AP CHEMISTRY with Mr. Hodge

Mr. Hodge:Welcome to AP Chemistry. I have been looking forward to meeting you all summer. I love chemistry and I love working with high school students.

If you need extra help, I will be available at least 30 minutes before and after the school day. I will also be available for help during seminar. During basketball season (November – March), I will not be available after school due to practice.

Phone: (913) 993-7644


(While I do check my phone messages, e-mail is a more reliable way to contact me.)

Materials:In order to succeed in AP Chem. you will need the following items:

  • Student ID (for checking out extra supplies)
  • Textbook and OWL Access Code (will be provided)
  • Computer with Internet access for doing Homework/Quizzes
  • Calculator
  • Dedicated notebook and folder for homework and notes
  • Writing materials
  • Scientific Lab Notebook (Carbonless Duplicate Sets)

SMS Grading:

The following will contribute to the makeup of your quarter grade:

Exams/Term Project40%

Lab work25%



Semester final will be worth 20% of your semester grade.

JCCC College Now

Grading:Lecture Grade (4 credit hours)

Your overall grade will be calculated cumulative (continuous addition of pts) throughout the semester.

*Tests & Quizzes = 60% of your overall grade

*Assignments (homework and in-class assignments) = 20% overall grade

*Cumulative final exam will be given at the end of 2nd semester = 20% of overall grade.

Laboratory Grade (1 credit hour)

*Lab Reports = 50% of your overall grade

*Lab quizzes = 30% of your overall grade

*Lab Final Exam = 20% of your overall grade – will be given at the end of 2nd semester.


& Make-Up

Work:Method of Instruction:

The method of instruction includes but is not limited to lecture, demonstrations, CPS Clickers, cooperative learning groups, and lab experiments.


I believe in the phrase, “perfect practice makes perfect.” Homework will be assigned so that students can work through additional problems in order to perfect our practice in AP Chemistry. This additional practice will come in the form of assigned book problems, using the OWL software, and worksheets. Some assignments will be graded on completion and effort.

***Most of the homework done for this class will use the OWL software. The OWL software is a program that consists of different chemistry problems for each chapter in the textbook. Assigned problems for each chapter will have a specific due date. All due dates are at 11:59 pm of that day. There are no exceptions to the due date. Each problem can be worked through as many times as needed until the correct answer is reached. You will only receive points for correct answers. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO FINISH THE PROBLEMS.


Quizzes are designed to give studentsthe opportunity to demonstrate that they have been working on the material outside of class. Quizzes will be in-class, take-home, and through the OWL online software. Pre-Lab quizzes will be given prior to lab to check for student understanding of background information, procedure, and safety issues. Post-Lab quizzes will be given over the labs that students have completed. Post-Lab quizzes will give students the opportunity to apply principles, techniques to prescribed situations. Post-Lab quizzes will be related to the types of questions that will be seen on an AP exam. Any missed quiz can be made up the next time we take a quiz as a class OR you may come in before/after school on the day you return OR during the next seminar hour.

Unit Exam:

Each unit will terminate with a unit exam. It is your responsibility to report after school to make up a missed exam OR during the next seminar hour. Due to time constraints these are the only times in which make-up exams will be administered. Be prepared to inform your boss or coach when this occurs. Full credit will be given if you make up the exam within the two-days-makeup-for-each-day-absent rule. A 5% penalty will be assessed for each day after that.


Laboratory experiments are not optional. If a lab is missed that student will need to complete the lab before/after school or during the next seminar hour unless the teacher approves to have student record data from their lab partner. Lab experiments are an important part of this class. With most lab experiments, you will complete a lab write-up in your lab notebook that contains the following parts:



Pre-Lab Questions: (if applicable)

Procedure: (this can be done by summarizing the steps or, I highly suggest, drawing picture of the procedure.

Data and Observations:



Because this is a college-credit course, lab write-ups need to be clear, organized, and well-written. Even though you work with others in the lab, you are to do your own work in the write-up. All labs are due at the beginning of the hour on the assigned due date.

Semester Exam:

The semester final will be cumulative and challenging. Preparation for this final will be much simpler if you keep your notes organized throughout the year.

Late Assignments:

In the event that an assignment or lab is not turned in on the assigned date, the following applies:

  • Full credit if turned in at the appointed time.
  • Half credit if turned in any time after the appointed time up until I return graded papers.
  • No credit if turned in after that.
  • EXCEPTION TO THE RULES ABOVE APPLY TO ALL OWL HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS – No OWL problems will be accepted for credit after the assigned due date. OWL due dates are given at the beginning of the chapter. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE

Class Norms:Rules:

  1. Show respect and integrity
  2. Work hard and participate in class
  3. Practice good safety technique in labs

Lab Safety:

This is extremely important. We use chemicals and equipment throughout the year that when used incorrectly can cause severe physical harm. Lab rules and regulations will be discussed at the beginning of the year and throughout the year. Students will not participate in any labs until a Lab Safety Contract is signed and returned. ALL STUDENTS MUST WEAR GOGGLES DURING A LAB AT ALL TIMES. If a student is caught not wearing goggles during a lab, they will be required to wear them during the next class. Students have the opportunity to earn extra credit for catching their classmates not wearing safety goggles during lab. For a student to receive one point of extra credit they must do the following: 1. Be the first to notify teacher of student not wearing goggles during lab. 2. On the next day remind teacher that student caught not wearing goggles must wear goggles during that class period.

Consequences of inappropriate behavior

  1. First violation – verbal warning
  2. Second violation – Any one of the following…
  • 10 minutes in the hall
  • Assigned a 5-minute detention
  1. Third violation – both of the consequences above
  2. Fourth violation
  • Removal from the classroom for remainder of period and 30 minute detention
  1. Fifth violation – Your parent/guardian will be involved in a conference

Exceptions to the consequences will be administered in the event that the behavior is deemed excessively disruptive or dangerous in any way. Consequences may be immediate removal from the classroom, or an office referral. Not using good lab safety will lead to immediate removal from the classroom.

Tardies:Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to work when the tardy bell has ceased sounding.

  • First tardy – warning
  • Second tardy – 2nd warning
  • Third tardy – 10-minute detention at the end of the day
  • Fourth tardy – office detention
  • All subsequent tardies will result in an office referral.

Absences:Unexcused – any work that has been missed will not be accepted.

Excused – you are allowed 2 days for each day you are absent to get class work turned in. **If you are absent on the day something is to be turned in, but you were in attendance the entire time we worked on it in class, then it is due the day you return.

Electronics:Cell phones are NOT to be seen or heard in the classroom. If I hear a cell phone or see you texting during class, I will confiscate the phone and give it to the office. You will have to make arrangements with the office to get it back. Electronic music devices are only allowed when you are quietly working during independent study time. Cell phones may not be used as music devices. Exceptions can occur. No electronic music devices may be out or in use during a test/quiz, a lab or during instruction time.

Important Dates:

AP Chemistry Exam – Monday, May 5th 2014 at 8 am

JCCC College Now Important Dates will be posted on front board.

Final Note: This is a college level course. This class is designed to prepare you for the AP Exam at the end of the year and/or earn you college credit through JCCC’s College Now program. By enrolling in this course, I expect that you will strongly consider both of these college credit options. This also may be one of the first courses you have encountered that will require you to spend time each night in concentrated study in order for you to do well. That’s OK. It takes more character to work for the things that are difficult then it does to always take the easy way out. Do not walk away from here having given anything less than your best. I want you to be successful in this course and on the AP exam, and I will do everything in my power to help you.. However, I do not read minds and it is, therefore, up to you to tell me and ask for help when you do not understand. I am looking forward to having a great year with you.

Reminder: (From the Shawnee Mission High School Program Planning Guide)

Students must take the AP examination to receive the AP designation on their transcript.