Houston Area Nurse Practitioners
Article I – General
- The organization name is Houston Area Nurse Practitioners (HANP), a 501(c)(3) organization with Tax ID #76-0659378.
- Our mission is to be the resource for Nurse Practitioners in the Houston area by supporting professional collaboration, education, networking, and legislative awareness/advocacy.
- Our Vision is to inspire active participation in our profession by modeling our Core Values.
- Leadership
- Education
- Accountability
- Dedication
- Excellence
- Respect
- Support of Members
- The fiscal year shall run September 1stthrough August 31st.
Article II – Membership
- Members may be NPs and RNsand RNs enrolled in NP degree programs.
- Associate members may be other Advanced Practice Nurses; associate members may vote and serve on committees; however, they may not hold election positions.
- Membership shall be terminated by resignation, revocation of member’s license to practice, or nonpayment of dues.
- Full and Associate member current dues are $60/year, Students $30/year, $30 for CE’s. (no exemptions).
- Members annual due amount will be reassessed every three years or as needed
- Member dues are set by vote of the membership and paid annually
- Board members and Committee Chairs’ dues and CE fees are exempt
- Conference committee members with 80% participation will have the conference registration fee waived (not pre-conference workshops)
c.Board members’ dues are exempted
- Committee Chair/Board Member may be reimbursed for parking for committee/Board of Director meetings.
Article III – Meetings
- Monthly meetings will be normally heldon the second Wednesday of the month, within Beltway 8 area.
- Membership will be notified at least 30-days prior to any change, or as soon as known.
- Annual meeting will be held in September of each calendar year
- Installation of Officers will be heldat this meeting.
- Annual reports will be presented to the membership during this meeting.
- Other meetings may be convened at times and places as determined by the board.
Article IV – Board of Directors
- The power, authority, and responsibility to manage the affairs and property of the organization shall be vested in the Board of Directors, subject to the bylaws of the organization in conjunction with Robert’s Rule of Order.
- Management of the administrative affairs and property of the organization, including bookkeeping, website administration, correspondence/communication, and any other function the Board deems appropriate, may be delegated by contract to an appropriate management agency, with costs covered by the general budget, and close Board supervision.
- The Board of Directors shall consist of five Officers and up to two Directors-at-Large.
- The Board shall meet monthly.
- Officers shall be elected by the membership.
- Directors-at-Large shall be appointed by the Board Ppresident and serve in a non-voting, advisory role.
- Up to 2 may be elected appointed for a two yeartwo-year term.
- A quorum shall be a majority of the Board of Directors; with each elected Board member having one vote.
- Elective Board members include; Ppresident, Ppresident elect, Immediate Past President, Ttreasurer, & Ssecretary.
- If an office becomes vacant during the year, the board shall appoint an interim officer until the next election.
Article V – Officers
- The President will serve one year as President Elect, one year as President, and one year as Past President. President will preside at all meetings and is responsible for the Board and all administrative matters.
1.The president will be the official spoke person for HANP.
- The Past President serves as an advisor to the Board, andBoard and has one vote.
- President Elect will perform duties of President should the President be unavailable or unable for any reason.
- Secretary is responsible for Minutes of all Board and Septemberand September general (membership)meetings, and official correspondence.
- Minutes will be posted on the website after Board approval.
- Termis 2 years.
- Treasurer is responsible for all financial affairs, including budget, banking, and tax returns.
- Monthly financial report will be reported to the board.
- Quarterly Annual financial reports will be posted to the website after Board approval.
- An annual financial report will be presented to Membership and posted to website as soon as available after fiscal year-end, no later than the 31st day of December of when available that same calendar year.
- Term is 2 years.
- A complete audit will be implemented in 2018 by HANP’s CPA.
- A yearly unofficial audit will be implemented by the president, president elect, treasurer and a third partythird-party person selected by the board.
- The President and current treasurer will be signatory on HANP bank account
- The president will be the official spoke person for HANP.
- No officer shall hold office for more than two consecutive terms.
Article VI– Elections
- The officers shall be nominated and elected by the Membership.
- Candidates must be:good standing current members, practicing certified NPs and have attended at least 25% of the past year’s meetings.
- Call for nomination will begin February 1stend by March 31st.
- The Board will review and verify all candidates during the April Board meeting
- Nominee bios will be posted on the website May1st.
- Ballots will be emailed to current Members on May 31st.
- The election will be openJune 1stuntil June 10th.
- Voting is conducted online only.
- All current HANP members may vote.
- Election results will be tallied by a 3rdparty agency.
- Candidates will be notified of election results prior to announcing to the Membership.
- A meeting of the outgoing and incoming Board will be held by August.
- New officers will assume office at September 1stmembership general (membership) meeting
- If an officer is not acting according to the Bylaws, the board will vote on removal of the officer by majority of vote.
- If the vote is tied, one Director at Large will be brought in.
Article VII – Committee
1.Education Committee
a.Responsible for developing and planning the annual conference
b.Responsible for managing scholarships for members of HANP
c.Developing and planning quarterly CEU meetings
d.Development and organization of preceptors for NP students
e.Conduct a survey of membership needs at least annually by sending out questioner
f.Meetings will be held third Tuesday of every month.
2.Legislative Committee
a.Serves as the legislative liaison on behalf of HANP to affiliates
Organize and lead legislative day
Networking with TNP and AANP legislative staff
Community Relations Committee
Promote awareness of our organization within the community.
Promote the role of the nurse practitioner within the community[BB1].
Develop, plan and organize a project to benefit the community.
Arrange for media coverage of HANP community projects, including increased visibility during nursing and NP week.
Manage and monitor social media networks (ie. Facebook, Twitter, Website)
Ad Hoc Committee
Committees may be appointed by the Board.
Shall function only as long as necessary to complete the designated function or tasks
- Committee structure
- Develop specific goals for the committee in accordance with the strategic plan
- Each committee will have a Chairperson and a Co-Chair.
- The Chairperson will be a member of the organization.
- The Co-Chair will be a board member.
e.Committee membership will include only active HANP members.
- Committees will meet at least monthly or as needed.
- Committees will give regular updates during monthly HANP meetings.
- Education committee chair person will serve term of two years
- Education Committee
- Responsible for developing and planning the annual conference
- Responsible for managing scholarships for members of HANP
- Developing and planning CEU meetings
- Conduct a survey of membership needs at least annually by sending out questionnaire
Article VIII– Bylaws Amendments
- The Board shall review bylaws annually during January Board Meeting.
- Proposed amendments(s) shall be presented to the members at a regular monthly meeting, emailed to the membership and posted on the HANP web site, and shall be adopted by a majority vote of the participating membership via e-mail.
- Members will be given one week to place their vote online.
- Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the membership provided the guidelines in Article VII; 1a and 1b are followed.
- Dissolution Statement
- Upon dissolution of HANP, any assets of the organization remaining after all legal obligations have been met shall be given to Texas Nurse Practitioners Foundation.
1Updated: March 20,January 2 2, 2018
[BB1]Verify that all other committees will be omitted from Bylaws while HANP works on finding members to construct them.