Ageing Better in Camden -Kilburn Community Action Tender – Appraisal Criteria

Question / What to consider / Scoring (0 – 5) / Total
Track Record and Robust Organisation
  1. What experience do you have in leading similar projects?
Provide details of your organisation’s successful experience of leading a project of a size relevant to this Invite to Tender.
Include details of how you have successfully engaged stakeholders and involved them in these projects.
Give evidence of your ability to engage and influence the people and organisations you work with.
  1. Outline your experience of working with Older People in Camden, and their needs.
Give examples of how you have empowered people to engage in community building activities and how your work is ‘co-produced’.
  1. What experience does your organisation have of partnership working in Camden? How will it help to build the Ageing Better in Camden partnership ensuring that organisations and people work together to prevent loneliness and isolation among older people?
  1. How is your overall organisation governed and how will it effectively ensure the successful delivery of Kilburn Community Action, and contribute to ensuring Ageing Better in Camden’s key objectives are fully met?
  1. Outline your financial system, including staff capabilities.
In particular, state how you manage project funding and the management of restricted funds.
Demonstrate your ability to produce annual budgets and financial plans.
  1. Detail your surplus/deficit and unrestricted reserves for the last three years, and set out how you think your organisation will remain viable across the course of the ‘Ageing Better in Camden’ project (which ends in 2021
Vision and Delivery
  1. What is your organisation’s vision for Kilburn Community Action? Please consider how your organisation will follow an asset based community development approach including how you will go about identifying and using community assets and physical assets to achieve the project outcomes and to engage people?
  1. Outline how you will reach out to include all older people in Kilburn. Please give thought to harder to reach people who are more likely to be lonely or isolated (e.g. people with dementia, people from a black and minority ethnic community, people with a physical or sensory disability, people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender).
  1. Given that you will be working with some vulnerable people, please explain how your organisation will keep them safe and also the volunteers and staff that will be working with them.
Please consider this question in relation to your safeguarding and your health and safety policies
  1. How will you use your staffing resources to manage Kilburn Community Action?
Explain the staff reporting structure and who is going to lead this project, detailing their appropriate skills and experience.
If you intend to recruit staff for the project, describe how you will properly manage this process.
Outline the policies and procedures in place to appropriately manage the recruitment and management of staff and volunteers
  1. Outline your organisation’s ideas about how you will find match funding and how you will make this project sustainable after the project ends. Project Budget
  1. Please demonstrate your ability to collect evidence necessary to successfully monitor the delivery of a project?
  1. Please outline the 3 main risks that you have identified to successfully delivering the project and how would you manage these risks?
  1. Does the overall application show an understanding of how test and learn approach will work? 5%

  1. Appropriate policies
Pass and fail
  1. Robust references

Evaluation Scoring Approach

The evaluation panel will use the following scoring key when scoring each Award Criteria question and presentation. If the bidder scores less than 2 on any question 1 – 6, then they will be automatically rejected:

Score / Performance
5 / Evidence provided and shows extensive impact against all of the identified criteria and ways of working
4 / Evidence provided and shows significant impact against all of the identified criteria and ways of working
3 / Evidence provided to demonstrate that some impact would be made against all the identified criteria and ways of working.
2 / Evidence provided to demonstrate that some impact would be made against some of the identified criteria and ways of working.
1 / Some evidence provided but poor in quality or insufficient detail to demonstrate that impact would be made against the identified criteria and ways of working.
0 / Unacceptable. No information provided or does not demonstrate how the identified criteria and ways of working would be met.