specialty doctor in old age psychiatry

eastvale resource centre

information pack

reF: 24666d



Post:specialty doctor in old age psychiatry

Base:eastvale resource centre

Applications are sought for enthusiastic candidates with some experience in Old Age Psychiatry. This is a part time post with no On Call Committment. The job is based in the Eastvale Resource Centre in Rutherglen.

The successful candidate will work as part of a Community Older People’s Mental Health Team offering out patient and domiciliary assessment of older people with mental health problems as well as liaison input to care homes and occasionally to the general hospital. He or she must be able to work in a collaborative way with other professionals and other agencies.

All applicants must possess Full GMC Registration, a licence to practice and have at least 4 Years full time Post Graduate Training, two of which must have been in relevant acute specialties or you will demonstrate and evidence equivalent experience and competencies.

GREATER GLASGOW and Clyde Health Board

Specialty Doctor in

Old Age Psychiatry

Part Time 5 sessions


Job Description

  1. Elderly Mental Health Service

Mental Health Services for Older People in Greater Glasgow and Clyde are currently delivered by multidisciplinary, consultant led teams, each serving an elderly population of approximately 10,000 (for a full time consultant). Assessment beds for both functional and organic mental illness are located on four sites, Stobhill, Parkhead, Gartnavel Royal and Leverndale. There are plans to reduce this to three sites when Parkhead beds move onto the Stobhill site.

There is an Associate Medical Director for the Elderly who takes a strategic overview of the whole service.

All community services within Greater Glasgow are now re-organised into 7 CHPs; 3 within Glasgow and 4 outlying local authority areas.

2. ElderlyClinical Services-South Glasgow

Inpatient Services

Acute inpatient services are provided at LeverndaleHospital and provide 46 admission beds. These comprise 2 assessment wards, 1 for elderly people with functional illness and 1 for assessment of people with dementia. Long stay care is provided at partnership sites in South Glasgow. The successful candidate would not routinely be providing cover to the in patient units.

Community Mental Health Teams

Specialty Doctors work closely with Community Mental Health Teams. In the south of Glasgow the Community Mental Health Teams for the elderly are associated with the local CHPs of which there is one in South Glasgow(GlasgowCity), one in East Renfrewshire(Eastwood), and one in Rutherglen(Camglen). The post holder would be working mainly with staff in the Camglen Area.

Outpatient Facilities

The post holder would be involved in the outpatient clinics of the consultants with whom they are working.

Links with Acute Hospitals

There are liaison services to both the Southern General Hospital and the Victoria Infirmary. The Elderly Mental Health service is actively engaging with the Directorates of Medicine for the Elderly in looking at more active joint working between the Departments. Laboratory, X-ray and scanning facilities are provided by the Acute Hospitals

  1. Supporting Staff


Psychiatric care in South Glasgow is consultant led and supported by input from psychiatric trainees and sessions from specialty doctors


The inpatient wards, both acute and continuing care, are staffed by an excellent and highly experienced skill mix of nurses, where the abilities of nurses, trained and untrained, are viewed in the highest regard. In addition, nursing staff of varying grades form the backbone of the Community Teams.

Allied Health Professions

Thereis Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy input to wards, and the Community Teams. Physiotherapy in the community is accesssed through the CHP. Speech and language therapy is provided by Primary Care Division.

Administration and Clerical

The post will have secretarial and administration support. Clerical support is provided to the Community Team at their base in the Community Older Persons’ Team


Each of the Community Mental Health Teams have access to psychology.

Composition of Community Mental Health Teams

Staffing levels in community teams vary but average staffing for a team serving a population of 10,000 would be:

Consultant Psychiatrist 1.0 wte

Other medical0.9 wte

Medical Secretary1.0 wte

G grade nurse2.0 wte

E grade nurse2.0 wte

Health Care Assistant2.0 wte

Occupational Therapist1.0 - 2.0 wte

PsychologistUp to 0.5 wte

Team Secretary1.0 wte

Social Work Services are not part of these teams, but due to new investment in teams over the past 5 years older peoples mental health teams are now co-terminus with older peoples social work area teams. There is significant social work input to our service which is encouraged by joint meetings and some joint training and it is envisaged that joint working will be further facilitated by the re-organisation into CHCPs.

  1. Other Consultant staff South Glasgow

South Glasgow


Dr. W. ImrieGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. M. LivingstoneGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. D. PalmerGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. S. JauharGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. V. MathGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. S. HolmesGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. A. CheyneGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. C. MitchellGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. P. SrireddyGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. J. Crean General Adult Psychiatry

Dr. J. FellowesGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. U. GrahamGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. J. SummersGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. G. Jones-EdwardsGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. M.TaylorGeneral Adult Psychiatry

Dr. M. HandEsteem

Dr. J. Baird Forensic Psychiatry

Dr. R. CaplanForensic Psychiatry

Dr. C. KellyRehabilitation

Dr. A. AgnihotriAddictions

Dr. A. FraserAddictions

Dr. A. BurnelGeneral Adult Liaison

Dr. R. CantwelPerinatal

Dr. R. McGilpLearning Disability

Dr. E. Smiley Learning Disability

Dr. J. NaismithPsychotherapy

Dr. S. MurphyPsychotherapy

Old Age Consultants

North East CHP Dr P. Flannigan

Dr.R. Brown

Dr D. Brown

Dr. J. Wiggins

Dr. A. Fergie

East Dunbartonshire Dr E.Jackson

West Dunbartonshire Dr. C. Johnstone

West CHP Dr. J. Wood

Dr. J. Whyte

South CHP Dr. A. Mitchell

Dr S. Ritchie

Dr. E. Quinn

Dr. E. Neilson

Rutherglen/CambuslangDr. G. Jackson

Dr. R. Hegde

Eastwood Dr. J. Gray

  1. Service Developments

Liaison services to acute hospitals throughout Glasgow and to care homes have been developed in the past two years. We would hope to augment the nursing and medical staff involved and to add other disciplines. The post holder will be expected to have some input to these services.

5. Duties of the Post

Thepostholder will work mainly in the community providing support to the consultant and other members of the CMHT. The work will include outpatient clinics, home visits, nursing home visits, attendance at case conferences and providing support and advice to other professionsal within the CHP. In addition the s/he will be involved in liaison to the local General Hospitals. If appropriate it would be hoped that the s/he would be able to contribute to work carried out under the Mental Health Act or Adults’ with In capacity Act. The post if a part time one comprising 5 sessions. 4.5 sessions are for clinical work and there is 0.5 sessions supporting professional activities. There is no on call commitment and no additional programmed activities. (job plan attached)

6. Teaching


There is undergraduate teaching carried out during, at present, two terms of the academic year and students are attached from GlasgowUniversity. The undergraduate course is currently being restructured and the post holder would hopefully have some involvement in the teaching of undergraduates.


The post holder will participate in local Postgraduate Training Scheme in Psychiatry. These schemes are fully accredited by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. S/he will participate in the educational programme of journal clubs and case conferences

c)Other Disciplines

Continued training of other staff would also constitute a part of the post holder’s job.


The post holder will be expected to participate in the education of carers on a ormal and informal basis.

e) Continued Professional Development

CPD has a high profile in Glasgow Psychiatry and a regular programme of activities has been organised. The post holder will be strongly encouraged to make use of these.

  1. Research

Glasgow Mental Health Services for the Elderly have an excellent track record of clinical research. Present active research includes behavioural problems in nursing homes, the clinical effectiveness of cognitive enhancers in dementia and neuroimaging techniques.

  1. Clinical Audit

The Mental Health Division is particularly keen on clinical audit that establishes effectiveness of interventions. The post holder will be expected to play a full part in this and develop ideas for audit projects on a multidisciplinary basis.

7.For Specialty Doctor posts, there is an expectation that candidates have completed Day 1 and Day 2 of Section 22 Training prior to taking up the post.


Model Job Plan

Specialty Doctor/Associate Specialist Job Planning

1.A model job plan is attached, which has been agreed as the format used by employers in Scotland to record details of doctors’ or dentists’ working arrangements under the new contracts.

2.It should be used to confirm the outcome of both annual and interim Job Plan Reviews and the details contained in the Job Plan will form part of the contract between employer and employee. Doctors or dentists participating in job planning activities should be reminded of the important nature of this document.

3.The document must show the total number of Programmed Activities (PAs) (including those allocated for on-call work) and the number of Additional Programmed Activities (APAs) separately.

4.To ensure clarity and consistency, each item of work should be categorised as Direct Clinical Care (DC), Supporting Professional Activity (SPA), Additional NHS Responsibilities (AR) or External Duties (ED) and each should be listed separately as either a PA or an APA.

5.It should be noted that some blocks of time may include more than one category of work, but must not include both PAs and APAs. These must be noted separately to inform any APA contract that results from the job planning process.

6.It is recommended that a diary should be completed as an evidence gathering tool to inform the process. To ensure that a representative period is used, it is recommended that diary evidence should be submitted for a minimum period of six consecutive weeks or, where practicable, the period of one cycle of on-call.

7.The reference period used for the diary should be agreed in advance between the doctor or dentist and their clinical manager.

Model Job Plan Format

Specialty: / Old Age Psychiatry
Grade: / Specialty Grade Doctor
Effective Date of Job Plan:
Next Expected Review Date:
Contract: / Part Time
Weekly PAs: / 5
Weekly APAs: / 0
Total Hours: / 20
Principal Place of Work: / Eastvale Resource Centre
Other Regular Work Places: / Victoria Infirmary
On-Call Availability Supplement / None
Out of Hours Work: / Predictable: / 0 / PAs
Unprecitable: / 0 / PAs
Managerially Accountable to: / Dr. Elizabeth A. Quinn
Clinically Responsible to: / Dr. Graham Jackson/Dr. Rehka Hegde

a)Timetable of activities that have a specific location and time

Day / Hospital/Location / Description of Work / Category / PA Type
DC / SPA / AR / ED / PA / APA
9.00-3.00 / Eastvale Resource Centre/Community / Seniors Meeting
Community/Liaison/Nursing Home visits / 5.5 / 0.5 / 1.5 / 0
11.00-3.00 / Eastvale Resource Centre/Community / Admin/MDTM/Home visits/Nursing Home Visits/liaison / 4 / 1 / 0
From/To 9.00-1.00 / Eastvale Resource Centre / OPC / 4 / 1 / 0
From/To 9.00-3.00 / Leverndale Hosp/ Eastvale Resource Centre/Community / Home visits/Nursing home visits/Admin/CPD/liaison / 4.5 / 1.5 / 1.5 / 0
From/To / 0 / 0
From/To / 0 / 0

b)Description of activities that are not undertaken at specific locations or times (this section should include details of activity category and PA/APA allocation for such activities)


c)Description of activities during premium rate hours of work, i.e. hours outwith 7am-7pm Monday to Friday (this section should further define activities that have already been included at a) in terms of location and timing)


d)Additional Programmed Activities (this section outlines the reason for allocation of APAs including the expected duration of the APAs)


Model Job Plan

Type of activity / Description of activity including when and where activity is conducted. / Average number of hours spent on each activity per week including travel where appropriate
Direct Clinical Care (DC)
(work that directly relates to the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of illness)
Emergency duties (including work carried out during or arising from on-call) (refer to Schedule 6)
Operating sessions including pre-operative and post-operative care
Ward rounds
Outpatient activities / Out Patient Clinic/Nursing home clinic visits / 6
Clinical diagnostic work
Other patient treatment / Home visits/Liaison / 6
Public health duties
Multi-disciplinary meetings about direct patient care / Multidisciplinary Team Meeting / 1.5
Patient-related administration linked to clinical work i.e.directly related to the above (primarily, but not limited to, notes, letters and referrals) / Case Conferences/AWI and Mental Health Act work/ Communication with other professionals and relatives/Dictation / 4.5
Total Direct Clinical Care Activities / 18
Type of activity / Description of activity including when and where activity is conducted. / Average number of hours spent on each activity per week including travel where appropriate
Supporting Professional Activities (SPA)
(activities that underpin Direct Clinical Care)
Continuing professional development
Local clinical governance activities / Attendance at Seniors Meeting / 0.5
Formal teaching / Attending Internal Teaching Sessions/Higher Trainee Teaching Sessions / 0.5
Appraisal / Preparing for appraisal / 0.25
Job planning / Preparing for job planning / 0.25
Any other supporting professional activities
(including external duties) / Specialty Doctor Meeting / 0.5
Total Supporting Professional Activities / 2
Type of activity / Description of activity including when and where activity is conducted. / Average number of hours spent on each activity per week including travel where appropriate
Additional NHS Responsibilities (AR)
(special responsibilities within the employing organisation not undertaken by the generality of doctors, which are agreed between the doctor and the employer which cannot be absorbed in the time set aside for Supporting Professional Activities)
Clinical manager
Clinical audit lead
Clinical governance lead
Clinical tutor
Educational supervisor
Other additional responsibilities
Total Additional Responsibilities / 0 / 0
Type of activity / Description of activity including when and where activity is conducted. / Average number of hours spent on each activity per week including travel where appropriate
External Duties (ED)
(duties that are not included in the definitions of “Direct Clinical Care”, “Supporting Professional Activities” and “Additional NHS Responsibilities” and not included within the definition of Fee Paying Services or Private Professional Services, but are undertaken as part of the prospectively agreed job plan by agreement between the doctor and the employing organisation without causing undue loss of clinical time)
Trade union and professional association duties
Undertaking assessments for NHS Education for Scotland, NHS Quality Improvement Scotland or equivalent bodies
Reasonable amounts of work for the RoyalColleges or Government Departments in the interests of the wider NHS
Work for the General Medical Council or other national bodies concerned with professional regulation
NHS disciplinary procedures and NHS appeals procedures
Other external duties
Total External Duties / 0 / 0
Facilities and Resources
Details of the facilities and resources necessary to support delivery of the doctor’s/dentist’s duties and objectives for all programmed activities
Staffing support (administrative, clerical or secretarial)
Access to one WTE secretarial Staff
Office accommodation
Office at Eastwood Resource Centre
IT resources
Computer in office
Any other identified resources necessary.
Access to Community Mental Health Team


The conditions of service are those laid down and amended from time to time by the Hospital and Medical & Dental Whitley Council.

GRADE AND SALARY / Specialty Doctor
£36,807 £ 68,638 per annum (pro rata)
New Entrants to the NHS will normally commence on the minimum point of the salary scale, (dependent on qualifications and experience). Salary is paid monthly by Bank Credit Transfer.
HOURS OF DUTY / Part-time : 20 hours
SUPERANNUATION / You have the option to join the NHS Superannuation Scheme, to participate in the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme or to take out a Personal Pension.Employee’s contributions to the NHS Scheme are Tiered based on your earnings and the employers contribution equates to 13.5 % of salary. Employees in the NHS Scheme are “Contracted-out” of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme and pay a lower rate of National Insurance contributions. Employees who choose to participate in the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme pay the higher rate of National Insurance contribution. A Stakeholder Pension is also available. A Personal Pension is a private arrangement agreed with the pension provider that will be an organisation such as a Bank, Building Society or Insurance Company.
REMOVAL EXPENSES / Assistance with removal and associated expenses may be given and would be discussed and agreed prior to appointment.
EXPENSES OF CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT / Candidates who are requested to attend an interview will be given assistance with appropriate travelling expenses.Re-imbursement shall not normally be made to employees who withdraw their application or refuse an offer of appointment.
TOBACCO POLICY / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operate a No Smoking Policy in all premises and grounds.
DISCLOSURE SCOTLAND / This post is considered to be in the category of “Regulated Work” and therefore requires a Disclosure Scotland Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) Membership which currently costs £59.00. The cost of the PVG Membership will be initially paid by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and will required to be repaid through a payroll deduction mandate from the successful candidate’s first salary.
CONFIRMATION OF ELIGIBILITY TO WORK IN THE UK / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has a legal obligation to ensure that it’s employees, both EEA and non EEA nationals, are legally entitled to work in the United Kingdom. Before any person can commence employment within NHS GGC they will need to provide documentation to prove that they are eligible to work in the UK. Non EEA nationals will be required to show evidence that either Entry Clearance or Leave to Remain in the UK has been granted for the work which they are applying to do. Where an individual is subject to immigration control under not circumstances will they be allowed to commence until the right to work in the UK has been verified. ALL applicants regardless of nationality must complete and return the Confirmation of Eligibility to Work in the UK Statement with their completed application form. You will be required provide appropriate documentation prior to any appointment being made.
REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS ACT 1974 / The rehabilitation of Offenders act 1974 allows people who have been convicted of certain criminal offences to regard their convictions as “spent” after the lapse of a period of years. However, due to the nature of work for which you are applying this post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions Orders 1975 and 1986). Therefore, applicants are required to disclose information about convictions which for other purposes are “spent” under the provision of the act in the event of employment, failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Any information given will be completely confidential.
DISABLED APPLICANTS / A disability or health problems does not preclude full consideration for the job and applications from people with disabilities are welcome. All information will be treated as confidential. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde guarantees to interview all applicants with disabilities who meet the minimum criteria for the post. You will note on our application form that we ask for relevant information with regard to your disability. This is simply to ensure that we can assist you, if you are called for interview, to have every opportunity to present your application in full. We may call you to discuss your needs in more detail if you are selected for interview.
GENERAL / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operates flexible staffing arrangements whereby all appointments are to a grade within a department. The duties of an officer may be varied from an initial set of duties to any other set, which are commensurate with the grade of the officer. The enhanced experience resulting from this is considered to be in the best interest of both NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and the individual.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES / The postholder will undertake their duties in strict accordance with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
NOTICE / The employment is subject to three months’ notice on either side, subject to appeal against dismissal.
MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE / In terms of NHS Circular 1989 (PCS) 32 dealing with Medical Negligence the Health Board does not require you to subscribe to a Medical Defence Organisation. Health Board indemnity will cover only Health Board responsibilities. It may, however, be in your interest to subscribe to a defence organisation in order to ensure you are covered for any work, which does not fall within the scope of the indemnity scheme.