SCH3U / Grade 11 University Preparation Course
Strand / Unit Expectation Description
Scientific Investigation Skills
A1 / demonstrate scientific investigation skills
A2 / identify and describe a variety of science careers and identify scientists
Matter, Trends and Bonding
B1 / analyze the properties of commonly used chemical substances and their effects on human health and the environment, and propose ways to lessen their impact;
B2 / investigate physical and chemical properties of elements and compounds, and use various methods to visually represent them;
B3 / demonstrate an understanding of periodic trends in the periodic table and how elements combine to form chemical bonds.
Chemical Reactions
C1 / analyze chemical reactions used in a variety of applications, and assess their impact on society and the environment
C2 / investigate different types of chemical reactions
C3 / demonstrate and understanding of the different types of chemical reactions.
Quantities in Chemical Reactions
D1 / analyze processes in the home, the workplace, and the environmental sector that use chemical quantities and calculations, and assess the importance of quantitative accuracy in industrial chemical processes.
D2 / investigate quantitative relationships in chemical reactions, and solve related problems
D3 / demonstrate an understanding of the mole concept and its significance to the quantitative analysis of chemical reactions
Solutions and Solubility
E1 / analyze the origins and effects of water pollution, and a variety of economic, social, and environmental issues related to drinking water
E2 / investigate qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions, and solve related problems
E3 / demonstrate an understanding of qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions
F1 / analyze the cumulative effects of human activities and technologies on air quality, and describe some Canadian initiatives to reduce air pollution, including ways to reduce their own carbon footprint
F2 / investigate gas laws that explain the behaviour of gases, and solve related problems
F3 / demonstrate an understanding of the laws that explain the behaviour of gases


I / Incomplete; no evidence of expectation being met
R / Insufficient; inadequate
1 / Limited; simplistic
2 / Some; adequate; basic; obvious
3 / Considerable; reasonable; appropriate; solid; familiar; purposeful
4 / Thorough; insightful; to a high degree; elegant; compelling; sophisticated

Levels are represented as percents for reporting purposes only

Achievement Level / Percentage Marks / Achievement Level / Percentage Marks / Achievement Level / Percentage Marks
4++ / 97-100 / 3+ / 77-79 / 2- / 60-62
4+ / 93-96 / 3 / 73-76 / 1+ / 57-59
4 / 88-92 / 3- / 70-72 / 1 / 53-56
4- / 84-87 / 2+ / 67-69 / 1- / 50-52
4-- / 80-83 / 2 / 63-66 / R / Below 50

SCH3U Student Evidence Record Name: ______Winter/Spring 2015

Task / I / R / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
- / 1 / + / - / 2 / + / - / 3 / + / -- / - / 4 / + / ++
Matter, Trends and Bonding
Chemical Reactions
Quantities in Chemical Reactions
Solutions and Solubility
Scientific Investigation Skills

Overall Level for Term: ______Overall Level for Summative: ______Exam: ______Final: ______