Spelling tic-tac-toe Homework Activities

This is a list of IDEAS to help your child practice the weekly spelling pattern. There will not be a list of words to memorize each week. Research has found that students can retain and apply spelling easier if they are taught the “rules.”

You’ll receive a weekly letter letting you know what rule your child is learning, some sample words, and any handy “tricks” to remember the rule. **This letter is ALWAYS on the back of the weekly letter. Your child’s “homework” is to complete 4 of the choices below and return them to school (one each day-Mon. thru Thurs.).

*Please remind your child that spelling quizzes will be on Fridays. They will consist of 5 words that they have already seen during practice, and five additional words that follow the same rule/pattern. The results of the quiz will be used to determine what rule/pattern your child should be taught the following week.

Log onto
You will notice many options to make your own word puzzles. Click an option and follow the directions using the supplied words or other words containing the spelling pattern.
Bring in the puzzle to share. / Word Hunt
Look for 5 words that follow the spelling rule/pattern in the newspaper/books/magazine.
Circle the word or write it down and bring it into school. / Writing Sentences
Use each spelling word and other words that contain the same spelling pattern to write sentences. Correct all spelling and include punctuation.
Bring the sentences to school.
Spelling Pictures
Draw and color a picture. “Hide” words containing the spelling pattern in the picture. Please do not color over the words.
Write the words under the picture as a key to help find them.
Bring the picture to school. / Poem/Song/Rap
Write a poem, rap song, or short story using words that follow the spelling pattern.
Bring it in to share at school. / Word analysis
Write the sample words. Use one color for the vowel letters, and another for the consonants.
Bring your list to school.
Computerized words
Type your sample words and a list of 5 new words that follow the pattern on the computer. Print out your list and bring it to school. / Letter Shuffle
Write 7 words that follow the pattern.
Next to each word write other words that can be spelled by shuffling the letters in that word. Example: start
can be used to make the words art, at, rat, star, tart, tar, etc.
Bring your work to school. / Adding up your words
Write 7 words that follow the spelling pattern.
Add up all the letters. Consonants are worth 10 points and vowels are worth 5 points.
Bring your work to school.