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Emergency Management
Response Plan
Principal’s Signature
Stanton Elementary School 2014-2015 Crisis Management Team
STANTONJames Crase
Gus Pence
Dana Estep
Sue Lairson
Tammy Cole
Wanda Gunn
Beth Slone
Tonya Craft
Wanda Elkins
Staff Skills Inventory
Adams, Marquita
Barnes, Melissa / First Aid, CPR, AED, Medication Trained, Experience with disabilities
Barnett, Jennifer
Billings, Carmen
Billings, Renee
Bowen, Julie
Carter, Karron
Cline, Lisa
Cole, Tammy / Counseling/mental health, Experience with disabilities
Coleman, Sandy
Crabtree, Leanne / SCM
Crabtree, Sarah / First Aid, CPR, AED, Medication Trained, Experience with disabilities
Craft, Tonya / Experience with disabilities
Crase, James
Crowe, Tammy
Dotson, Teresa
Estep, Dana / First Aid, CPR, AED, Licensed Minister, Medication Training, 2 years Spanish
Ewen, Jamie
Foster, Elizabeth / First Aid, CPR, AED, Medication Trained, Experience with disabilities
Elkins, Wanda
Goodwin, Myra / First Aid, CPR, AED, Medication Trained
Gunn, Wanda / First Aid, CPR, AED, Medication Trained, Experience with disabilities
Hall, Amy
Hall, Jessica
Hall, Joyce
Hearne, Kim / SCM, Experience with disabilities
Hess, Rebecca
Hurst, Glenda / SCM, First Aid, CPR, AED, Medication Trained, Experience with disabilities
Johnston, Kevin
Lairson, Sue / First Aid, CPR, AED, Medication Trained, Experience with disabilities
Leach, Lisa
Marcum, Bridget
Marsee, Pleasant
Meade, Angie / First Aid, CPR, AED, Medication Trained, Experience with disabilities
Pelfrey, Amanda
Pelfrey, Devon
Pence, Gus
Rogers, Stacy / First Aid, CPR, AED, Medication Trained, Experience with disabilities
Skidmore, Karen / First Aid, CPR, AED, Medication Trained, Experience with disabilities
Thorpe, Jenny / First Aid, CPR, AED, Experience with disabilities, lifeguard
Tingle, Jennifer / First Aid, CPR, AED, Medication Trained
Townsend, Dana
Townsend, Jessica
Unger, Casey
Emergency Response Team Assignments
In general, Incident Command System (ICS) or Emergency Response Team roles should be a logical, reasonable parallel to day-to-day work assignments. Complete the form below to reflect your school Emergency Response Team assignments.
Title / NameLocation & Numbers / Alternate Name
Location & Numbers
Incident Command:
Principal / James Crase Office: 606-663-3311
Cell: (606)359-3965 / Tammy Cole -Counseling Office
606-663-3311cell: 1-859-582-2695
Tonya Craft- Classroom
606-663-3311 cell: 606-359-1859
Safety Official:
Security, Law Enforcement / Kevin Babcock
569-5007 / Mike Townsend SRO
Public Information Official:
Media Contact / James Crase Principal
Office: 606-663-3311
Cell: (606)359-3965 / Tammy Cole Counseling Office
606-663-3311 cell: 859-582-2695
Liaison Official:
Liaison to Outside Agencies / Joyce Hall FRYSC
606-663-3311 / Tammy Cole Counseling Office
606-663-3311 cell: 859-582-2695
Situation Analysis / Gus Pence Custodian
606-481-0582 / Wanda Elkins Custodian
Student Accounting & Release / Sue Lairson
606-663-3311 / Dana Estep
Tammy Cole Counseling Office
Facility & Environmental / Gus Pence Custodian
606-481-0582 / Wanda Elkins Custodian
First Aid, CPR, Medical / Myra Goodwin
606-663-3311 / Elizabeth Foster Amanda Pelfrey
606-663-3311 606-663-6510
Crisis Intervention & Response / Wanda Gunn
606-481-0314 / Leanne Crabtree
Food, water, sanitation / Cooks
606-663-3311 / Glenda Hurst Karen Skidmore
606-663-3311 606-663-3311
Communications / Jessica Hall
606-663-3311 / Beth Slone
Supplies / Angie Meade
606-521-9601 / Sandy Coleman
Administration & Finance:
Documentation / Dana Estep
859-749-9843 / James Crase Office: 606-663-3311
Cell: ((606)359-3965
Tammy Cole Counseling Office
2nd person listed is back up if 1st person is out of the building
Title / Name – Location / NumbersSuperintendent / Mike Tate / 663-3300
Program Coordinators / Anna Faulkner (Tech.Integr.)
John Combs (Drop-Out)
Debbie Rose (Migrant)
Becky Skidmore (Com.Edu.)
(Adult Edu.)
Lola Faulkner (ESL Interp.) / 663-3511
Director of security/law enforcement
Director of Technology / Kelly Marcum / 663-3330
Director of maintenance / Monroe Jones / 663-3300/859-338-5776
Director of transportation
Vocational Director / Monroe Jones / 663-3300/859-338-5776
Director of nutritional services / Laura Young
Colleen Crowe / 663-3330/606-569-5040
HOME 663-8290
HOME 663-0060
Director of safety / Kelly Marcum / 663-3330/606-569-5010
Director of buildings and grounds / Monroe Jones / 663-3300/859-338-5776
Director of special education / Debbie Rose / 663-3300
Director for safe and drug free schools / Kelly Marcum / 663-3330/606-569-5010
Director of health or medical services / Laura Young / 663-3300/859-338-5776
Director of public relations / Mike Tate
Kelly Marcum / 663-3300
Director of Pupil Personnel / Sarah Wasson / 663-3300/606-569-5055
Legal Counsel / Donna Hale / 663-2253
CALL 911 / Kevin Babcock / Cell 606-569-5007
Other / John Estep
Ralph Higgins
Susan Allen/Kay Marksberry
Tara Stanfield, (Comp.Care) / 606-481-4822
Checklist for School Planning
Under the direction of the principal, each school is to complete the following according to its unique needs and circumstances.
Have each team member become familiar with this Emergency Management Resource Guide
Below are school planning forms to complete. Click on the blue links to access the forms:
oCover Page
oStaff Skills Inventory
oEmergency Response Team Assignments
oTeacher Survey: Students Needing Special Assistance
oClassroom and Building “Hazard Hunt”
o Students Special Assistance: Master List
oClassroom and Building “Hazard Hunt” Master List
oAssembly Area (outdoors)
o Alternate Building Location (walking distance)
oAlternate Building Location (requiring transport)
oStudent Accounting and Release
oOrientation and Training Schedule
oDrill Schedule and Log
Create an Emergency Team “Toolbox”
Adopt Visitor Screening and Access Control Policiesconsistent with local board policy
Adopt “age appropriate” DailyDismissal Procedures consistent with board policy
Review the Emergency Response Protocols; make necessary modifications for school- specific needs (using feedback from Staff Surveys and Emergency Team input, local or district phone numbers and titles, etc.)
Review and update Severe Weather Safe Area for each room of building
Review and update Shelter in Place plan for each room of building
Prepare your school’s Emergency Quick Reference Guide
Provide Emergency Quick Reference forms to all staff members
Establish a schedule and procedures for Orientation, Training, and Practicing the Plan
Submit the school’s plan to the superintendent or designee
Practice the plan as scheduled, update the plan at least yearly
Local / Regional Emergency Response Numbers
Agency – Address / Name – Title / NumbersKentucky Community Crisis Response Board (KCCRB)
612-B Shelby St.
Frankfort, KY40601 / Cynthia (C.J.) Wright / (502) 607-5781– Office
888-522-7228 – Toll free
502-564-0133 – Fax
Powell County Fiscal Court / Judy Potts, County Judge Exe. / 663-2834-Office
PowellCounty Sheriff’ / Danny Rogers, Sheriff
Kevin Babcock, SRO / 663-2226/911
PowellCounty Health Dept. / Jo Ann Campbell / 663-4360
MEPCO Home Health
103 Ewen St.
Stanton, KY40380 / Steve Watkins / 663-9096
Comprehensive Care
Stanton, KY40380 / Tara Stanfield / 663-2274
Stanton Fire Department
ClayCity Fire Department
Middle Fork Fire Department / Eddie Barnes, Chief
Nathan Hall, Chief
Harold Campbell, Chief / 663-1454 911
663-2288 911
663-9232 911
American Red Cross / Kerry Graul / 859-2531331 ext 304
DES Coordinator / Arthur Ashley / 663- 4116
Ministerial Association / Anthony Molihan / 663-
Jimmy Caudill / Mayor, ClayCity / 663-2224
Dale Allen / Mayor, Stanton / 663-4459
Kevin Neal / Stanton Police Chief / 663-4459 911
Marcum & WallaceMemorialHospital--Irvine
MaryChilesHospital—Mount Sterling / Powell Co. Clinic 663-8000 / 859-745-3500
Clark Energy / 663-4330 Local
Powell County District Judge / Kenny Profitt / 663-4126
Court Designated Worker / 663-4954
PowellCounty Emergency Management
NationalResponseCenter / Toxic Spills/Release / 911
US Marshalls / 1-859-254-5725
Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) / Paula Watson / 663-0544 663-4116
Potential Hazards (Part 1)
It is vital to record the potential hazards for your geographic area and risks to your district so you know what to expect and what to do to protect students and staff. It is essential to understand that disasters have a cascading effect:
- Forest fires lead to debris flows, mudslides, grassfires and smoke/pollution
- Earthquakes cause fires, loss of water supply, structural damage, chemical leaks and disruption of communications
- Flooding blocks roads, damages property, and ruins food supply
- Tornadoes destroy buildings, cause fallen power lines
- A medical epidemic/pandemic creates significant disruptions to the educational and related business routines)
In an effort to prioritize these events the District Support Team needs to consider what is most likely to occur in this area and when/if these events have occurred in the past.
NaturalHazards / Predictability and Approx. Frequency / Warning
Time / Comments or
Actions to Take
Earthquakes / Very Few / NONE / Drop and cover
Severe weather, tornados, lightning / SPRING / 30 MIN / According to plan—safety areas
Excessive rains, flash floods, flooding / SPRING / 1 HOUR / Shelter in place
Dam failure / POSSIBLE / 10 MIN / Shelter in place
Mudslides / POSSIBLE / 10 MIN / Shelter in place
Windstorms / POSSIBLE / 20 MIN / Shelter in place
Snowstorms / POSSIBLE / 30 MIN / Shelter in place
Sinkholes / UNLIKELY / 10 MIN / Shelter in place
Grass or forest fires / POSSIBLE / 20 MIN / Shelter in place/By direction of EM
Nerve Gas Release / POSSIBLE / 55 MIN / Shelter in place/By direction of emergency management
Potential Hazards (part 2)
The District Support Team needs to consider what other human/technological factors, could occur or have occurred in your region:
Human or Technological Hazards / Predictability and Approx. Frequency / WarningTime / Comments or
Actions to Take
Bomb threat, or other terrorism / POSSIBLE / IMMEDIATE / Operate according to plan
Arson, fire / POSSIBLE / IMMEDIATE / Operate according to plan
Riots / POSSIBLE / IMMEDIATE / Shelter in place
Air pollution, smog alert / NA / NA
Water or food pollution / POSSIBLE / 20 MIN / Shelter in place
Hazardous material spills / POSSIBLE / 10 MIN / Shelter in place
Nuclear or radiological accident / NA / NA
Asbestos / CONTAINED / NA / Operate according to plan
Communication systems failures / POSSIBLE / IMMEDIATE / Operate according to plan
Water system disruptions / POSSIBLE / IMMEDIATE / Shelter in place
Gas or electric disruption / POSSIBLE / IMMEDIATE / Shelter in place
Transportation systems disruptions / POSSIBLE / 20 MIN / Shelter in place
Airplane, airport hazard / POSSIBLE / 20 MIN / Shelter in place
Railroad track, station hazard / NA / NA
Intruder w/weapon / POSSIBLE / IMMEDIATE / Remain in classroom, retrieve students from hallway, lock doors, close shades, students positioned below visual level.
Drill Schedule and Log
Use the following worksheet to plan drills for your school. Submit a copy of the schedule with your school’s plan, and use the original to document drills when they actually occur.
Fire Drills: Two fire drills in the first month of school, and one per month each following month.
MonthlySchedule / Date Conducted / Weather Conditions / Number of Occupants / Evacuation Time / Comments,
1st:8/12/14T / 1:00
2nd:8/19/14T / 10:00
3rd:9/4/14 Th / 2:15
4th:10/2/14 Th / 8:30
5th:11/3/14 M / 1:30
6th:12/3/14W / 2:00
7th:1/8/15Th / 9:30
8th:2/5/15 Th / 1:00
9th:3/4/15W / 8:30
10th:4/9/15Th / 2:15
11th:5/6/15W / 9:00
Earthquake Drills:Two each year.
DateScheduled / Date Conducted / Number of Occupants / Response
Time / Comments, Notes
1st:8/29/14F / 1:30
2nd:10/15/14W / 2:45
3rd: 1/22/15Th / 9:30
Severe Weather Safe Area: Twice each year, including one in March
DateScheduled / Date Conducted / Number of Occupants / Response
Time / Comments, Notes
1st:8/20/14W / 9:45
2nd: 1/16/15F / 2:15
3rd: 3/19/15Th / 10:30
Other Drills or Practice: Such as Lockdown, Shelter in Place, Intruder, Bomb Threat, etc.
DateScheduled / Date Conducted / Event
Scheduled / Comments,
9/2/14 T / Lockdown / 1:00
2/9/14 M / Lockdown / 10:00
9/25/14Th / Bomb Threat / 9:30
Stanton Elementary Drill Schedule
Fire Drills
August 12 1:00 pm Rain date August 13 1:00 pm
August 19 10:00 am Rain date August 2010:00 am
September 42:15 pm Rain date September 52:15 pm
October 28:30 am Rain date October 38:30 am
November 3 1:30 pm Rain date November 5 1:30 pm
December 3 2:00 pm Rain/Snow date December 4 2:30 pm
January 8 9:30 am Rain/Snow date next day at school 9:30 am
February 5 1:00 pm Rain/Snow date next day at school 2:00 pm
March 4 8:30 am Rain/Snow date March 5 8:30 am
April 92:15 pm Rain date April 102:15 pm
May 69:00 am Rain date May 79:00 am
August 20 9:45 am
January 162:30 pm or next day at school
March 19 10:30 am
August 291:30 pm
October 152:45 pm
January 22 9:30 am
September 21:00 pm
February 9 10:00 am or next day at school
Bomb Threat
September 25 9:30 am Rain Date September 26
Emergency Codes
REDIntruder w/weapon
ORANGEPrisoner Escape
BLUEWeather Situation
DISMISS TO Stanton ChristianBomb threat or similar
*Grade levelSeizure
* During these codes you may want to shut your door so other students will not see the student leaving on a stretcher and get scared.
Stanton Elementary Lockdown Procedure
- We will announce on the intercom “Lockdown” and radio any classes that may be outside. SES will use no code words for lockdown.
- When the announcement is made:
- Students are to be cleared from the halls immediately
- Students in the hallway without their class are to report to the nearest available classroom (it does not have to be their classroom).
- We will assist those students needing special assistance
- Teachers should glance outside their door to make sure there are no students in the hallway.
- Close and lock all windows and doors.
- Cover all windows and the glass in doors.
- Turn off classroom lights and computer monitors (except the teacher’s computer)
- Do not leave the classroom for any reason.
- Do not answer any knocks to your door for any reason.
- Do not respond to the intercom.
- If the fire alarm is pulled during a lockdown, STAY IN THE CLASSROOM unless notified by e-mail otherwise.
- Students should stay away from windows and doors and line up around the walls of the classroom.
- Be quiet.
- Teacher takes attendance.
Green: All students are accounted for
Yellow: There are more students in the classroom than should be
Red: Student(s) missing and/or something is wrong in the room
- Gym: Lights will be turned off and all gym doors will be locked.
- Cafeteria: All blinds will be pulled and the glass in the outside doors will be covered. All lights will be turned off. Students are to line up around the outside walls.
- Once all students are in a safe position, wait for further instruction from an administrator.
- Once a lockdown is in effect, we will ONLY communicate with e-mail or cell phones.
- DO NOT attempt to communicate with the intercom, radios, or classroom phones.
- When the lockdown is over, an administrator will notify all staff via e-mail.
Student Accounting and Release
Each school needs to establish a specific plan for student accounting and release. Use the following worksheet to describe how your school will account for students and staff in the building in the event of an evacuation. Teachers must carry roll books, grade books, or student attendance sheets when exiting the building during an evacuation. A staff roster should also be available to take during an evacuation.
1.List below steps or procedures staff will take to assure student or staff accounting (i.e., teachers report to team leader, who reports to “Student Accounting and Release” member of the school’s Emergency Response Team, who reports to principal): REFER TO DISMISSAL SCANNED DOCUMENT ON DISK
Teachers must carry roll books, grade books, or student attendance sheets when exiting the building during an evacuation. A staff roster should also be available to take during an evacuation. Teachers will call roll and all students must be accounted for before any students are released. Runners will notify homeroom teachers with dismissal slip that student may be released. No Student may leave without a dismissal slip and following proper procedure. Teachers must keep an accurate record of all students in their homeroom that were released. Library & Special Education teachers will take laptops. Attendance Clerk will take flash drive with IC information on it.
- What procedures will be in place to release students to parents, guardians, or other designated adults during an emergency?
Parents must show proper identification and maintain an orderly manner. Follow all school protocol that is listed in the student handbook and website. Report to attendance clerk or designee to fill out proper documentation.
Students Needing Special Assistance
Using the information from individual Teacher/Staff Survey forms, the Emergency Response Team maintains a master list of students/staff needing special assistance in the event of an emergency. A designated collection point for these students should be established in conjunction with emergency responders. This should be done on each floor of the building.
Mackenzie Creech- Tonya Craft will assist. Back up will be Karen Skidmore.
* Also see attachment from IC about other students’ needs.
AlternateBuilding Location:
Requiring Transport
Use the following worksheet to plan for evacuation from the building to an off-site building location requiring transportfrom the school. Coordinate your planning with Central Office, other schools, etc.
- Contact Director of Transportation in Central Office to coordinate and plan for transporting students and staff to an Alternate Building Location. Examine local area maps for primary and secondary roadways to transport students and staff to an Alternate Building Location.
- Consider factors such as roadways (for potential traffic “gridlock”), waterways, power lines, metal fences, utilities, etc., and select routes that minimize exposure to area hazards.
- Coordinate planning with other schools, community centers, businesses, churches, etc. to establish reciprocal relationships for Alternate Building Location (schools across town may serve as alternate site for each other).
- Designate each of the following:
AlternateBuilding Location Lead Contact / Phone
Stanton Christian Church- Church Street 606-663-2394
Secondary Location Lead Contact / Phone
PowellCo. High School 700 West College Avenue Principal 606-663-3320
USE SPACE BELOW for any special planning needs or for coordinating your school’s plan with other schools or buildings on the same campus.
Transportation for all kids as well as handicap buses for special needs students.
AlternateBuilding Location:
Walking Distance
In inclement weather, in may be necessary to move students to an Alternate Building Location rather than using the typical Outdoor Assembly Area. Use the following worksheet to plan for evacuation from the building to an off-site building location within walking distance from the school. Coordinate your planning with Central Office, other schools, etc.