Unity House
39 Chalton Street
London NW1 1JD
Venue will be held at
Community Base
113 Queens Road
To be held on
Thursday 21st & Friday 22ndApril 2016
Secretary: Alan Cadden
9/6 Magdalene Drive
EH15 3EB
Mobile 07504 233 139
Email: (
(Order of items is subject to change and is at the discretion of our conference president)
(Still require confirmation of speakers that will be addressing conference)
1.Opening of Conference by the Conference President John Kennedy
3.Welcomeconference by the vice - chair of the Brighton trades council Garry Hassell
4.Discussion on 2015 AGM rule change
5. Address by President Sean Hoyle which will include speaking on behalf of RMT credit Union
6 Address by the General Secretary Mick Cash (to be confirmed)
7 Address by the Assistant General Secretary Mick Lynch
8 Election of Two Tellers
9 Conference Secretary Report by Alan Cadden
10 Election ofTwo Auditors
11 Endorsement of Balance Sheet
12 Election of Standing Orders Committee (five delegates)
13 John Carruthers fromCarlisle City Branch and Steve Metcalfe from Lancaster District Branch address conference twelve years after the rail tragedy at Tebay
14 Address by National Executive Committee Member Pat Collins
15 Executive Committee Eve of Conference Meeting Report by Vice-President Malcom Williams
16 Standing Orders Committee Reports by Vice-President Malcom Williams
17 Conference Resolutions
18 Emergency Resolutions
19 Two Resolutions for the Annual General Meeting – Delegates and Branch moving resolutions @ the 2016 AGM
20 Guest speaker M P Caroline Lucas from the Green Party
21 Guest speaker MP (to be confirmed)
22 Election of Four Conference Officers and Ten Executive Committeenames and branch for 2016/17
23 Select a Liaison Committee from and by the Executive Committee for attending meetings
(Three delegates from the Six Group of Grades from as broad a spectrum as possible)
24 Confirm Venues and dates for hosting Conference meetings in 2017 and 2018
25 Vote of Thanks
26 Closing of Conference by the Conference President John Kennedy
Opening of Conference
President John Kennedy to open conference ------
Take apologies from the floor of conference.
Welcome Conference by the vice – chair of the Brighton Trades Council Gary Hassell
Brother Gary Hassell to welcome delegates to conference ------
Discussion on 2015 AGM rule change
Change to our conference name, developing our conference including Fleet Engineering grades being more involved and put in place an organising strategyand as recommended by the AGS at our recent Liaison Committee meeting to have two letters from the Train fleet and Bus workers to be placed in front of our eve of conference executive committee meeting for discussion to be debated at conference
Address by President Sean HoyleIncluding covering RMT Credit Union
Address by General Secretary Mick Cash to be confirmed
Address by Assistant General Secretary Mick Lynch
Conference Business
Election of two Tellers
Nominations to be taken from the floor and election of the tellers to be agreed
Conference Secretary Report
Conference secretary Alan Cadden to give report
Election of two Auditors
Nominations to be taken from the floor and election of the auditors to be agreed
Currently in place are the following two nominated members who stay local to the current conference secretary which is the normal conference agreement
1 Alex Hogg Edinburgh 1 and Portobello District Branch
2 David O’Donnell Fife and District Branch
INCOME / EXPENDITURE1. Bank Balance Brought Forward / 1.801 / 28 / 1. Postage / 06 / 00
2. Grant from Head Office / 850 / 00 / 2. Printing & Stationery / 36 / 00
3. Bank Interest / 3. Cost of Meeting Room / 60 / 00
4.Cost of hall for conference / 400 / 00
4. Other Income (Detail) / 5.Other detail of Expenditure
EC Expenses
Refreshments Donation to MOJO (miscarriage of justice organisation) / 300
150 / 00
Expenditure Total / 1.342 / 00
In Bank / 1.309 / 28
TOTAL / 2.651 / 28 / TOTAL / 2.651 / 28
Bank Reconciliation Statement
Balance as per Bank Statement at 31st December 2015 / 1.309 / 28 / We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have examined the whole of the books, including the Cash Books, Receipt Book, bank statements and documents in connection with the above accounts and we are satisfied that the Return is a true and correct statementTotal / 1.309 / 28 /
A Hogg
/ AuditorD O’Donnell
/ AuditorA Cadden / Secretary
Date: 31 December 2015
Endorsement of balance sheet
Balance sheet statement in our conference agenda and currant finances of this Engineering Conference to be moved and be adopted by conference as correct...
Balance sheet statement for Engineering Grades conference year ending 2015
Adopted---- By
Seconded-- By
Election of Standing Order Committee (5 delegates)
Nominations to be taken from the floor and election of the standing order committee to be agreed by conference.
Nominations--- 1
John Carruthers from Carlisle City Branch and Steve Metcalfe from Lancaster District Branch address conference
12 years after the Tebay rail tragedy
Address by National Executive Committee Member Pat Collins
National Conference of Engineering Grades 2015 Report
The resolutions which were passed at last year’s conference in Edinburgh and how their progress stands at the moment since they have been considered by the General Grades Committee/National Executive Committee.
Below are the resolutions and our National Executive Committee member Pat Collins will advise us of the decisions on each resolution successfully passed at last year’s conference.
1. Infrastructure Efficiency Projects-Network Rail
2 Stood off Arrangement-Network Rail
3 Free Days – Network Rail
4 Safe Work Leader
5 Safe Work Leaders-Network Rail
Emergency Resolution 1 Membership Database – Network Rail
Emergency Resolution 2 Secondary Protection
Emergency Resolution 3 Line Blockages
Questions and comments
Conference to accept and move the GGC/NEC report
Executive Committee Eve of Conference Meeting Report
Vice PresidentMalcomWilliams to give a report
Conference to accept and move the report
Standing Orders Committee - Report No 1
Vice President Malcom Williams to give a report
Conference to accept and move the report
1. Plain Line Pattern Recognition Train
Submitted byNorth Wales Coast Branch
Following a recent incident at Penmaenmawr when a broken rail was left for 48 hours before reporting it to Llandudno p/way office
On the 25/11/15 the PLPR 1 Train passed over a broken rail/large gap. But did not report it until Friday 27/11/15 although this is within their standard we feel that it needs to be addressed as several trains had passed over it. If this had been found by a patroller it would have been attended to immediately, therefore reducing any possible danger to passengers and staff.
This branch wishes to forward their concerns regarding possible safety implications raised by this issue and a review of reporting procedures.
Existing standard could lead to a derailment in any area.
Moved byNorth Wales Coast Branch
Seconded by
Votes For Against Abstentions Carried Unanimously
Is this itemto be or / not to be considered for submitting to the AGM
Submitted byLU Engineering Branch
This conference notes that astounding breadth of attacks by the Tory government aimed at stripping and attacking our job security and conditions within the Engineering functions of both Network Rail and London Underground. We believe that only action by our class will ultimately protect us and we call for the National Executive Committee to look at joint action against these cuts by engineers at each and every opportunity that arises.
Moved byLU Engineering Branch Seconded by Votes for Against Abstentions Carried Unanimously
Is this item to be /or not to be considered for submitting to the AGM
Submitted byEdinburgh and Portobello District Branch
This branch calls on the National Executive Committee to seek through the General Secretary for a proper structure and process to be put in place when a member may have to be put on the stood off arrangements
This branch does believe that at such meetings Network Rail should provide a Human Resource person who should be aware of such agreements like the stood-off-arrangements and members cases should be brought to our coordinators attention allowing him/her to arrange a suitable representative to attend and help advice and protect our members.
Over the past year in Scotland we have had members being interviewed by the local manager and office admin where they have been handed a letter stating they are on stood-off and a representative, who happens to be nearby are asked to attend and who might be unprepared at these meetings and our members are left unaware and confused of the outcome.
Our union has a duty of care to make sure a proper structure is put in place and this would go a long way in protecting our members as they should not pay the price with NWR HR departments being reduced in size and structure.
Moved byEdinburgh and Portobello District Branch Seconded by Votes for Against Abstentions Carried Unanimously
Is this itemto be/or not to be considered for submitting to the AGM
4. ENGINEERING CHARTER Submitted byLU Engineering Branch This conference notes the success and use of Charters to promote the union and focus around joint goals to assist recruitment.This is especially important given the cuts agenda and fragmentation that we have seen for years in our industry. We note that the LUL Track Workers Charter is already in existence and we therefore call on the National Executive Committee along with theEngineering delegates and Organising Unit to produce a Charter aimed at large scale organisation and recruitment in Engineering Grades.
Moved byLU Engineering Branch Seconded by Votes for Against Abstentions Carried Unanimously
Is this item to be /or not to be considered for submitting to the AGM
5. SCOTT DOBSON Submitted byLU Engineering Branch
This Conference is saddened by the death of Scott Dobson and the derisory fine that Carillion Rail received. His death highlighted all that is wrong with privatisation and a cuts driven agenda that leaves Engineers facing risk of death and injury whilst earning their wages. It seems every journey matters but not every worker. We further note the changes to roles and responsibilities for Track Access in both Network Rail and across London Underground. We will not pay with our blood so the fat cuts and Tory Ministers can rake in more and more profit. We therefore call on the National Executive Committee to set up:
- A joint LUL and Network Rail Engineering Forum to share plans on these cuts to track access procedures and roles
- To share best practice and examples to defeat these changes
- To build a database of incidents that are available to Engineering Reps to use in the arguments
- Produce a leaflet to all members stating their rights and how they should be working safely on the track
- Moved byLU Engineering Branch Seconded by Votes For Against Abstentions Carried Unanimously
- Is this item to be /or not to be considered for submitting to the AGM
6. OBSERVER OF TRAINS – CARILLION ROLE Submitted byNewport Rail Branch
This engineering grades conference is alarmed that Carillion have introduced a new role to their procedure - “Observer of Trains”.
This means that when you are using a “Site Warden Warning” Safe System of Work, you also have somebody appointed watching out for trains, providing a warning.
It is not recognised within the rule book, or by any of the other rail renewals companies to our knowledge.
However, if you work on a site that comes under their control, (I. e. if they are the Principle Contractor PC), they mandate that you work to this, or they refuse you permission to work.
If you are agency staff or just happen to be working within their PC area for considerable amount of time it has the potential to cause danger.
We believe this will increase the risk to our members’, especially when you move onto another site, or work for somebody else and this role is no longer in place.
If Carillion believe the rule book is insufficient for the safety of our members’, why haven’t they raised it through the appropriate channels and tried to get this role introduced for all staff, industry wide?
All staff nationally operate to the same rule book and plan to the same Safe System of Work Hierarchy.
We ask that this matter be taken up with Network Rail and Carillion urgently and seek the withdrawal of this made up role.
Moved byNewport Rail Branch Seconded by
Votes For Against Abstentions Carried Unanimously
Is this item to be /or not to be considered for submitting to the AGM
7. PLANNING WORK “ON OR NEAR THE LINE” REGIONAL PROCEDURE W&W IMS000626 Submitted byNewport Rail Branch This engineering grades conference is outraged to hear that Network Rail IP Wales and Western have a Regional Procedure in place for planning work on or near the line.
The Procedure only applies to staff working on Network Rail Investment Projects Wales and Western.
It states that any work below the SSOW Hierarchy Fenced, must have sign off approval by their own company and NR senior management.
It doesn’t apply to walking to/from site, only working.
It doesn’t apply if you are more than 3 metres away from the nearest running rail.
If you work for NR Maintenance it does not apply.
If you are working on anything other than IP W&W, it doesn’t apply. Amey have the CEFA contract nationally, it does not apply to that. It’s not unheard of for our projects staff to help out the CEFA staff and work on their projects acting as COSS etc. Occasionally we have staff seconded onto NR to undertake maintenance tasks, so therefore it would not apply then.
If you work on any job within a different region, it does not apply.
We all work to the same rule book and all face the same risk on a daily basis regardless of which project, or which region you happen to be working on.
We ask that this matter be taken up with Network Rail urgently and seek the withdrawal of this procedure.
Moved byNewport Rail Branch Seconded by
Votes For Against Abstentions Carried Unanimously
Is this item to be /or not to be considered for submitting to the AGM
8. SAFE WORK LEADER – STAFF EQUALITY Submitted byNewport Rail Branch
This engineering grades conference is outraged at Network Rail’s decision to introduce the new Proscient System for PDSW/SWL for all staff outside of Network Rail.
We believe that this is wrong and all staff should be treated equally. We all operate to the same rule book and all face the same risks working on the railway, day in, day out.
We ask that this matter be taken up with Network Rail urgently to ensure this does not happen.
Many of our members’ work for rail renewals companies’ and can often work within maintenance possession/worksites and indeed can often be seconded to undertake maintenance tasks.
We also have Network Rail maintenance staff work within renewals worksites.
We believe that having two systems in place will not only be an operational nightmare, but in fact pose more danger to the travelling public and indeed our members.
Moved byNewport Rail Branch Seconded by
Votes For Against Abstentions Carried Unanimously
Is this item to be /or not to be considered for submitting to the AGM
This Branch is aware that Network Railare regularly running two-person S&T Teams on both Anglia Route and in other areas nationwide.
Network Rails management at IMDM and Area Director level are of the opinion that as long as an initial roster shows a three-person team then they are only obliged to fill any absences due to Annual leave, Secondment, Training , Long term sickness etc. and within budget.
The budget within the S&T Department currently sits as two hours overtime per person per week. Our local S&T Rep has calculated that to cover everyone’s leave entitlement alone would amount to 6 hours per person per week of overtime. So effectivelythe departmental budget will always be well short of what is required to truly provide a three-person S&T team.
This branch feels that network rail is undermining both the safety and long term job security of our S&T members by taking this stance.
We feel that the industrial process within network rail has failed on this issue and so request that our union acts on our concerns. If letters and dialogue fail to resolve these issues then our union will go into a dispute with network rail regarding this issue.
Moved byNorwich Branch Seconded by
Votes For Against Abstentions Carried Unanimously
Is this item to be /or not to be considered for submitting to the AGM