“Examining the Evidence”

A series of symposia to inform medical education policy

1st meeting: 7th December 2010, National Licensing Examinations

Institute of Physics, 76 Portland Place,London, UK

ASME is planning to hold a series of three symposia under the umbrella title of ‘Examining the Evidence’. The aim of these events is to provide a forum where senior medical school faculty, regulatory bodies, medical education providers and policy makers can meet with international experts to discuss and debate current issues of critical importance in medical education. The format of these events will be specifically designed to allow participants the maximum opportunity to discuss issues and share challenges. The first of these symposia, organised in collaboration with colleagues from the British Educational Research Association, focuseson the use of National Licensing Examinations for students graduating from medical school. We have invited colleagues from medicine in Canada, Switzerland, the Netherlands and from education in the UK to talk about their experiences in the development and use of national examinations. Speakers include Professor Dale Dauphinee from the Canadian Board of Medical Examiners, Dr Christian Schirlo,University of Zurich and Prof Cees van der Vleuten from Maastricht from medicine. Drawing on the wealth of experience from Education, contributions from colleagues from BERA will include Professor Paul Black, King’s College London and Professor Donald Christie,University of Strathclyde.

We anticipate this day will inform discussions, clarify issues and identify areas for further work thus enabling us to develop the research agenda.

In order to maximise the benefits from this symposium we are planning to limit the number of participants. We would like to invite your medical school/organisation to nominate a delegate to attend. The cost of attendance is £100, and is set to cover costs only. We look forward to hearing from you so that we can reserve you a place at the symposium.

Two other symposia are planned for 2011, the first centres on the issue of moving to graduate only entry to medical school and the second on an area still under deliberation. If you have any suggestions for this or other future symposia please let us know.

Full details can be found on the ASME website:

and on the BERA website: