Chem 1151 Group ActivitiesSpring 2007

Jan 26, 2007Group Ex 1 (Ch 1 and Ch 2); 1 pt

1.In Shakespeare’s Richard III, the First Murderer stabs Clarence and says

“Take that, and that! If that is not enough, I will drown you in a malmsey butt within!” 1 m. butt = 126 gal 1 gal = 4 qts 1 L = 1.06 qt

Convert 8.8 malmsey butts to liters. Express in scientific notation.

2.Write the nuclide symbol for the

a.isotope of chlorine in which A = 37.______

b.species with Z = 15, A = 31 and charge = 3-.______

3.Compounds X and Y contain only nitrogen and oxygen. 3.96 g of Sample X has contains 1.21 g N. Sample Y has 1.77 g N and 4.01 g O. Are X and Y the same compound? Which Law is illustrated in this example?

4.What has been the most confusing topic so far?

Feb 5, 2007Group Ex 2 (Ch 3); 1 pt

1.Questions 10, 11 on p 116

2.The empirical formula for an oxide of phosphorus is P2O5. The molar mass of the oxide is 283.88 g/mol. What is the molecular formula this compound and how many atoms of phosphorus are contained in 50.0 g of the oxide.

3.Consider this balanced chemical equation: 2A + B  A2B

If 2.5 mol of A is reacted with excess B, how many moles of product will form?

What topic is most difficult in Ch 3?

Feb16, 2007Group Ex 3 (related to FB#1); 2 pt

Feb 22, 2007Group Ex 4 (Ch 4); 1 pt

1.Determine the OX# for each atom in the following

Species / OX# / OX# / OX#
KMnO4 / K / Mn / O
H2SO4 / H / S / O
SF4 / S / F
PbSO3 / Pb / S / O
CO22- / C / O

Analyze this unbalanced redox ran: NO2-(aq) + Al(s)  NH3(g) + AlO2-

What gains electrons?_____How many?_____

What loses electrons?_____How many?_____

What is oxidized?_____

What is reduced?_____

What is the OA?_____

What is the RA?_____

Feb 26 (?), 2007Group Ex 5 (Ch 5); 2 pt

Problem 5.58

March 6, 2007Group Ex 6 in Discussion (Ch 5); 2 pt

Then work on these 5 problems for 30 minutes placing your answers below. At half past the hour, you and your TA will go over the answers. Turn this sheet in at the end of Discussion.

1.Problem 5.19 Which graph is incorrect? Why? [Study 5.95]

2.Problem 5.24

3.Problem 5.26 Which ones are true? Discuss your answers in your group

4.Problem 5.82

5.Problem 5.84

March 9, 2007Group Ex7 (Ch ); 2 pts

Problem 6.28

April 13, 2007Group Ex 8 (Ch 7); 2 pts

1.How many unpaired electrons in

Atom or ion / S2- / Cr / Ge / Ca2+ / P
#unpaired electrons

2.a.How many atomic orbitals can have n = 4?_____

b.How many electrons can have n = 3 and ℓ = 2?______

c.How many electrons can have n = 3, ℓ = 2 and mℓ = -3?_____

d.How many electrons can have n = 3, ℓ = 2 and ms = 1/2?_____

3.Draw the shape of an orbital with ℓ = 0, 1, 2.

4.Ionization energy is associated with the process: A(g) + e-  A-(g)T or F

5.The ground state electron configuration of Cu is

The ground state electron configuration of Cu2+is

6.Compare the size of a neutral atom and its cation. Which is always larger?

7. In what corner of the Periodic Table are the atoms with the highest electron affinity? smallest ionization energy?