Chris Furgal

Associate Professor

Indigenous Environmental Studies Program

Nasivvik Centre

Trent University

Vinay Rajdev

Research Assistant

Indigenous Environmental Studies Program

Trent University

Circumpolar Literature on Food Security

The total number of food security publications (grey literature and peer reviewed) in the circumpolar region was 383. Sixty two percent of the total publications were peer reviewed and 38 % were grey literature (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Number of publications on food security in circumpolar north

For the grey literature, 6% of the total publications were books, 26.1% consisted of government documents and other reports from different organizations, almost 5% were from conference proceedings and 1.3% weretheses (MA/MSC and PhD) (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Number of publications/reference type

The earliest publication on issues related to food security in the circumpolar north was published in 1953 and we see a significant rise in publications on this topic since the late 1990s (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Publication of food security in the Circumpolar North per year

The frequency of publications over the years had increased, especially after 1997 (and especially for peer reviewed publications). Year 2010 had the highest number of publications (both peer reviewed and grey literature). In terms of geographic focus, majority of the publications were produced with a focus on aspects of the issue in the Canadian North.

For thematic focus, 91.4% of the total publications (N=383) focused on food quality, 41.8% on food accessibility and 15.7% on food availability (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Thematic focus of food security publications in circumpolar north

In food quality, majority of the publications focused on nutrient and chemical safety (59.3%) and cultural desire of food (51.7%) (Figure 5). Social and economic accessibility were the main focus for food accessibility, with 27% and 32% of the total publications respectably (Figure 5). Lastly, abundance was the main focus for food availability, which consists of 14.4% of the total publications (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Thematic focus of food security publications in circumpolar north


Adler, A. I., Boyko, E. J., Schraer, C. D., & Murphy, N. J. (1994). Lower prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes associated with daily seal oil or salmon consumption among Alaska Natives. Diabetes Care, 17(12), 1498-1501.

Agency, P. H. (2009). NUNAVUT/NORTHWEST TERRITORIES: Healthy Foods North – A culturally appropriate and community-based program to promote healthy eating and lifestyle.


Andersen, S., Hvingel, B., Kleinschmidt, K., Jorgensen, T., & Laurberg, P. (2005). Changes in iodine excretion in 50-69-y-old denizens of an Arctic society in transition and iodine excretion as a biomarker of the frequency of consumption of traditional Inuit foods. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 81(3), 656-663.

Anonymous. (1987). Baffin arctic food business plan

Arreak, E. (1978). Food for thought Inuktitut

Ashley, B. (2002). Edible Weights of Wildlife Species used for Country Food in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Wildlife and Fisheries Division

Ayotte, P., Muckle, G., Jacobson, J. L., Jacobson, S. W., & Dewailly, E. (2003). Assessment of pre- and postnatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls: Lessons from the Inuit cohort study. Environmental Health Perspectives, 111(9), 1253-1258.

Bang, H. O., Dyerberg, J., & Sinclair, H. M. (1980). The composition of the Eskimo food in north western Greenland. Am J Clin Nutr, 33(12), 2657-2661.

Bard, S. M. (1999). Global transport of anthropogenic contaminants and the consequences for the Arctic marine ecosystem. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 38(5), 356-379.


Beaumier, M., Ford, J., Irngaut, C., & Qrunnut, K. (2010). Food insecurity among Inuit women in Igloolik, Nunavut : the role of climate change and multiple stressors Paper presented at the ArcticNet 2010, Ottawa.

Beaumier, M. C., & Ford, J. D. (2010). Food Insecurity among Inuit Women Exacerbated by Socio-economic Stresses and Climate Change. Canadian Journal of Public Health-Revue Canadienne De Sante Publique, 101(3), 196-201.

Bernard, N., Furgal, C., Bernier, S., Müller-Wille, L., Otis, G., Grondin, J., et al. (2000). Sustainable development in the Arctic : conditions for food security. Summary of the workshop with the stakeholder organization representatives.

Bernier, S. (2002). Food choices in Nunavik Makivik magazine.

Bernier, S., Furgal, C., Godin, G., Gingras, S., Laverdière, D., Grondin, J., et al. (2002). Predicting food choice behaviour in the Canadian eastern Arctic : a tool for public health Appetite, 39(3), 229.

Bernier, S., Furgal, C., Grondin, J., & Godin, G. (2003). Predicting food choice behaviour in a Nunavik community : developing a tool for public health EpiNorth.

Bernier, S., Furgal, C., Grondin, J., Godin, G., & Dewailly, É. (2002). Assessment of dietary determinants in support of a circumpolar food security initiative. Appetite, 39(3), 230.

Bernier, S., Furgal, C., Winters, K., Dewailly, E., & Nunatsiavut. (2010). Determinants of change in fat consumption patterns in Nain, Newfoundland: Circumpolar health supplements.

Bernier, S., & Godin, G. (2003). Determinants of food choices in Arctic populations Université Laval, Sainte-Foy, Quebec.

Bersamin, A., Luick, B. R., Ruppert, E., Stern, J. S., & Zidenberg-Cherr, S. (2006). Diet quality among Yup'ik Eskimos living in rural communities is low: the Center for Alaska Native Health Research Pilot Study. J Am Diet Assoc, 106(7), 1055-1063.

Berti, P., Receveur, O., Chan, H. M., & Kuhnein, H. V. (1998). Dietary Exposure to Chemical Contaminants from Traditional Food among Adult Dene/Métis in the Western Northwest Territories, Canada. Environmental Research, 76(2), 131-142.

Berti, P. R., Chan, L., & Loring, E. (2003). Population distribution of dietary exposure to contaminants in Inuit communities. Ottawa: Northern Contaminants Program : Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Symposium.

Berti, P. R., Hamilton, S. E., Receveur, O., & Kuhnlein, H. V. (1999). Food use and nutrient adequacy in Baffin Inuit children and adolescents. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 60(2), 63-70.

Berti, P. R., Soueida, R., & Kuhnlein, H. V. (2008). Dietary Assessment of Indigenous Canadian Arctic Women with a Focus on Pregnancy and Lactation. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 67(4), 349-362.

Bjerregaard, P. (2010). Nutritional transition – where do we go from here? Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 23(Suppl 1), 1-2.

Bjerregaard, P., Dewailly, E., Ayotte, P., Pars, T., Ferron, L., & Mulvad, G. (2001). Exposure of Inuit in Greenland to organochlorines through the marine diet. J Toxicol Environ Health A, 62(2), 69-81.

Bjerregaard, P., & Jeppesen, C. (2010). Inuit Dietary Patterns in Modern Greenland. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 69(1), 13-24.

Bjerregaard, P., Johansen, P., Mulvad, G., Pedersen, H. S., & Hansen, J. C. (2004). Lead sources in human diet in Greenland. Environmental Health Perspectives, 112(15), 1496-1498.

Bjerregaard, P., Pedersen, H. S., & Mulvad, G. (2000). The associations of a marine diet with plasma lipids, blood glucose, blood pressure and obesity among the Inuit in Greenland. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 54(9), 732-737.

Blanchet, C., Dewailly, E., Ayotte, P., Bruneau, S., Receveur, O., & Holub, B. J. (2000). Contribution of Selected Traditional and Market Foods to the Diet of Nunavik Inuit Women. Can J Diet Pract Res, 61(2), 50-59.

Blanchet, C., Dewailly, É., Chaumette, P., Nobmann, E. D., Bjerregaard, P., Pars, T., et al. (2002). Diet profile of circumpolar Inuit

Blanchet, C., Furgal, C., Dewailly, É., Muckle, G., & Gingras, S. (2003). Relationships between risk perception of food chain contaminants and country food use, contaminant exposure and determinants of social and mental health among Nunavimmiut Ottawa, ON: Synopsis of research conducted under the 2001-2003 Northern Contaminants Program.

Blanchet, C., & Rochette, L. (2008). Nutrition and food consumption among the Inuit of Nunavik. Qanuippitaa? How are we? : Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services.

Bonefeld-Jorgensen, E. C. (2010). Biomonitoring in Greenland: human biomarkers of exposure and effects - a short review. Rural and Remote Health, 10(2), -.

Borre, K. (1991). Seal Blood, Inuit Blood, and Diet: A Biocultural Model of Physiology and Cultural Identity. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 5(1), 48-62.

Bouchard Dufour, A., Hamelin, A.-M., & Turgeon-O'Brien, H. (2010). Inuit parents' perceptions of the nutrition program in Nunavik daycare centers, Canada. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 42(4), S86-S87.

Boult, D. A. (2004). HungerintheArctic:Food(In)SecurityinInuitCommunitiesAjunnginiqCentre

Brandson, L. (2004). Country food : sustainer of life Churchill: Eskimo.

Brook, R. K., Kutz, S. J., Veitch, A. M., Popko, R. A., Elkin, B. T., & Guthrie, G. (2009). Fostering community-based wildlife health monitoring and research in the Canadian North. Ecohealth, 6(2), 266-278.

Bruneau, S., Furgal, C., Dewailly, É., & Grey, M. (2001). Incorporation of scientific knowledge into Inuit knowledge in Nunavik Ottawa: Synopsis of research conducted under the 2000-2001 Northern Contaminants Program

Buchardt, B., Bunch, V., & Helin, P. (2007). Fingernails and diet: Stable isotope signatures of a marine hunting community from modem Uummannaq, North Greenland. Chemical Geology, 244(1-2), 316-329.

Bzdell, M., & Healey, G. K. (2010). Food security in Nunavut : a knowledge-sharing tool for policymakers: Circumpolar health supplements.

Cabak, M., & Loring, S. (2000). “A Set of Very Fair Cups and Saucers”: Stamped Ceramics as an Example of Inuit Incorporation International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 4(1), 1-34.

Cameron, E. M., Prévost, C. L., McCurdy, M., Hall, G. E. M., & Doidge, B. (1998). Recent (1930s) natural acidification and fish-kill in a lake that was an important food source for an Inuit community in northern Québec, Canada Journal of geochemical exploration, 64(1-3), 197-213.

Cameron, M., & Weis, I. M. (1990). Organic contamination in the arctic food chain : Inuit diets and contamination levels of important country foods Unknown.

Cameron, M., & Weis, I. M. (1993). Organochlorine Contaminants in the Country Food Diet of the Belcher Island Inuit, Northwest-Territories, Canada. Arctic, 46(1), 42-48.

Canada, H. (2007a). Canada's New Government launches first ever national Food Guide for First Nations, Inuit and Métis. Yellowknife.

Canada, H. (2007b). Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide - First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

canada, I. a. N. A. (2003). Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report II: Highlights.

Chabot, M. (2004). Socio-economic status and food security of low-income households in Kuujjuaq. Kaagnituuruma! As long as I am not hungry! . Pontiac, Québec Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services

Chabot, M. (2005). Assessing Food Insecurity in the Arctic: An analysis of Aboriginal Household Coping Strategies. In G. D. a. N. Bernard (Ed.), Arctic Food Security: CCI and CIERA.

Chan, H. M. (1998). A database for environmental contaminants in traditional foods in northern and Arctic Canada: development and applications. Food Additives and Contaminants, 15(2), 127-134.

Chan, H. M., Berti, P. R., Receveur, O., & Kuhnlein, H. V. (1997). Evaluation of the population distribution of dietary contaminant exposure in an Arctic population using Monte Carlo statistics. Environmental Health Perspectives, 105(3), 316-321.

Chan, H. M., Fediuk, K., Hamilton, S., Rostas, L., Caughey, A., Kuhnlein, H., et al. (2006). Food security in Nunavut, Canada: Barriers and recommendations. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 65(5), 416-431.

Chan, H. M., Khoday, K., Receveur, O., & Kuhnein, H. V. (1995). Assessment of dietary exposure to trace metals in Baffin Inuit food. Environ Health Perspect, 103(7-8), 740-746.

Chan, H. M., & Receveur, O. (2000). Mercury in the traditional diet of indigenous peoples in Canada. Environmental Pollution, 110(1), 1-2.

Chan, L. (2005). Climate change, key traditional food species and community health in Nunavut McGill University.

Chan, L. (2006). Effectiveness of a community intervention program on food security and dietary quality University of Northern British Columbia.

Chan, L., & Furgal, C. (2004). Impact of Climate Change on Food Security in Three Northern Aboriginal Communities -- Plans for Adaptation.

Chan, L. H. M. (2006). Food safety and food security in the Canadian Arctic Meridian.

Chan, L. H. M., Egeland, G. M., Sobol, I., Young, K., Ayotte, P., & Dewailly, E. (2010). Assessment of contaminant and dietary nutrient interactions in Inuit Health Survey : Nunavut. Ottawa: Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.

Chan, L. H. M., Receveur, O., Muir, D., Stern, G., & Evans, M. (2007). Estimation of the dietary contaminant exposure in Nunavut and Inuvialuit : an update Ottawa, ON: Synopsis of research conducted under the 2006-2007 Northern Contaminants Program

Chateau-Degat, M. L., Pereg, D., Dallaire, R., Ayotte, P., Dery, S., & Dewailly, E. (2010). Effects of perfluorooctanesulfonate exposure on plasma lipid levels in the Inuit population of Nunavik (Northern Quebec). Environmental Research, 110(7), 710-717.

Christofides, A., Schauer, C., Sharieff, W., & Zlotkin, S. H. (2005). Acceptability of micronutrient sprinkles: a new food-based approach for delivering iron to First Nations and Inuit children in Northern Canada. Chronic Dis Can, 26(4), 114-120.

Christofides, A., Schauer, C., & Zlotkin, S. H. (2005). Iron deficiency and anemia prevalence and associated etiologic risk factors in First Nations and Inuit communities in Northern Ontario and Nunavut. Can J Public Health, 96(4), 304-307.

Chu, F. L., & Chan, H. M. (2001). Total toxaphene and specific congeners in Inuit foods and diets McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.

Collings, P. (2009). Birth Order, Age, and Hunting Success in the Canadian Arctic. Human Nature-an Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective, 20(4), 354-374.

Collings, P., Wenzel, G., & Condon, R. G. (1998). Modern food sharing networks and community integration in the Central Canadian Arctic. Arctic, 51(4), 301-314.

Committee, N. N. a. H. (1999). Mercury contamination of food chain (fact sheet).

Condon, R. G., Collings, P., & Wenzel, G. (1995). The Best Part of Life: Subsistence Hunting, Ethnicity, and Economic Adaptation among Young Adult Inuit Males Arctic, 48(1), 31-46.

Consulting, A. (2005). Review of Intersettlement Trade Opportunities for Arctic Food Products in Nunavut.

Consulting, H. H. I. (2011). Available Results from the Healthy Foods North Pilot Project as of March 2011.

Corporation, M., & Inc., N. A. F. (1995). Nunavik Arctic Foods, Inc. : summary of information on the 1994-95 operating season Makivik Corp.

Counil, E., Blouin, V., Grey, M., Kauki, T., & Dewailly, E. (2007). Trans-polar-fat : 2. Supporting Inuit communities in the practical implementation of a ban on industrially-produced trans-fatty acids from the foods imported to Nunavik. Collingwood, ON: ArcticNet programme 2007 : annual scientific meeting.

Counil, E., Dewailly, E., Bjerregaard, P., & Julien, P. (2008). Trans-polar-fat: all Inuit are not equal. British Journal of Nutrition, 100(4), 703-706.

Counil, E., Dewailly, É., Bjerregaard, P., & Julien, P. (2007). Trans-polar-fat : 1. Distribution and health implications of trans-fatty acids in two Inuit populations Collingwood, ON ArcticNet programme 2007 : annual scientific meeting.

Counil, E., Julien, P., Lamarche, B., Chateau-Degat, M. L., Ferland, A., & Dewailly, E. (2009). Association between trans-fatty acids in erythrocytes and pro-atherogenic lipid profiles among Canadian Inuit of Nunavik: possible influences of sex and age. Br J Nutr, 102(5), 766-776.

Cruickshank, J. K. (2010). Commentary on the ‘Healthy Foods North’ intervention programme. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 23(5), 469-470.

Curtis, M. A., Rau, M. E., Tanner, C. E., Prichard, R. K., Faubert, G. M., Olpinski, S., et al. (1988). Parasitic zoonoses in relation to fish and wildlife harvesting by Inuit communities in northern Quebec, Canada. Arctic Med Res, 47 Suppl 1, 693-696.

Dallaire, F., Dewailly, E., Muckle, G., & Ayotte, P. (2003). Time trends of persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals in umbilical cord blood of inuit infants born in Nunavik (Quebec, Canada) between 1994 and 2001. Environmental Health Perspectives, 111(13), 1660-1664.

Dallaire, R., Ayotte, P., Pereg, D., Dery, S., Dumas, P., Langlois, E., et al. (2009). Determinants of Plasma Concentrations of Perfluorooctanesulfonate and Brominated Organic Compounds in Nunavik Inuit Adults (Canada). Environmental Science & Technology, 43(13), 5130-5136.

Damas, D. (1972). Central Eskimo Systems of Food Sharing. Ethnology, 11(3), 220-240.

Damman, S. (2005). The right to food of Indigenous peoples. In W. B. Eide & U. Kracht (Eds.), Food and Human Rights in Development: Legal and institutional dimensions and selected topics: Intersentia nv.

Damman, S., & Development, U. o. O. I. P. o. t. R. t. F. i. (2002). Indigenous peoples and the right to food Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec: University of Oslo.

Damman, S., Eide, W. B., & Kuhnein, H. V. (2008). Indigenous peoples' nutrition transition in a right to food perspective. Food Policy, 33(2), 135-155.

Denniston, M., & Furgal, C. (2004). Responding to community specific concerns on contaminants and wild foods in Labrador : lessons from the Labrador Inuit Association research office. Calgary, AB: 14th Inuit Studies Conference : bringing knowledge home : communicating research results to the Inuit.

Deutch, B., Dyerberg, J., Pedersen, H. S., Aschlund, E., & Hansen, J. C. (2007). Traditional and modern Greenlandic food - dietary composition, nutrients and contaminants. Sci Total Environ, 384(1-3), 106-119.

Deutch, B., Dyerberg, J., Pedersen, H. S., Asmund, G., Moller, P., & Hansen, J. C. (2006). Dietary composition and contaminants in north Greenland, in the 1970s and 2004. Science of the Total Environment, 370(2-3), 372-381.

Deutch, B., Pedersen, H. S., & Hansen, J. C. (2004). Dietary composition in Greenland 2000, plasma fatty acids and persistent organic pollutants. Science of the Total Environment, 331(1-3), 177-188.

Dewailly, É., Ayotte, P., Blanchet, C., Bruneau, S., Muckle, G., Gingras, S., et al. (1999). Integration of 12 years of data in a risk and benefit assessment of traditional food in Nunavik Synopsis of research conducted under the 1997/98 Northern Contaminants Program

Dewailly, E., Ayotte, P., Bruneau, S., Laliberte, C., Muir, D. C., & Norstrom, R. J. (1993). Inuit exposure to organochlorines through the aquatic food chain in arctic quebec. Environ Health Perspect, 101(7), 618-620.

Dewailly, É., Ayotte, P., Rhainds, M., Bruneau, S., Furgal, C., Grondin, J., et al. (2002). Application of biomarkers to population studies on food chain contaminants in Nunavik (Arctic Quebec, Canada) In S. H. Wilson & W. A. Suk (Eds.), Biomarkers of environmentally associated disease : technologies, concepts, and perspectives (pp. 495-505). Boca Raton, Fla: CRC Press LLC.

Dewailly, É., Blanchet, C., Gingras, S., Furgal, C., & Bruneau, S. (2001). Sociodemographic factors influencing nutrition and contaminant exposure in Nunavik Ottawa, ON: Synopsis of research conducted under the 2000-2001 Northern Contaminants Program

Dewailly, É., Chaumette, P., Blanchet, C., Bjerregaard, P., Lawn, J., Nobmann, B., et al. (1999). A synthesis of contemporary Inuit diets : assessing nutrient sources and food safety Synopsis of research conducted under the 1997/98 Northern Contaminants Program.

Dixon, B. R., Parrington, L. J., Parenteau, M., Leclair, D., Santin, M., & Fayer, R. (2008). Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium Spp. in the Intestinal Contents of Ringed Seals (Phoca hispida) and Bearded Seals (Erignathus barbatus) in Nunavik, Quebec, Canada. Journal of Parasitology, 94(5), 1161-1163.

Donaldson, J. L. (1988). The economic ecology of hunting : a case study of the Canadian Inuit Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

Donaldson, S. G., Doubleday, N. C., Haines, D., & Van Oostdam, J. (2010). A comparative analysis of the gender specific determinants of diet choice in three communities in Nunavut, Canada. Paper presented at the International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference, Oslo.

Donaldson, S. G., Doubleday, N. C., & Van Oostdam, J. (2006). Determinants of food choice among women and men living in Cape Dorset, Nunavut, Canada [Synopsis]. Synopsis of research conducted under the 2005-2006 Northern Contaminants Program, Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 65-72.

Donaldson, S. G., Van Oostdam, J., Tikhonov, C., Feeley, M., Armstrong, B., Ayotte, P., et al. (2010). Environmental contaminants and human health in the Canadian Arctic. Science of the Total Environment, 408(22), 5165-5234.

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Draper, H. H. (1977). The Aboriginal Eskimo Diet in Modern Perspective. American Anthropologist, 79(2), 309-316.

Duhaime, G. (2003). Sustainable Food Security in the Arctic: State of Knowledge: CCI Press, University of Alberta.

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Duhaime, G., Chabot, M., Frechette, P., Robichaud, V., & Proulx, S. (2004). The impact of dietary changes among the Inuit of Nunavik (Canada): A socioeconomic assessment of possible public health recommendations dealing with food contamination. Risk Analysis, 24(4), 1007-1018.

Duhaime, G., Chabot, M., & Gaudreault, M. (2002). Food consumption patterns and socioeconomic factors among the Inuit of Nunavik. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 41(2), 91-118.

Duhaime, G., Dewailly, E., Halley, P., Furgal, C., Bernard, N., Godmaire, A., et al. (2005). Sustainable food security in the Canadian Arctic, An integrated Synthesis and Action Plan. . In G. D. a. N. Bernard (Ed.), Arctic Food Security: CCI and CIERA.

Duhaime, G., Morin, A., Myers, H., Caulfield, R., Frechette, P., & St-Pierre, D. (2002). Food Networks in the North American Arctic Sustainable food security in the Arctic : state of knowledge Canadian Circumpolar Institute.

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Egeland, G., Charbonneau-Roborts, G., Kuluguqtuq, J., Kilabuk, J., Okalik, L., Soueida, R., et al. (2009). Back to the future: using traditional food and knowledge to promote a healthy future among Inuit: Indigenous Peoples' food systems.

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