March 13, 2017

The Board of School Trustees of the Attica Consolidated School Corporation met at 6:30 p.m.

for a Regular Meeting in the Attica Elementary School Cafeteria, 500 E. Washington St., Attica, IN 47918. Members present were Chris Gayler, Kelly Hiller, Mike Bossaer, Laurie Pierce and Chris VanDeWater. Also present were Mr. Derek Marshall, Superintendent, Mr. Tom O’Connor, Corporation Attorney, Deanna Hutts, Corporation Treasurer, and Jodi Schmid, Deputy Treasurer.


Mike Bossaer made a motion the Board approve the agenda, seconded by Kelly Hiller and passed 5-0. Mike Bossaer made a motion the Board approve the minutes for Regular Meeting of February 27, 2017, seconded by Kelly Hiller and passed 5-0.


Chris Gayler:Thankful for the fact that we have not had any snow days this school year. We are

fortunate that we are able to use eLearning days when school has to be called due to

weather but students and teachers together in the classroom is the ideal situation.

Kelly Hiller:Thankful for our School Nurse, Mrs. Walker, and all of the Administrative and Support

Staff who have helped all of our students through a winter filled with a lot of sickness.

Mike Bossaer:Thankful for our Music programs at both schools. Mrs. Piper, Mrs. Dismore and Mr. Berg

have done a wonderful job and their efforts shine through their students which is seen and heard at all of the programs put on throughout the year.

Laurie Pierce:Thankful for the AES Student Council’s Hearts for Riley Fundraiser. The students were

really enjoy this very important fundraiser and can see how their contributions help at Riley Children’s Hospital.

Chris VanDeWater: Thankful for the upcoming Spring Break. It is a much needed break for the Students,

Parents, Faculty and Staff. Hoping everyone enjoys the time off.


Mrs. Tague, AES Student Council Sponsor, informed the board that students raised over $3,000 this year for Riley Children’s Hospital with the Hearts for Riley fundraiser. The elementary school will be recognized as a Riley School and will also be sponsoring a wagon that is used by visitors and patients at the hospital. Fifth Grade Teacher, Ms. Fountain recognized Natalee Jean as an AES Student of the Month. Ms. Fountain said that Natalee is an exemplary student, a leader in and out of the classroom and always the first to volunteer to help her peers. Natalee is a joy to have as a student and will be missed when she moves on to sixth grade at the end of the school year. Miss Wilson recognized Taylor Clevenger as her fifth grade student of the month. Miss Wilson said that Taylor is always prepared and ready to learn in the classroom. Taylor is involved with many extracurricular activities including Archery which she excels in and even though Taylor is very busy she always has time to help her fellow students in and out of the classroom. Mr. Berg recognized fifth grade band student Drew Mandeville. Drew actually has four different classroom teachers as he switches from fifth grade classes to sixth grade classes as a high ability student and even with all of the extra academic work Drew has he still finds time to practice his instrument. All of his hard work and practice shine through in his performances. Drew is a wonderful student to have in the classroom and Mr. Berg looks forward to seeing just how far he will go. Choir Director and Music teacher Mrs. Piper recognized fifth grade choir student Noah Blankenship. Noah performed as young Simba in the Spring musical, The Lion King. Noah worked very hard memorizing all of his lines and songs for his part in the musical and it showed in his performance. Great job Noah!

Mr. Berg introduced AHS Band Student, Liam Risler and recognized Liam as the first student to go to state solo and ensemble in 7 (maybe 8) years! He received a gold at the state solo contest, the highest rating available. Mrs. Piper also recognized Liam and his brother Devin Risler for their performances as Simba and Scar. Both students worked very hard perfecting their performances and it showed through all presentations of the play over the weekend. Mrs. Piper also recognized Mitzy Arizmendi, Taylor Hollis, Selena Smith, Madi Stamper, Jane Taylor, Kadence Tillota, Kylee Turpin and Jessa Willey all fifth and sixth grade students who participated in The Lion King. All of the students who participated on stage and behind the scenes did a fantastic job and made our Spring Musical a superb success!




Mike Bossaer made a motion to approve payment of a performance stipend for administrators to be paid on the next payroll, seconded by Kelly Hiller and passed 5-0.

Kelly Hiller made a motion to grant permission for the Treasurer to pay claims through the end of March, seconded by Chris VanDeWater and passed 5-0.

Kelly Hiller made a motion to approve the March personnel sheet, seconded by Chris VanDeWater and passed 5-0.


Debt Planning (AHS, Pension Bond, CPF)

Textbook Rental and PLD Repair unpaid balances - Mr. Marshall informed the board that he will be sharing an updated bad debt policy to include textbook rental and PLD repairs with the same consequences as our negative balance lunch policy.

ACSC and the City of Attica received a grant from the Western Indiana Community Foundation to publish a quarterly newsletter. The first edition went out to all households with the 47918 zip code on March 13th.




Monthly financial reports were presented to the board to be approved. Mike Bossaer made a motion the Board accepts the financial report for month ending February 2017, seconded by Chris VanDeWater. Mike Bossaer made a motion the Board approve March claims. Discussion included lunch account balances, fund balances, general fund monthly cash report and claims. Upon such approval, claims are to be paid and filed for audit, seconded by Chris VanDeWater and passed 5-0.

There being no further business to come before the Board at this time Chris Gayler made a motion the meeting adjourn at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Laurie Pierce and passed 5-0.

______President ______Member

Chris Gayler Laurie Pierce

______Vice President ______Member

Kelly Hiller Chris VanDeWater


Mike Bossaer