Taylor Molina

Vice President of Public Relations

Program of Work 2017-2018

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe. Then you’ll be successful.”

-Eric Thomas

Objective I: Increase Membership by 5 percent.

Date: September 2017 – June 2018

Who: Natalie Giammanco, President; Daniel Breslow, Northern Region Vice President; Kevin Mcilvaine, Central Region Vice President; Rachel Lynch, Southern Region Vice President; Nicholas Kaufman, Recording Secretary; Taylor Molina, Vice President of Public Relations; Ruslan Diaz, Vice President of Media


1.  Create a “campaign” which will be sent out to high school principals state wide.

2.  Promote new DECA chapters statewide.

3.  Utilize social media to increase the NJ DECA awareness statewide.


1.  Have NJ State Action Team visit local chapters and promote joining their DECA chapter.

2.  Use primarily Twitter and Instagram to promote NJ DECA on personal and NJ DECA account.

3.  Create a promotional video of state officers to promote NJ DECA using a relatable theme.

Objective II: DECA Dimensions Improvements.

Date: September 2017 – June 2018

Who: Natalie Giammanco, President; Daniel Breslow, Northern Region Vice President; Kevin Mcilvaine, Central Region Vice President; Rachel Lynch, Southern Region Vice President; Nicholas Kaufman, Recording Secretary; Taylor Molina, Vice President of Public Relations; Ruslan Diaz, Vice President of Media


1.  Create intriguing DECA Dimensions issues.

2.  Create and distribute each issue on time.

3.  Have more members view DECA Dimensions

4.  Promote DECA Dimensions on social media platforms

5.  Have more than two issues.


1.  Assign article topics to each member of State Action Team prior.

2.  Leave time before release date to review and edit articles.

3.  Distribute DECA Dimensions to all NJ DECA Chapters.

4.  Schedule posts on the NJ DECA Instagram and twitter about DECA Dimensions with links.

Objective III: Connect with Chapter presidents statewide.

Date: September 2017 – June 2018

Who: Natalie Giammanco, President; Daniel Breslow, Northern Region Vice President; Kevin Mcilvaine, Central Region Vice President; Rachel Lynch, Southern Region Vice President; Nicholas Kaufman, Recording Secretary; Taylor Molina, Vice President of Public Relations; Ruslan Diaz, Vice President of Media


1.  Create two way communication with local chapters and their members.

2.  Create availability for NJ DECA members to easily speak with the NJ State Action Team.

3.  Have the Vice Presidents of each region write to their respected region’s chapter presidents.


1.  Create a frequent newsletter that will be sent out to the presidents.

Objective IV: Recruit more middle school students.

Date: September 2016 – June 2017

Who: Nicholas Kaufman, Recording Secretary; Taylor Molina, Vice President of Public Relations; Ruslan Diaz, Vice President of Media


1.  Gain more members through promotion.

2.  Excite and encourage members to want to join.

3.  Make more middle school students aware of DECA before they enter high school.


1.  Create a “toolkit” for all of New Jersey DECA so there is a set unified way to recruit middle school students.

2.  Show the middle school students many images of the success and enjoyment that DECA members have.

3.  Contact middle schools about their involvement.

Objective V: DECA Dimensions article on alumni becoming more intriguing.

Date: September 2017 – June 2018

Who: Taylor Molina, Vice President of Public Relations


1.  Make the articles more apt to be read.

2.  Encourage students to join and maintain membership in DECA through success stories.


1.  Contact previous alumni and ask for information about current careers and achievements.

2.  Speak with the person being interviewed and make the article show more of the alumni’s character.

3.  Show the actual question and answer to reflect interview’s shown on television or professional magazines.

4.  Record the interview so that the responses recorded are their word for word responses.

Objective VI: Social Media reposting with chapters.

Date: September 2017 – June 2018

Who: Taylor Molina, Vice President of Public Relations; Ruslan Diaz, Vice President of Media


1.  Achieve a higher social media presence.

2.  Increase membership through promotion.


1.  Every month repost a chapter being DECA Driven and using the hashtag #NJDECADriven.

2.  Get individual chapter members along with whole chapters more involved on the @NJDECA twitter and Instagram.

Objective VII: Drive more alumni engagement.

Date: September 2017 – June 2018

Who: Natalie Giammanco, President; Daniel Breslow, Northern Region Vice President; Kevin Mcilvaine, Central Region Vice President; Rachel Lynch, Southern Region Vice President; Nicholas Kaufman, Recording Secretary; Taylor Molina, Vice President of Public Relations; Ruslan Diaz, Vice President of Media


1.  Increase the number of alumni seen in chapters.

2.  Bring back alumni on the state level to receive awards.

3.  Hear more alumni success stories.


2.  Promote the National DECA Membership Alumni Campaign.

3.  Promote the Promotional Campaign, specifically with the alumni success stories.

4.  Promoting the alumni articles in DECA Dimensions.

5.  Encourage chapters to bring back alumni.

Objective VIII: Increase participation in the State Community Service Project.

Date: September 2017 – June 2018

Who: Natalie Giammanco, President; Daniel Breslow, Northern Region Vice President; Kevin Mcilvaine, Central Region Vice President; Rachel Lynch, Southern Region Vice President; Nicholas Kaufman, Recording Secretary; Taylor Molina, Vice President of Public Relations; Ruslan Diaz, Vice President of Media


1.  Have 50 chapters participate in the State Community Service Project.

2.  Raise more money for the charity.


1.  Have State Officers reach out and ask chapters about involvement.

2.  Have State Officers give tips to chapters on how to get their chapter involved in the project.

3.  Create more incentive for chapters to hold this project by giving out a prize to the chapter who raises the most money.