Overview: You will beassigned a country which is an LDC or LLDC and through researching a variety of components, both social and geographic, you will become an expert on that country.


-Each student will be assigned a country; you may not trade with classmates, the country you have been given has already been recorded.

-You must use a variety of sources (NOT Wikipedia). Many sources have been provided for you; use them.

-All material must be documented in a formal Bibliography/Works Cited page – MLA or APA format.* There are a number of online sites that can help you, i.e.

-Preferably, this will be typed. Class time will be allotted for research.

PROJECT CHECKLIST and MARK BREAKDOWN: (please pass this in with your project)

PART I – Country Profile:MAXIMUM VALUE:

A) General information______/5

B) Map______/5

C) Current Events Article #1______/5


PART II - CULTURE: Complete 2 from parts A – D; E is mandatory.

A) Religion ______/5

B) Language______/5

C) Traditions______/5

D) Gender roles______/5

E) Current Events Article #2______/5

TOTAL: ____/15


A) Natural Hazards/Disasters______/5

B) Sustainability______/5

C) Current Events Article #3______/5



A) Development Index______/5

B) Urban patterns______/5

C) Current Events Article #4______/5


No points will be accorded without a properly formatted Bibliography/Works Cited page.____/5

Recognized in-text citation method ____/5

TOTAL MARK:_____/70

PART I – Country Profile

A) General information: You can type onto the form provided.

Name of country:Capital city:

Population of country:Total area:

Arable land %:Physical features:

Form of government:Head of government:

Bordering countries:Infant mortality rate:

Birth rate:Death rate:Growth rate (RNI):

Life expectancy – male: female:

Literacy rate – male:female:

Main imports:Main exports:

Per capita GNP and GDP:

Currency:Unemployment rate:

Real growth rate (%):Inflation:

Trade partners:Prevalent diseases (1 or 2 main):

Natural resources:

B)Map: You will create, not photocopy/copy/paste, a map of your country onto a piece of plain paper which will be provided. The map must include: title, scale, compass, legend/key, capital city, 3 additional cities, all physical features including major rivers, lakes, mountains and bodies of water. Label all bordering countries.

C)Current Events Article #1 - You must find a current events article from the last 2 years related to any of the topics completed in Part I – A. Attach the article to your 100-200 word summary.

PART II – CULTURE: Choose 2 from parts A – D; E is mandatory

A) Religion - Create a pie chart of the religions within your country. Describe in a paragraph the religious distribution within the country. How did this/these religion/s become popular? Are these ethnic or universalizing religions – explain.

B) Language - Using the following website, complete the following:

Firstly, create a thematic map that shows specifically where each language is spoken in your country. Make sure your map has a title, compass, and legend/key – you may print an outline map from the map website provided previously, but you must hand-draw your own map.

Secondly, draw the language tree for the languages in your country – start with the language family as the tree trunk, branches as the language groups and the leaves as the languages – the leaves should be proportional to the amount of native speakers in your country. Ex: if French is spoken by 94% and English by 6% make sure you draw two branches; one French, the other English, then the French leaf would be much larger than the English.

C) Traditions - Find 5 photographs showing a different cultural celebration in your country. For each of the pictures, describe what is happening and the significance to your country/culture. Each picture’s source along with the source from the descriptions must be cited in your bibliography.

D) Gender roles - Research the traditional roles of males and females in your country. Describe what the lifestyle would be for each. How is this different from your “typical” Canadian role for men and women? What factor does education have?

E) Current Events Article #2 - You must find a current events article from the last 2 years related to either one of the two topics you chose for this category. Attach the article to your 100-200 word summary.


A) Natural hazards/disasters - Research any natural disasters that have happened in your country in the last 10 years and answer the following:

- What type of disaster occurred? Describe how/why this type of disaster happens.

- What area(s) were the hardest hit and why?

- What was the affect on the human population?

- What was the affect on the environment?

- What types of cleanup/repairs had to take place? Did they receive any outside aid?

B) Sustainability - in 250 – 300 words discuss what the concept of sustainability means. How does it work? Find either an example of sustainability in your country that is already happening and discuss the specifics. If there is currently no model of sustainability, create one. Find an area that would benefit from this. What would you do? How would you do it?

C) Current Events Article #3 - You must find a current events article from the last 2 years related to issue of environment (for example natural disasters, specific environmental problems/concerns). Attach the article to your 100-200 word summary.


A)Development Index - You can use the following websites to find the information for your country:

HDI – Human Development Index

  • value and country rank overall
  • 2013 value and rank
  • Life expectancy rank
  • Literacy rank
  • GDP per capita rank

HPI-1 – Human Poverty Index

  • Value and rank overall
  • 2013 value and rank
  • Survival rank
  • Illiteracy rank
  • Water rank
  • Underweight children rank

- GDI (may not be available for all countries)

- Life Expectancy rank

- Literacy rank

B) Urban Patterns - Please complete the following:

-percentage of people living in urban areas

-number of people living in urban areas

-the four largest cities and population of each

-distribution of social classes within major city, for example lower, middle and upper

-urban issues/problems/concerns

-use of space within urban areas, ie. green spaces, commerce, residential, rental.

C) Current Events Article #4 - You must find a current events article from the last 2 years related to the topic of resources and/or development, for example, water, literacy, urbanization, crime). Attach the article to your 100-200 word summary.