Practice statistics quiz

1. What is the mean of the following distribution: 1, 6, 3, 12, 8, 11, 9, 10, 4, 6

a. 6b. 7

c. 9d. 11

2. What is the mode of the distribution in #1?

a. 3b. 6

c. 8d. 10

3. Which of the following correlation coefficients indicates the strongest relationship between two variables?

a. +.37b. +.68

c. -.58d. -.75

4. Which of the following measures of central tendency would be the most appropriate to use in a distribution in which there are a few extreme scores?

a. modeb. median

c. meand. standard deviation

5. What is the median score in this distribution: 9, 2, 4, 1, 9, 11, 13.

a. 1b. 4

c. 9d. 11

6. Dr. Filbert created a study in which he analyzed resting facial expressions. In his published study, the average resting face was pictured. Which measure of central tendency would he have used to identify the average expression?

a. modeb. median

c. meand. standard deviation

7. A correlation between dating frequency and academic success of -1.00 would indicate that:
a. less frequent dating is associated with lower levels of academic success.
b. more frequent dating is associated with lower levels of academic success.
c. it is impossible to predict level of academic success based on knowledge of dating frequency.
d. dating frequency does not relate to academic success.

8. Barney Fife’s IQ score is in the 97th percentile. (Remember, IQ has a mean of 100, standard deviation of 15). Of the following, which score is closest to his?

a. 100b. 115

c. 130d. 145

9. In a normal distribution of scores with a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 5, what percentage of people would score below a 75?

a. 68b. 34

c. 16d. 3

10. Which of the following sets of scores has the greatest standard deviation?

a. 5, 7, 9, 11b. 2, 7, 14, 45

c. 25, 27, 29, 32d. 40, 41, 42, 43

11. Charlie believes that his baseball performance is best when he puts his lucky rabbit’s foot in his locker because he is a victim of:

a. regression toward the meanb. statistical significance

c. gambler’s fallacyd. illusory correlation

12. How would you describe a scatterplot depicting a correlation of 0.00 between two sets of scores?

a. all points fall on a straight line

b. all points fall on a curved line

c. the points are spread randomly about the graph

d. it is impossible to determine

13. If a distribution has a standard deviation of 0

a. it must be very large

b. nothing can be determined from this information

c. all of the scores in the distribution are equal

d. it cannot be a random sample

14. If shoe size and IQ have a correlation of -.95, which of the following is true?

a. When people bind their feet to keep them small, their IQs will rise.

b. As shoe size increases, IQ increases

c. If you know a person’s shoe size, you can predict his or her IQ

d. none of these are true

15. If I score an 800 on math section of the SAT, what percent of the population scored lower than I?

a. 99.9%b. 99.85%

c. 99.7%d. 95%

16. In a normal distribution with a mean of 80 and standard deviation of 15, 95% of all scores fall between

a. 65 and 95b. 50 and 110

c. 35 and 125d. it cannot be determined from the information given

17. In a normal distribution,

a. most of the scores are near the mean

b. the mean, median, and mode are very different values

c. the range of scores is very small

d. all of the above are true

18. In calculating the variability in distance covered by the Falcons’ field goal kicker, Coach Mora would be advised to calculate

a. medianb. standard deviation

c. meand. mode

19. Standard deviation is to median as ______is to ______..

a. median; mean

b. variation; central tendency

c. central tendency; variation

d. mean; median

20. The sign of the correlation coefficient ( + or -) indicates the ____ of the relationship between two variables, and the value indicates the ______of the relationship.

a. direction; strength

b. direction; reliability

c. strength; direction

d. reliability; strength