College Preparatory Chemistry
Mrs. Cord, Room 43P
805-497-6711 ext 4314
Welcome to College Prep Chemistry! This year in CP Chemistry we will cover many exciting and challenging topics. Throughout the year we will examine atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonds, gases, acids, bases, thermodynamics, equilibrium, organic chemistry, nuclear processes, and many more fascinating chemical principles in accordance with the California State Standards. I have high expectations for all of my students, but I will always be clear about requirements. I look forward to working with you in order to make this a successful year for everyone. Please contact me by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns. Let’s make this a great year at Westlake High School!!
Supplies:Every day, you will need your note takers, worksheets, homework, paper, pencils, and red or blue pen for correcting. For organization, a one inch three-ring binder is recommended. **You will be notified when your textbook is needed**
Punctuality:The WHS tardy/attendance policy will be strictly enforced. It is best if we can all start class together. This requires that you be in your seat when the bell rings, food and drinks put away, materials out, and you ready to work. However, students who enter the classroom after the tardy bell has rung without a written excuse from a staff member will have consequences of the school wide “Tardy policy.” If any student is more than 15minutes unexcused late to class, that student will be marked truant in attendance.
Attendance: Students are responsible to find out what assignments you missed and make them up when there is an excused absence. There is an assignment sheet posted in this room as well as my website, which lists everything we do for class. When you return, you will also want to retrieve worksheets passed out. Most times the worksheets will be on the website. If you then need further assistance, you can ask either me or another student for help.
Make-Up Work:If an assignment is late, students will be given until the test for 50% credit. After that they will receive 30% credit. To receive credit for a missed lab experiment students mightbe asked to complete an alternate assignment. Attendance on test days is extremely important. I reserve the right to give a different make-up test than the one administered on the test day. If you missed a test or quiz due to an excused absence, you will usually take it the next day. You musttake it within 2 weeks following the excused absence of the test/ quiz date or a score of zero may be entered for the grade. If you missed anyassignments due to anexcused absence, they must be turned-in within the number of days absent.
1 day absent =1 additional day to turn-in assignments, 2 days absent = 2 additional days to turn-in assignments, etc. If the absence is unexcused, you will not be allowed to make up any work for credit. (Truancy = no credit)
Cheating: Cheating is absolutely not tolerated. Copying homework, vocabulary, lab questions, lab write-ups, quizzes, or tests is considered cheating. Taking and/or sharing digital pictures or videos of any type of assignment is considered cheating. You may be drop/failed from this course if you are caught doing so. (See the Academic Dishonesty Policy in your planner.)
Academic Honesty (Bd. Pol. 5131.9)
Definition: Academic Dishonesty is a deliberate attempt to disrupt the learning process by misrepresenting another’s work as one’s own. Dishonesty during tests or classwork includes unauthorized communicating; copying materials or allowing another student to copy; using prohibited notes or devices; obtaining prior knowledge of test content; and/or removing or distributing all or part of any test. Copying another person’s assignment; providing homework/classwork for another student to replicate; plagiarizing or submitting a paper or project which is not one’s own work; and submitting falsified information for grading purposes are also examples of dishonesty.
First Infraction
- The teacher will conference with the student and record a zero for that assignment.
- Within five school days, the teacher will notify the parent and send a referral to the appropriate administrator noting the infraction.
- The student will be placed on contract, with the understanding that a second infraction in the same or any other class will result in the student’s removal from the course in which the second infraction occurred. The contract will remain in effect for two years from the date of infraction.
Second Infraction
- The teacher will send a referral to the appropriate administrator noting the infraction.
Within five school days, the parent will be notified, and the student will be removed from the course and placed in a Study Hall with a failing grade for the semester.
Grading: Your grade is determined by the number of points that you accumulate. Points are earned based on class participation, projects, homework, laboratory exercises, quizzes and tests, and finals.In the event that a test or quiz is redone, 70% is the maximum allowed score. Semester grades will be based on points approximating:
10%Cumulative Semester Final
30%Homework/Class work/Participation/ Labs/ Projects
Updated grades will be posted regularly on Zangle. ( It is recommended that YOU monitor your progress by keeping graded assignments that have been handed back to you. This grading scale will be used with no other roundingat the end of each semester:
A+ / 100-96.5 / C+ / 79.4-76.5A / 96.4-92.5 / C / 76.4-72.5
A- / 92.4-89.5 / C- / 72.4-69.5
B+ / 89.4-86.5 / D+ / 69.4-66.5
B / 86.4-82.5 / D / 66.4-62.5
B- / 82.4-79.5 / D- / 62.4-59.5
F / 59.4-0.0
Substitute:In the event that I am absent for class, students are expected to be on their best behavior. If a student’s name is left on the sub report, the student will be assigned TWO detentions- one from the substitute and one from me. If the problemconstitutes a written referral from the sub, I will contact the parents/guardians and suggest further disciplinary action by the Assistant Principal.
Class Rules:Students will …be polite to all other members of the class and the teacher. Follow all lab safety guidelines. Refrain from using foul language. Follow instructions. Come to class prepared with completed assignments and school supplies.Turn off cell phones and keep in backpack. Turn off all music players and keep in backpack with earbuds. Monitor grades using Zangle. Monitor the class calendar using teacher website. Failure to follow classroom rules may result in disciplinary actions and a citizenship grade of “N” or “U.”
Flinn Safety Contract Here.
Mrs. Cord’s Pathway Chemistry Class Name:______Period: ____
The syllabus and safety rules are required in your folder. The signature page will be collected by the teacher for homework.
Parent &Student Letter
I have read and understand the expectations for Mrs. Cord’s Chemistry Class. By signing this form,
I agree to follow the classroom policies described in the syllabus.
(print student’s name)(student’s signature)
(print parent/guardian’s name)(parent/guardian’s signature)
(parent/guardian’s email)( parent/guardian’s contact number)
Safety Guidelines for Students
I have read and understand the FlinnSafety Guidelines for Mrs. Cord’s Chemistry class. By signing this form, I agree to comply with these safety guidelines and understand that if they are broken, I may lose my laboratory privileges or be dropped/failed from the course.
_____Do you wear contact lenses _____Are you color blind _____ Do you have allergies, if so what?
(print student’s name)(student’s signature)
(print parent/guardian’s name)(parent/guardian’s signature)
***(If you do not have the student or parent Zangle password, contact Ms. Meister in the counseling office.)
______I have used Zangle to check and print my child’s grades.
______I do not have the internet.______I cannot print from a computer.
If there is anything else I should know about this student, please write a note on the back and circlethearrow.