West Howe Action Plan

Update April 2015

Our Vision for West Howe

Residents enjoy good health and a high standard of living, have high aspirations and the resources and opportunities to achieve them. They make use of all the facilities and opportunities that Bournemouth offers. People aspire to live in West Howe because of the sense of community and its great and varied local facilities.


People want to create a better life for themselves, their families and their community. They can access the training and education they need to develop skills and achieve their ambitions, improve their health and take control over their life.

Relationships are respectful and constructive. People have self respect, high and realistic aspirations which they are able to achieve.


People manage their money well and take up all opportunities to secure employment and improve their economic situation.


There are inspiring and entertaining things to do for all ages in high quality buildings and spaces. People make good use of local parks and open spaces and there is a focal point for community activity, bringing people together.

Further details on the 2026 Regeneration Partnership can be found here:

The 2015 meetings of the Kinson and West Howe Action Group are

23rd June 10am to 12pm at the Henry Brown Youth Centre, Cunningham Crescent

10th September 10am to 12pm at Butcher’s Coppice, Holloway Avenue

3rd November 10am to 12pm at the Henry Brown Youth Centre, Cunningham Crescent


Priority leads: Andy Williams

This priority refers to raising literacy in health, financial and general literacy, enabling people to build skills for employment and embedding a culture that values and engages with relevant learning throughout life – from early years to older age.

Our vision is that People want to create a better life for themselves, their families and their community. They can access the training and education they need to develop skills and achieve their ambitions, improve their health and take control over their life.

Current situation / How we’d like it to progress / Useful community information
Outset and Get Set helps people with free support to set up their own business or for people already trading who need some guidance. The new hub has now opened in Darracott Road with hot desks and rooms available for free use. / Contact Sarah for more details
Dorset Fire and Rescue are offering free Home Safety Checks. To book a free Fire Home Safety Check and to be provided with free smoke alarms, call 01305 753018, Redhill Fire Stationor visit / Martin Withers at Dorset Fire is identifying older people for tailored support with fire and household safety. / ,
Andy Watkins is now working at Streetwise as assistant manager and is developing a scheme to reduce slips, trips and falls in older people in the home. They are also making a nightclub scenario. /
01202 591330
Activities for excluded/suspended pupils / The Triple P parenting course supporting parents and children which is available through referral from schools and GPs. / Find out more about Early Help Arrangements at
BCHA Routes project works with young people (aged 14-18 or up to 25 if they have a learning disability) not in education, employment or training. They offer 1 to 1 mentoring and workshops looking at self esteem, motivation, time management, drug and alcohol misuse. The project takes all routes including self referral. / Contact Dominic Weir Routes Mentor for more details.
TEL 01202 410511 Mobile: 07966808836
The Princes Trust is recruiting for a 12 week programme helping 16-25 year olds renew social and work skills. Please signpost any suitable young people. They offer a development award – funding up to £300 to help young people get what they need to get into work and an Enterprise programme helping 18-30 year olds who are unemployed or working part time. / Jo McGowan ()
The Princes Trust are also looking for adult volunteers who can offer onward support/act as mentors
Local and affordable training / Skills and Learning are running free courses for volunteers including food safety and first aid. They are also running free employability courses and can also set up courses to meet community demand – if you have a group and a need, contact them. / Amanda Brown, , 01202 262334
West Howe Community Enterprises offers training for residents and volunteers. / Contact or look at
West Howe Job Club runs on Thursday from 12pm at the Henry Brown Youth Centre followed by workshops and support at West Howe Library 1-2.50pm. Everyone welcome
Joe Elston is the new Health Helpers co-ordinator with WHCE. He will be recruiting volunteers to support other residents in health and lifestyle issues. Volunteers will get a Level 2 qualification in Public Health. The project will launch at the Fun Day on 14th June. / For more details contact Joe ()
Gary Bentham offers free fundraising advice to volunteers and community groups / Contact
IT classes now held at the library. Contact Jean or Jane for more details. /

Health support
The Source is a new online care and support directory where you can register your activities/groups etc. The website is / A good place to start is here:
Enhanced Housing Options offers information advice and guidance on a range of issues including housing, education, employment and training and can deliver workshops in Confidence and Motivation and CV writing/Job hunting. One to one sessions are available at a place and time to suit the client. / Contact Karen (07833 237633 )
BCHA Floating Support can help people with any housing related issue including substance misuse, Children in Need, ASBOs, mental health, benefits, affordability, physical health needs. People can self refer. They run a drop in service at Kinson Hub on Friday afternoons and at Boscombe bus station on Thursday mornings. / For more info, contact Hannah Slade or
Increase awareness of addiction treatment options for local workers and residents / Karen Wood from DAAT is available to give training on treatment awareness. / Contact Karen on 01202 458740 if you would like to arrange some training for a group of people.
Increase support for drug users / DAAT sessions in the Library – referrals through the Bournemouth Assessment Team
Brief Intervention Therapy is now available from CRI for people with harmful and hazardous levels of drinking. / Further information from CRI is available on 01202 318410.
Increase support for carers and families / Action on Addiction in West Howe has closed due to lack of take-up. / Action on Addiction is still available in Boscombe and Poole groups. Call 01202 727092.
Support for 5-13yr olds affected by substance misuse through play and art therapy is available at the Lights Project in the Family Centre / Referral can be made through brokerage, schools or a social worker.
Health visitors run Well Baby clinics on Monday mornings at Moore Avenue Children’s Centre.
Health visitors are available to give talks to groups. / Michile () is a health visitor in the area.
Rethink are offering memory loss and dementia support to people of all ages to maintain independent living. They can help with practical tasks, introduce supportive technology and help build social support and reduce loneliness. / For more details contact
Next Generation: Team works with 11-16 year olds on anti-bullying and discrimination projects. Team Plus works with 18-19 year olds. Young Citizens promotes volunteering in schools and West Howe. It is entirely youth led and can offer accreditation opportunities too. / For more details, contact Glen at YMCA.

07973 233190
North Bournemouth Children’s Centres provide support and activities for families with children under 5
To find out more or have a look here: / Children’s Centre are developing a new parenting course with Heathlands School. / Di Jones, Sustainable Families lead at the Children’s Centre can be contacted at for more details or if you have information on employment or training opportunities
Activities available at St Philips:
On Monday mornings they hold Sure Tots – a gym session for toddlers up to preschool age. 10am for £1.
Monday evenings there is a cooking group for young people 11-18 year olds
On Tuesday morning RSVP run a coffee morning for isolated older people.
On Tuesday evenings there is a circuit class Shape Up. £1.50 / Christine () is the vicar at St Philips.
The NHS are offering health checks (including blood pressure, Body Mass Index, cholesterol) to people who live in Bournemouth or Poole and are between 40 and 74. Each participant will be informed of their risks of suffering from cardio-vascular disease. / For more details contact
Jan () working for the Clinical Commissioning Group of GPs and is consulting with older people and young people on mental health, housing, exercise, diabetic testing and health checks.

Roles and Role Models (a sub-group of skills)

Priority lead: Andy Williams ()

This priority covers remodelling of social relationships and parenting skills, through targeted support, providing opportunities and supporting people to take them up and volunteering – themed around the golden thread of raising aspirations. Current work includes extending the Rights Respecting ethos from within the schools to out in the wider community and helping people enjoy working together.

Current situation / How we’d like it to progress / Useful community information
Community conflict resolution / A Rights Respecting partnership is working with the schools, community organisations and residents to help use Human Rights and the Rights of the Child to enjoy respectful relationships and positive behaviour. / Contact Edward Waller at for more details.
For more details on Right Behind the Scenes please contact Glen at
Up for a Change offers a 1 hour free binaural session with schools and youth groups on bullying, using the Rights Respecting framework. / Contact Mark () for more details.
Trained volunteers to act as positive role models / Bournemouth Council for Voluntary Service support organisations who want to recruit and support volunteers. They also help individuals find volunteering positions.
Local organisations who wish to recruit volunteers can register with BCVS: / Call them on 01202 466130 to find out about local opportunities and support
West Howe Community Enterprises are recruiting volunteers to help in the Inspiring Shop with stock, knitting group, the website and newsletter. Training is offered. Contact Diane for more details. / The Inspiring Change Shop offers a venue for arts, crafts and workshops, as well as selling second hand clothes, books and household items at affordable prices. Contact Diane ()
Age Concern’s Project Purple providing many activities for people over 55 including volunteering, leisure activities, information and advice and insurance. / Phone for more details on 530530 or email
Conor Burns MP is available to support community activity / 01202 533553
North Bournemouth Area Forum chaired by Mike Goodhew
Dates for 2015 are
14th March, 9th May, 19th September, 21st November /
Councillors for Kinson South are:
Cllr Beryl Baxter
Cllr Ben Grower
Cllr Roger Marley /

North Bournemouth Crime Prevention Panel brings together community groups who address community safety issues /


Priority leads: Medi Bernard (), Diane Humphries () and Jeff Coombs ()

Our Vision is that there are inspiring and entertaining things to do for all ages in high quality buildings and spaces. People make good use of local parks and open spaces and there is a focal point for community activity, bringing people together.

Current situation / How we’d like it to progress / Useful community information
Safer Neighbourhood Priorities / Please help promote the Kinson South SNT Facebook and Twitter (@KinsonSouthSNT). Reporting from the community is increasing and becoming more accurate. The 3Ps initiative in Cunningham Crescent is working well: the back gardens to the flats are more open now. They are now campaigning for schools and the youth club to ‘adopt’ their local alleys to help keep them clean and clear.
Crimes overall have reduced and anti social behaviour has reduced by 31% compared with the same period last year. Operation Salmon is focussing on park based drug issues. Hot spot policing continues. Neighbourhood Watches are being linked through the Neighbourhood Network. / Guy to arrange speed checks in Moore Avenue.
PCSO Natalie to investigate cars obstructing the junction of Cunningham Close and Moore Venue. / The Safer Neighbourhood Team currently consists of 4 PCSOs, 3PCs and 1 Sergeant.
Up to date statistics can be found at and
New non-emergency number for contacting Police is 101.
Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
To report anti social behaviour, call Sandi Webb () on 451433 or Dorset Police on 101.
Victim Support is widely available in the area. For more information, look here:
Environmental health can solve with noise nuisance and rubbish accumulation. Any environmental issues such as litter and graffiti should be reported on 451199. Rewards are available for the reporting of perpetrators. / Contact to report any concerns.
High quality local facilities / Design Council report will be available in early February, making recommendations for the investment in local facilities.
Increase in variety and frequency of affordable family activities / Everyone to check local notice boards and ensure they contain up to date and full information on activities / Contact to send information to be included on Email to have information emailed out across the 500+ West Howe Action Group
West Howe Library is decorating a new display and conversation area and a new PC area to help benefits claimants and Job Club workshops. They offer after school Scrabble, coffee mornings, card making sessions, WH Tours, Cllr surgeries and Wriggle and Rhyme. / Information on Libraries is available here:
Butcher’s Coppice has extensive new outdoor equipment including archery, rifle shooting, longest zip wire in SW England and a high ropes course which can be hired for groups of all ages and have a full time instructor to offer daytime sessions particularly in the holidays. Equipment is now floodlit for use in the evenings. / Explorer Scouts are building a new centre at Butchers Coppice / Butcher’s Coppice are keen to run sessions for young people who can’t normally afford to take part. Contact Talbot for more details.
Community cinema runs fortnightly on Fridays with a film and soup lunch for older people for £3. Doors open at 11.30am. / Contact Cllr Marley –
Next Give or Take Days are all held at the Henry Brown Youth Centre, 2-4pm on the last Saturday of the month excluding August, October and Christmas. / Contact Martha on or Diane at
House of Destiny:
DYM – weekly youth event for 11-16yrs from 7.30pm – Fridays 9.30pm, run by Aaron Lindon, Youth Pastor. Loads of fun activities in a well supervised environment.
Take 5 – a midweek meeting for young people 11-16yrs every other Wed from 7.30pm -
Destiny Tots (replaces Little Stars) weekly baby/toddler group – Fridays 9.45am – 11.45am run by Jill Porter – lots of supervised activities: painting, craft, music, snacks. A great social time for parents/carers. / For more details contact Ali Timms: , 07951 247329
Dance Bytes Back run weekly Street Dance Classes Every Saturday at Henry Brown YC, Cunningham Crescent 10am-12pm costs £3. You will learn fun funky dance routines and have the opportunity to perform. / For further info call: Stella on 07881 468967.
Jane Parsons is the manager of the Henry Brown Youth Centre and is keen for wide community use of the building. / Please contact Jane for more details at
Monique () works with Ideas2Action running “We need that” directory for individual and organisations looking for recycled items to use, often for arts and crafts activities. / Have a look at their directory at
Fernheath Play has temporarily suspended services to children whilst reshaping their business plan to meeting gaps in funding and staffing. / For further information contact Paddy at
WHCE’s bike project Wheely Inspired launches on 13th May. Residents of West Howe will be able to borrow bikes and safety equipment for free and will be offered free cycle training and savings accounts with Coastal Community Savings and Loans. / For more details contact Lorraine ()
Bournemouth Pavilion offers a theatre school for 6-16 year olds and want to set up a focus group to support planned outreach to north Bournemouth. / For more details contact Paul () and Emma ()
WHCE run the pop up cafe on Wednesdays and Fridays at the Henry Brown Youth Centre 8-10am.
The Summer Show will be performed on 15th and 16th August at the Henry Brown Youth Centre. / For more details contact Diane at
Activities for older people / Thursday mornings – coffee at WH Library
Wednesday afternoons. The home library service runs to people who are housebound and can promote information or services on behalf of other organisations. /
Cornerstone Church, Holloway Avenue offers Open Door social gatherings on Wednesday afternoons and Keep Fit on Wednesday mornings.