Personal data
Giulia Ganugi
Born in Modena (MO) on 08/03/1990
Resident in Modena, Strada degli Schiocchi 22 – 41124 (MO)
Fiscal Code: GNGGLI90C48F257M
Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
Department of Sociology and Business Law
Ku Leuven
Department of Science: Geography
Academic qualification
16th October 2012 / Bachelor Degree in Sociology – Thesis in Sociology of Development
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
19th December 2014 / Master Degree in Work, market, environment, social policies and social work – Thesis in Sociology of Third Sector
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Current position
Joint PhD student
- Sociology and Social Research, University of Bologna, Professor Riccardo Prandini
- Science: Geography, Unit Research Planning and Development, Ku Leuven, Professor Pieter Van Den Broeck
Teaching assistant in Sociology of Family and Third Sector – School of Political Science, University of Bologna – a.s. 2015/2016, 2016/2017.
2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018 / Teaching assistant, Sociology of Family and Third Sector – Department of Political Science, University of Bologna
2016/2017 / Seminars, Department of Political Science, University of Bologna:
- Sociology of Family and Third Sector
- Sociology
2017/2018 / Seminars, Department of Political Science, University of Bologna:
- Sociology of Family and Third Sector
- Sociology
Participation to scientific conferences
25-26 May 2017 / I° Italian Conferences on Social Services Research, SOCISS – Società Italiana di Servizio Sociale, Turin.
Abstract: Il bisogno di abitare dell’uomo in mobilità nel contesto urbano bolognese (The “housing” need of the man in mobility in the urban context of Bologna).
12-14 June 2017 / XX Conferenza Nazionale SIU – Urbanistica è/e azione pubblica, la responsabilità della proposta, Rome.
Paper: Social Street and Territorial Development. Activation of Local Community for Urban Governance. [Social Street e sviluppo territoriale. Attivazione della comunità locale per la governance urbana.]
22-23 June 2017 / Conference Amps – Cities, Communities and Home: Is the Urban Future Liveable?, Derby-Uk.
Paper: Governing Liveable Cities: a question of agency? Public Housing and Neighbourhood Communities in the City of Bologna.
2-6 July 2017 / Indigo Lesvos International Conference – Making Space for Socio-Spatial and Socio-Ecological Justice in Research and Action Strategies, Lesvos – Greece.
Abstract: Active Neighbourhood Communities for Urban Commons Care. Social Street, Living Street and Future Street.
10-14 July 2017 / XVI Biennial IASC-Conference – Practising the Commons. Self-governance, cooperation and institutional change, Utrecht – Netherlands.
Practitioners' lab "Building and Strenghtening landed Commons: What Are the Challenges to Sustain, Scale Up or to Scale Out?"
Abstract: Leefstraat. Transition from Lab Van Troje to the City of Ghent.
Journal / - Ganugi G. (with Macchioni E., Maestri G.), 2017, Innovazione sociale e sviluppo territoriale. Quando la strada si fa comunità, in «Sociologia Urbana e Rurale», Vol. 114, pp. 130-147.
Conference proceedings / - Ganugi G. & Maggio M., 2018, Governing Liveable Cities: a question of agency? Public Housing and Neighbourhood Communities in the City of Bologna, AMPS PROCEEDINGS SERIES. ISSN 2398-9467 (in press).
Review / - Becattini G., La coscienza dei luoghi. Il territorio come soggetto corale, 2015, Donzelli, in «Sociologia e politiche sociali», 2, 2016.
Other / - Ganugi G., 2018, Addressing bottom-linked governance and citizenship through Living Street in the City of Ghent, The Commons Post - LabGov. [
- Ganugi G., 2017, Sociality and innovation in Social Street. Conversation with Luigi Nardacchione, The Commons Post - LabGov. [
- Ganugi G., 2017, Social Street: different directions towards commons’ management of public spaces, The Commons Post - LabGov. [
Additional training
6th March – 19th May 2017 / EMSDP – European Module Spatial Development Planning.
- Principles of equity, social innovation and sustainability;
- Spatial transformation processes and the way several disciplines are providing interdisciplinary insights into spatial issues;
- Spatial development and planning issues - including urban and regional plan-making, programmes and policies - from a complex interdisciplinary perspective that lies at the crossroads of economics, sociology, spatial planning, urbanism, geography, political science, urbanism.
12nd – 16th September 2016 / GNS – Giornate Non Standard, School of Social Research Methodology.
- Images in social research and importance for sociologists to adopt the visual research;
- Tools to understand the social value of the images, to decode and understand the specific nature of its language;
- Potential of the image for all the phases of a sociological research: from the choice of the instruments and the research design to the returning of the results.
November 2015 – July 2016 / Methodological workshop
- Spss;
- E-methods;
- Stata;
- Agency literature and the sociological necessity to analyze the “possible”, in addition to the “real”;
- Semantic Analysis;
- Ethnographic Approach;
- Focus group;
- Nvivo.
7th March 2015 / Social Mediator Qualification
Super Partes – Civil voluntary association for the peaceful management of conflicts.
- Culture of mediation and, specifically, of social mediation: service to those who live the hardships and suffering caused by conflicting situations of different nature (familiars, interpersonal, with institutions, among small groups);
- Emotions and communication: relational dimension between verbal and nonverbal communication.
English (Ielts certificate) Spanish
Comprehension C1 Good written and oral comprehension
Speaking C1
Writing C1
Bologna, 08 March 2018
Giulia Ganugi