Eighth Grade Behavior Management Plan
- Students are to exhibit respect for oneself and others, behaving and speaking appropriately at all times.
- This expectation includes exhibiting respect for teachers, classmates, family, and property. Use of obscenities, rude language, or a disrespectful tone of voice with anyone is unacceptable. Likewise, this expectation is to be exhibited at any school related activity, whether during the school day or not.
- Students are to adhere to the Honor Code of Ethics.
- Copying another student’s paper, letting someone copy your paper, forging a signature, or giving misinformation to any school personnel are considered acts of dishonesty and are a violation of the Honor Code of Ethics. Any and all parties involved in copying will receive a “0” for that assignment regardless of the excuse, and parents will be notified.
- Students are to be on time and prepared for class every day.
- Students are not to loiter in the hallway between classes. Upon entering the classroom, students are expected to have paper, pen or pencil, books, homework, signed papers, SSR book, agenda, and any other assigned material. It is not the teacher’s responsibility to furnish the student with supplies. *Note that bookbags are not allowed in any of the academic classrooms.
- Students are to be attentive and participate in all class activities.
- Students are to remain on task during classroom discussions, activities, writing assignments, and any other assignments given by the teacher.
- Students are to leave distracters at home.
- Bookbags and outerwear must remain in lockers during all academic classes. IPods, MP3 players, and any other electronic listening devices are not allowed in school. Cell phones must be turned off and kept in a secure place during school hours. These items will be confiscated and taken to the office for a parent to claim if a student is seen using them. Neither the school nor the teacher is responsible for confiscated items.
- Students are to follow eighth grade policy regarding bookbags/string bags/totes and outerwear.
- Under no conditions are bookbags and outerwear allowed in any academic classroom due to safety concerns. String bags and tote bags are allowed provided they are small enough to store undera student’s seat. If these items are too large to fit under the student’s seat, they are not to be brought into the classroom. There are no exceptions to this policy.
- Students are to follow the school dress code as outlined in the “Dress for Success” information sheet included in this packet.
Consequences for not following the provisions of the 8th Grade Behavior Management Plan willprogress as follows:
- verbal warning and parent contact
- silent lunch and parent contact
- detention and parent contact
- office referral and parent contact
- exclusion from yearend activities
Please note that parent and/or team conferences may also be requested. Some examples of inappropriate behaviors are talking out, having gum/candy, tardiness, missing materials necessary for class, and disruptiveness. Food items are not permitted in class according to school policy unless they are part of an instructional activity. Water will be permitted in class per teacher discretion. Consequences are cumulative per class for each nine week period, thus allowing a student to start with a “clean slate” each nine weeks.
Certain violations may result in an immediate detention or office referral as outlined in the County “J” policies. Information regarding these violations is detailed in the student handbook.
Students are to go to the restroom between classes. In instances of emergency, students may use the restroom at other times with teacher permission and a signed agenda.
Please sign below and return to your child’s homeroom teacher.
I have read and understand the Eighth Grade Behavior Plan. I also understand that behavioral consequences will affect student conduct grades and honor roll status.
Parent SignatureStudent Signature
Please sign below and return to your child’s homeroom teacher.
I have read and understand the Eighth Grade Behavior Plan. I also understand that behavioral consequences will affect student conduct grades and honor roll status.
Parent SignatureStudent Signature
Please sign below and return to your child’s homeroom teacher.
I have read and understand the Eighth Grade Behavior Plan. I also understand that behavioral consequences will affect student conduct grades and honor roll status.
Parent SignatureStudent Signature