City of Parkston Council Meeting, Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 4266


Mayor Hoffman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and roll call noted the following council members present: Dale Hofer, Ken Henke, Brad Hohn, Rob Bertram, Tim Semmler, and Jeff Murtha. Also in attendance were Mike Wolf, Greg Reichenberg, Ryan Murtha, Rich Stokes, Corrinna Wagner, David Doering, and Karen Adkins-Runge.

Motion by Murtha, seconded by Hohn, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 14th, 2015. All present voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Henke, seconded by Murtha, to approve the following claims. All present voting aye. Motion carried.

Salaries: Mayor & Council 2,698.50; Finance Ofc. 3,728.25; Gov't Buildings 232.50; Police Dept. 9,295.84; Street Dept. 5,458.83; Rubble Site 222.40; Library 3,087.68; Plan & Zone 450.00; Water Dept 419.74; Sewer Dept 674.72.



1210 Farmers State Bank FICA Contribution 1,989.50

Federal Withholding 894.39

1211 SD Retirement Contribution- April 2015 2,999.41

1213 Agland Coop Tire service, bolts, pump valve, weed spray 155.05

1215 Petrik Sanitation Garbage service 62.32

1216 AFLAC Accrued Aflac 361.57

1217 Rexwinkle Concrete Curb & gutter- Third & Douglas Streets 3,729.60

1218 Visa Postage, vacuum bags 95.94

1219 Aramark Rug service 146.00

1220 Avera Health Plans Monthly Health Insurance Premium 2,609.69

1221 Dereck Wolf 1998 Ford Pickup 7,300.00

1222 Northwestern Power- City Hall 273.85

N. Gas- City Hall 246.76

Power- Maint. Bldg. 113.93

N. Gas- Maint. Bldg. 135.98

Power- Street Lights 2,113.56

Power- Traffic Signal 16.98

Power- Airport 119.02

Power- E. Park 33.26

Power- W. Park 105.42

Power- Softball Field 31.75

Power- Library 139.42

N. Gas- Library 147.56

1223 Santel Communications Communications- City Hall 184.65

Siren Circuit 20.59

Communications- PD 46.80

Communications- Library 75.66

Internet Connection- Airport 96.91

1224 SD Div. Motor Vehicles Title, license plates- 98 Ford pickup 10.00

1225 Farmers State Bank FICA Contribution 2,020.88

Federal Withholding 990.26

1228 CHS/Farmers Alliance Gas- 136 gallons 336.21

1229 Parkston Advance Proceedings, rubble site notice, alcohol ntc. 550.38

1231 Parkston Advance Ad- Library 45.00

1232 McLaury Engineering Engineering- E. Park Project 497.50

1235 McLaury Engineering Engineering- floodplain, curb & gutter permit 472.50

1237 Sturdevant’s ’98 Ford pickup vehicle supplies 135.57

1238 Quill Office supplies 137.98

1239 Michael Todd Co. Bolt- St. Sweeper, street signs 599.52

1240 Petty Cash- Fin. Ofc. Postage 6.11

1243 Weber Sanitation Garbage service- Library 18.00

1244 Ingram Library Services Books- Library 103.91

1245 Darrington Water Mthly drinking water cooler rent 12.00

1247 Wolf’s Auto Repairs- International Dump Truck 431.31

1248 SD Dept of Trans. Airport Project 382.47

1249 Runnings Steel box, grass seed, supplies 784.16

1250 Helms & Associates Engineering- Land acquisition project 315.00

1251 Helms & Associates Engineering- Airport Layout Plan 2,120.21

1252 Zinger Grafix & Lettering Lettering- 1998 Ford pickup 119.99

1253 Dollar General Cleaning supplies 23.00

1254 Avenet, LLC PD email setup fee 50.00

1255 Dust- Tex Rug service- Library 18.44

1256 Parkston Lumber Co. Construction material 17.65

1257 Books/supplies- Library 495.75

1258 Southeastern Electric Power- St lights/water pump 117.63

1259 Parkston Drug Batteries 14.57

1260 Demco Supplies- Library 601.38

1261 Cole Papers Paper product 283.50

1262 Parkston Precision Cut material 24.80

1263 Banyon Data System Training expenses 902.09

1264 A&B Business Sol. Copy machine- lease 115.75

1265 Murtha Repair Battery- sprayer 113.95

1266 Cengage Learning Large print books- Library 241.70

1267 Business Forms Checks 181.55

1268 Wheelco Hub cap 27.93

1269 The Lodge at Deadwood Lodging- Police Chief Conference- Reichenberg 255.00

1270 Henke Tractor Repair Repair- snow blower, service mowers, blades 1,433.65

1272 DSU Dining Services Librarian class meals- Friman 76.00

1273 DSU Librarian class lodging- Friman 100.00

1274 Smart Apple Media Children’s books- Library 172.55

1275 Upstart Summer reading program supplies 201.35

1276 Penworthy Company Children’s books- Library 421.82

1277 Daily Republic Newspaper subscription- Library 175.00

1278 Titan Machinery Bucket teeth, pins 60.75

1281 Potomac Aviation AWOS annual monitoring fees 250.00

1282 Tactical Solutions Radar certification- PD 72.00

1283 Dept. of Revenue State share of malt license fees 537.50


1230 Parkston Advance Advertisement for bids- Asphalt project 73.32

1233 McLaury Engineering Engineering- Elm, Pear, Railroad Street Project 3,150.00

1236 McLaury Engineering Engineering- 4th, Douglas, Evergreen Asphalt Proj 1,676.50


1212 US Postmaster Bulk postage 99.18

1214 SD One Call Locate fees 21.00

1222 Northwestern Power- South Well 100.41

1226 Kendall Zubke Refund on deposit 112.49

1227 Laura Korbe Refund on deposit 130.62

1240 Petty Cash- Fin. Ofc. Postage 5.75

1241 State Health Lab Lab tests 30.00

1242 BY Water District Bulk Water 13,445.20

1246 Dakota Supply Group Water material 346.04


1212 US Postmaster Bulk postage 99.18

1222 Northwestern Power- Sewer alarm 8.00

1234 McLaury Engineering Engineering- SW Sewer Expansion Project 1,758.75

1258 Southeastern Electric Power- lagoons, lift station 81.64

1271 USDA Rural Dev. USDA Loan Payment- Principle 750.00

USDA Loan Payment- Interest 324.00

1279 Meierhenry Sargent Sewer Revenue Bond documents 3,000.00

1280 Cretex Concrete Products Manhole extension 266.97

At 7:05 p.m., motion by Murtha, seconded by Hohn, to adjourn. All present voting aye. Motion carried.


Mayor Hoffman called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. and roll call noted the following council members present: Murtha, Hohn, Hofer, Semmler, Bertram, and Henke. Those in attendance are as listed at the beginning of these minutes.

Finance Officer Huether swore David Hoffman, Mayor into office for a 2-year term.

Mayor Hoffman swore the following aldermen into office:

Alderman Ward I- Dale Hofer- 2 years

Alderman Ward II- Jeffrey Murtha- 2 years

Alderman Ward III- Robert Bertram- 2 years

A petition was filed by property owners located adjacent to Weidenbach Concrete Works property. Said petition was in regards to alleged nuisance regarding dust, noise, speed, junk, and hours of operation. The council was advised to meet with the affected property owners to further investigate the complaint.

It was advised this being the time and place advertised for a public hearing on the variance request of Brad & Paula Weber, 504 S. Third St, for the construction of a 20’ x 32’ garage with a side setback of 3’rather than the required 5’ setback. The City Council is now convened as a Board of Adjustment. There being no oral or written objections to said variance request, motion by Hohn, seconded by Henke, to approve said request. All present voting aye. Motion carried.

It was advised this being the time and place advertised for a public hearing on the variance request of Tracy Deckert, 603 N. Wallace St, for the construction of a fence 0’ front setback rather than the required 10’ setback. The City Council is now convened as a Board of Adjustment. Concerns noted by the council was future expansion to the north of said property and having the fence right on property line. Motion by Hohn, seconded by Murtha, to deny said request. Hofer- yes; Semmler- no; Murtha- yes; Henke- no; Hohn- yes. Motion carried.

The council was presented with a letter from Mike Maxwell, representative for Southview Properties, LLC, informing the city that they would like to donate Evergreen Street from Wallace to 4th Street, and Wallace Street from Evergreen north to cal-de-sac. City engineer, Ryan Murtha, advised that an inspection has been conducted on said streets and expressed that they meet the City of Parkston’s Engineering Standards. Motion by Hohn, seconded by Hofer, to accept Evergreen Street from Wallace to 4th Street, and Wallace Street from Evergreen north to cal-de-sac. All present voting aye. Motion carried.

Alderman Bertram exits the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Bid opening for the Fourth, Evergreen, and Wallace Street Asphalt Project was held on May 6th, 2015. The following bids were submitted: Commercial Asphalt- $135,794.65; VanderPol Dragline- $146,981.00. Motion by Henke, seconded by Semmler, to award the contract to the low bidder, Commercial Asphalt in the amount of $135,794.65. All present voting aye. Motion carried. It was reported the engineer’s estimate for the project was $116,808.25.

Street Superintendent, Mike Wolf, addressed the council with information regarding the Hwy. 37 & 44 flashing signal light. Wolf explained that the light has been hit several times in the past, and suggested replacing the light with flashing beacons on top each stop sign. A meeting was held with a Department of Transportation representative, Scott Jansen, who advised that the city would be responsible for getting electricity to each stop sign. A quote from Parkston Electric was submitted for the work in the amount of $11,528.20. It was reported that another company has offered to do the boring for the electrical. Motion by Hohn, seconded by Murtha, to approve Parkston Electric to do said work, excluding the boring, in the amount of 5,678.20. All present voting aye. Motion carried.

A quote from Parkston Electric was presented to the council for the installation of electrical on South Third to run a sump pump. Said quote was $737.79. Mayor Hoffman explained that currently the pump is located in the street and poses a traffic hazard. Motion by Hofer, seconded by Semmler, to approve Parkston Electric to install the electrical on South Third for a sump pump. All present voting aye. Motion carried.

It was reported that some property owners along the Main Street Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Project have requested the city provide additional grass seed for the boulevard. Alderman Hohn explained that the city doesn’t provide grass seeding in any projects because past experience shows that property owners fail to care for it properly. The council agreed to leave any grass seeding up to the property owner.

Discussion was held regarding the need to paint the markings on Main Street including: crosswalks, stop bars, parking spaces, and handicap spaces. A quote from Striping Plus, Mitchell, in the amount of $4,200 was presented for the council’s consideration. It was also explained that this was the same pricing as in 2010, and a $300 discount would be given for being a repeat customer. The additional crosswalks from the Safe Route to School Project would be done at no additional cost. Motion by Semmler, seconded by Hofer, to hire Striping Plus in the amount of $4,200. All present voting aye. Motion carried.

Ryan Murtha updated the council on the Southwest Sewer Expansion Project. A pre-construction meeting was held April 28th, 2015. Thorstad Companies advised at the meeting that they tentatively plan to begin construction at the end of May. Ordinance No. 344 was presented to the council proposing to raise rates for sewer users outside city limits. Since no information was available as to what other cities charge, Hohn made a motion that was seconded by Semmler, to table Ordinance No. 344 until the June 9th, 2015 meeting. Mayor Hoffman advised that the sewer committee discuss proposed rates and bring to the June meeting.

Chief of Police, Greg Reichenberg, informed the council that the patrol car was involved in an accident earlier in the month. Tracy’s Paint & Body estimated $2,133.23 in damages. Motion by Henke, seconded by Semmler, to approve the repairs to the patrol car. Motion carried.

Motion by Semmler, seconded by Hohn, to approve dumpsters at the rubble site for city clean up, June 10-13, 2015, and allow Parkston residents to dispose of accepted items free of charge. All present voting aye. Motion carried. Mayor Hoffman advised that he has observed several properties in town that are storing tires and suggested another dumpster be available to accept tires. Since there is a higher charge for disposing tires, it was suggested to have a tipping fee for tires. Motion by Semmler, seconded by Hofer, to accept tires during the Parkston clean up, and charge tires per the City of Mitchell’s tire rates, pending approval by the SD Department of Environment and Natural Resources regarding accepting tires. All present voting aye. Motion carried.

It was reported that the Parkston Area Foundation has granted $2,000 to the city for the purchase of a new fountain at the East Park. A $1,000 donation was given by Northwestern Energy for upgrades to the East Park playground project.

Pool manager, Kim Juhnke, informed the finance office to that the council should consider adjusting the Sunday hours for the pool to 1-6 p.m. Motion by Semmler, seconded by Murtha, to change the Sunday hours for the pool to 1-6 p.m. All present voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Semmler, seconded by Hofer, to schedule the opening day for the pool for June 1st, 2015. All present voting aye. Motion carried.

The council was informed that to date, no one has expressed interest in the pool concession stand lease.

Motion by Henke, seconded by Murtha, to approve Jeff Murtha and Brenda Huether to attend a tree planting workshop in Freeman on May 20th, 2015 and pay for mileage. All present voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Hofer, seconded by Murtha, to approve the following addition to the city’s personnel policy. All present voting aye. Motion carried.


All regular, seasonal, part-time, temporary, appointed or elected employees paid through the City of Parkston payroll system will be required to set-up a direct deposit account (checking and/or savings) through the City Finance Office. Money can be distributed to three (3) accounts (one or more financial institutions).

It was reported that several customers have inquired if the city would offer electronic bill pay. Information was presented to the council regarding a few options available. It was decided to wait until budget meetings for 2016 to address this need.

It was reported that Gene Cordes has inquired if the city would be interested in purchasing his house located at 305 N. Third St. Since this property is located in the floodplain, Cordes was directed to see if the city would like control over the property. It was decided to further inspect the property and address it at the June meeting.

Paul Weidenbach asked the finance office if the city would be willing to give a discount for customers who have several sewer services at one location. The council determined that if the service is available then the customer should be charged. Alderman Hohn advised that the only way to avoid multiple charges is to reroute infrastructure into one line. Motion by Semmler, seconded by Hohn, to deny said request. All present voting aye. Motion carried.