, J. E. (May, 2009). Religiousness and psychological distress of women after Hurricane Katrina. Poster presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, D.C., USA.

Zwiebach, L., Lowe, S. R., Chan, C. S., & Rhodes, J. E. (May, 2008). Loss of pet significantly affects mental health of Hurricane Katrina survivors. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL, USA.

Chan, C. S., Lowe, S. R., Zwiebach, L., & Rhodes, J. E. (April, 2008). Psychological distress among Hurricane Katrina survivors and barriers to mental health service utilization: A longitudinal study. Poster presented at the Psychology and Social Justice Conference 2008, New York, NY, USA.

Karasawa, M., & Chan, C. S. (May, 2007). Spontaneous inferences about person attributes: The role of social categories. Paper presented at the 5th Conference of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology, Kyoto, Japan.

Chan, C. S., & Karasawa, M. (January, 2007). Spontaneous role inference: Some evidence in Japan using the cued recall task. Poster presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN, USA.

Chan, C. S., Hioki, K., & Karasawa, M. (January, 2006). Entitativity, controllability, and responsibility of governments over ongoing national conflicts: An investigation of Japan-China relation. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Palm Spring, CA, USA.

Nuselovici, J. N., Chan, C. S., Abela, J. R. Z., & Ho, R. M. (July, 2004). Transactional relationships between hopelessness, stress, and depressive symptoms in children and early adolescents. Paper presented at the World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies 2004, Kobe, Japan.

Chan, C. S., & Taylor, D. M. (June, 2004). The ethnic identity of Hong Kong-born and Canadian-born Chinese youth. Poster presented at the 65th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.


Chan, C. S. (November, 2008). Remembering Beichuan. Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA.

Yoshikawa, H., Zhou, X., Yuen, M., & Chan, C. S. (May, 2007). Parental employment, Family life, and social development: Summary of research and implication for studies in China. 3rd International Forum on Children’s Emotion Development and Competence, Research Center for Learning Science, Southeast University, Nanjing, China.

Chan, C. S., Hioki, K., & Karasawa, M. (July, 2006). Responsibility of representatives in relations to group entitativity and agenticity: A social psychological study on the Chinese anti-Japan riots in 2005, Department of Sinology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

Abela, J. R. Z., & Chan, C. S. (May, 2004). The etiology and prevention of depression in children and adolescents, 7th Annual Convention of the Developmental and Behavioral Pediatric Association, Shanghai, China.

Abela, J. R. Z., & Chan, C. S. (May, 2004). The assessment and treatment of depression in children and adolescents, Workshop of Behavioural Pediatrics, Shanghai Children’s Medical Centre, Shanghai, China.


2009-2010 Lecturer (Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods), University of Massachusetts Boston

2008-2009 Guest Lecturer (Trauma), University of Massachusetts Boston

9/2006-5/2007 Teaching Assistant (Introduction to Psychology, Social Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience), University of Massachusetts Boston


12/2009 Grant Reviewer, Dr. Robert W. Spayne Research Grant and Craig R. Bollinger Memorial Research Grant, University of Massachusetts Boston

11/2008-present Mentor to undergraduate students, Dept. of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston

9/2008-present Founding President, Feed UMB Collaborative, University of Massachusetts Boston

7/2008 Volunteer, Youth Foundation, Hong Kong

5/2008-present Graduate Student Representative, Dinning Service Advisory Committee, University of Massachusetts Boston

7/2007 Organizer and group leader, Dare To Be Different Summer Camp, Mongolian School, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China

7/2005 & 7/2006 Associate Mentor, Leadership Academy Summer Camp, Breakthrough Limited, Hong Kong

12/2004-3/2006 Co-Founder, Student Council, Hyogo International Student House, Kobe, Japan

10/1999-4/2000 Volunteer hotline counselor, McGill Nightline, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

Journal of Community Psychology

Journal of Research on Adolescence

Learning and Individual Differences


Cantonese Chinese (fluent spoken and written)

English (fluent spoken and written)

Mandarin Chinese (fluent spoken and written)

Japanese (intermediate spoken and written)


Jean E. Rhodes, Ph.D.


Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston,

100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA, 02125, USA

(617) 620-9147

Kim T. Nghiem, Psy.D.

Staff Psychologist, Director

Asian Mental Health Program

Cambridge Health Alliance

Department of Ambulatory Psychiatry

26 Central Street

Somerville, MA 02143, USA

(617) 591-6420

Christopher Germer, Ph.D.

Clinical Instructor of Psychology

Harvard Medical School

94 Pleasant Street Arlington, MA 02476, USA

(781) 641-2744

Others upon request

Last Updated: January 2010