Madonna effect! ( Using music and videos’s to inspire, engage and support learning)
Jane Fisher.
‘I just can’t get you out of my head!’
Have you ever heard a song, and then found the words go round and round in your head?
Have you ever watched a video, and then can recall what it was all about in great detail?
Music to motivate and inspire –
Every half term the new SEAL theme is introduced with a Whole School Together Time (assembly).
A relevant video / story is shown on the halls large screen, and often a new song is introduced, although as we now have a good bank of songs, occasionally a song we have done before is reintroduced. Every member of staff has these songs and they are used on a very regular basis – year 6 sing them through out their SATs.
1. Reach
2. Proud.
3. Climb.
4. Don’t worry.
5. You can get it.
6. You raise me up.
7. Don’t laugh at me.
8. 1,2,3, Good to be me
9. Give them a clap.
10. Hip, Hip, Hip hooray.
11. Will you be a friend?
12. Fabby dabby.
13. Make a difference.
14. 15. 16. Believe.
17. Encouragement.
18. I look, I see.
19. Build up.
20. Viva.
21. Success meditation
Powerful Videos – to inspire .
Big screen for big impact. Watch together as a school. Watch again in classes – give time to discuss.
Impact greatest when time is allowed to really explore, discuss and think about the content.
· Nik Vijicic –especially the Honda ad for World Cup 2010
· A peacock in a penguins world –
· Panyee football team – advert from a thai bank.
· Mohammed Ali
· Lance Armstrong
Lots of other examples on ‘Ideas to Inspire’ website. -
Charity days such as Red Nose Day and Children in need often also have great video’s as teacher resources.
Great videos and songs for inspiring and supporting learning.
Maths – times tables songs – Percy Parker, and Number Fun.
Videos with songs – School house rock – excellent videos for every times table.
Peter Wetherall – Not a boring square – great for 2D shapes.
Literacy – School House Rock – fun songs for adjectives, nouns etc.