8th GradeMathematics Spring Break Extra Credit Packet Instructions

Extra Credit documents: 1) 8th Grade Diagnostics Test; and, 2) 8th Grade CRCT Practice Test. 3) Extra Credit Answer Sheet

You received the two documents above by using some media (jump drive, CD, etc.) that is compatible with your home computer or by hard copy (only if you do not have access to a computer at home). The documents are also posted on my website.

Common Packet Questions

Do I have to complete this packet?

The extra credit opportunity is optional. You are not required to complete the packet, but there will be no other re-do, make-up, or extra credit opportunities in math this semester.

Do I have to complete both tests?

It is your choice; you can complete one test or both tests.

Can I complete part of each test or chose questions I want to complete?

No, you must complete every question in each test to receive credit. The suggestion is that you focus on completing all questions in one test before completing all the questions in the other test. Partial test(s) will not be accepted.

Is there anything else I need to do to receive full credit?

Yes, you must show all your work for questions that require steps to find the solution. Otherwise you will not receive credit for the question. This is in line with how all quizzes have been graded. When work is required, work must be shown.

Will you be grading the extra credit for accuracy?

Yes, I will be grading the test(s) for accuracy. Make sure you are confident in how you are solving each problem. Seek outside help if needed. Remember that there is online textbook access offered on the “Math websites and links” page of my APS website. You may also ask specific questions in tutorial.

This is a lot of work, how is it going to improve my grade?

Here is how your test(s) will appear in the grade book:

a)8th Grade Diagnostics Test – Your score on this test will replace your two (2) lowest semester quiz scores.

b)8th Grade CRCT Practice Test – Your score on this test will be averaged with your one(1) lowest unit test score.

As you can see, you want your score(s) on these test(s) to be as high as possible! You can (and should) score a 100 on these tests should you choose to complete them.

When is all this work due?

The test(s) are due at the beginning of your class period on Tuesday,April 10th – NO EXCEPTIONS! I will not accept test(s) during class, at the end of class, or at some point during the day. If you are absent on Tuesday, April 10th the test(s) are due on the day you return to class, when you walk in the door. Yes, I will accepttest(s) on Monday,April 9th. You have four (4) weeks to get the work done – pace yourself.

What happens if I wait to look at my document over Spring Break or I did not check my media and there is an error and I cannot see the documents or I cannot print them?

It is your responsibility to make sure you can read every question on both tests, even if you have a hard copy. You must check your media on your home computer as soon as you get the documents downloaded. If you cannot print at home, try your local library. You have four (4) weeks to check and print the files.

GOOD LUCK! Do your best.